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Everything posted by khughes

  1. khughes posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
  2. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    that may be some good news then i was afraid that the bellhousing hole would be too small or something what happens with the drivetrain? do you use another or get the original modified or something (would it be strong enough?) would the drive shaft even be too long? from what i heard i should be using an R200 diff, either converted to a viscious LSD or welded up (locked diff?) any other cheap strong options??
  3. khughes posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    not sure if the C210 is the same engine bay wise as the C110, but i have a C110 with what visually looks like a pretty sad motor (we picked it up with the shell of our car) rather than spending the money on the L24, we were thinking of putting an RB20DET or RB25DET in it, and if we went that far, we may as well just go all th\e way with a RB30E install... while also doing the RB25DE head conversion (possibly even through in a turbo) Does anyone know if the engine mounts, crossmembers need to be modified, or will it pretty much just bolt in.. we want to put a 5sp in with it, which should we use, just the original 5SP that came with the engine (from the R31 or VL commodore) or should we get a supra / celica 5sp? will the R31/supra/celica gearbox fit without much modification? does anyone know somebody who has previously done this conversion that we can maybe get in contact with?
  4. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    for those interested, we have updated our website a little and have added more pictures to the gallery www.project240k.com
  5. where they expensive do you know?
  6. please let me know if you find a 240k goldmine in sydney also, building up a coupe and i think we may need a few parts here and there! does anyone know where you can get new sets of seals for the 2D hardtop?
  7. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    that is fantastic, if you don't mind emailing them to me, then i will put them up on the site when it is built! i will pm you my email address
  8. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    yeah that is what we had figured, maybe it is best to stick here and see what happens, hopefully we can get a good website together though, the definitive source for C10, C110 and C210 240k's (and variants) we may even make it php based so, people can join up and post articles etc themselves, add comments etc.. that seems the best way to make it more of a community thing, though that may be a little while off yet (atleast till i come back from holidays unless prank has some free time!) but yeah, your articles would be a fantastic inclusion!
  9. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    yep your correct, it is Nick's (small world!) hmm. that makes more sense, that would be why it had GL badges on the rear , excuse my ignorence, the front badge that had me fooled (and a profound lack of background on these cars), it is a domestic model. the website will be situated at www.project240k.com, the name has just been registered (and may take a few days to activate) we just have to find the time now to get the site built (and our initial pictures up). when we do hopefully we can get a bit of the history of the early skylines on there (so your information is invaluable!) if anyone wants to right informative articles (or knows of any in existance) please feel free to contact me and we will stick them on the site. we are thinking of trying to promote the earlier skylines a little more on skylinesaustralia.com, possibly have a specific section for talk relating to pre R31 skylines (do you think this is a good idea?)though i think you guys will be the number one source for quite some time, especially with all the L engine information on this site!
  10. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    yeah it looks a little rough at the moment (as it is all over the place, and mostly in undercoat) but it should come up really well, most of the rust (the little that it had) has been taken out, so it should be a very solid car! the owner has the original engine, though it was in pieces and he wasn't sure if it would run, so he was going to give us a running L24 from another car instead. the current owner had added A/C and Power steering too, more bonuses! do you know what extra features the GTX have over the GT's (and where there any other model varients?)? thanks Kent
  11. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Well guys, good news!! we found one! it is a 1974 240K 2 door coupe 2000GTX in great condition (apart from being in a million pieces! we just have to put it all back together). you wouldn't believe how new the front seats look, it is truly amazing! (that was the most striking thinkg about the car for me!) it will need a fair bit of work, but the owner has already started on some of the major things, it currently has honda accord disc brakes in the front and Landcruiser calipers, adjustable front suspension (height adj.) and kyb shocks in the rear. it also came with a new extractor It also comes with a set of GTR replica fenders and electric bluebird mirrors (to mount on the front fender) we will be starting up a website to track progress and will post the URL for those of you who are interested when the site is registered. we will be picking the car up in two weeks, then the real fun begins, putting it all together! expect quite a few questions from us over the coming 4 months! (so sorry in advance!)
  12. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Thanks for all the welcomes (and good to see some 240k nuts still around!) maybe i should try and clarify some things, don't want you all thinking i am out to destroy a perfectly good (and rare) coupe! as i said, it isn't a rally, no sideways action nothing.. it isn't even a race! it is just basically a big car cruise in outback australia (mostly on dirt roads). the reason we want to use the C110 is that it is the grandfather to our GTR's and a good angle for us in sponsorship (as my friend owns Skylinesaustralia, and we will hopefully be getting sponsorship with some of it's sponsors) both of us are very particular about our cars, and this one won't be an exception! as it isn't a race, there are no rules as to power output etc.. as long as it is road registered and pre 1980 then it is fine.. JMT240KGTR if you can pm me some more details about the car like any mods, what needs to be completed, asking price etc that would be fantastic.. we found a c210 coupe for $500, but decided to go the c110 instead, i think it is a much better shape than the c210 (sorry to any c210 owners out there!). What sort of price would be a reasonable purchase for a c110 coupe (manual)? again more than likely it will turn into a track day and club show car after this charity "event"
  13. khughes replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    yep, when i say rally, it isn't a WRC style rally i wouldn't do that to it it is basically a road event, covering mostly public and private dirt roads, it isn't a race or anything. though we may do some track work with it later on. The idea (body wise) so far is to get a coupe, strip is back and repaint it, get the GTR moulds and stick them on, and stick some fat tyres on it. we have to get sponsorship to cover the cost of entry, so it is going to look good! suspension and brake wise we want to upgrade the brakes, preferably 4 pots on the front, with bigger discs (does the 240k have rear discs too?), suspension wise i guess just tighten everything up, swaybars etc.. engine wise, i am not too sure what we are going to do, would it just be cheaper to drop an RB25 or a 1GJZE into it? rather than moding an L24? or would the weight difference make a modded L24 a better idea? we will really require something solid, as most of the rally will occur in remote NSW and QLD, not too many spares out there i would imagine! this is the first project car i have participated in so if anyone has suggestions or hints, that would be greatly greatly appreciated, we only have 4 months and we havn't even found the car yet, so it is going to be a pretty hectic few months! if anyone knows of a good condition C110 240K coupe for sale on the eastern side of Australia, please let me know! it will go to a great home!
  14. khughes posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hi Guys (if anyone is still around!?) just looking at buying a 240K coupe (c110 probably) for a charity rally (for the camp quality esCARpade) in october. just wondering what are good forums or websites to visit for information on the 240K and worthwhile (and cheap) upgrades.. Both my friend and i have R33 GTR's, but you couldn't believe how excited we are to get back to the skyline roots and work on this little project car anyways, thanks for any info etc. you can pass on to me!

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