Everything posted by khughes
My new 240k Hardtop
looking awesome!
Brake booster, master cyl upgrade
there isn't a LHD version of the C110, but for the z's etc.. everything is pretty much reversed (well.. control system wise, engine obviously isn't different)
Suspesion similarities
Circuitlife, i can give a parts place a ring on monday and see if they are available if you need a set. do you need just the bushing, or the whole arm?
buying flares, grill etc
oh ok.. i have a C110 240K GT door trim badge floating around somewhere. Are JPG scans any good for you? i am in for a set of the light surrounds if you do work them out.. i kf you can work out the plastic process i am sure they wouldn't be hard to make up (i would have thought it would be easier than a detailed badge). Atleast the raised bar's are easy to work out their location based on the screw holes on the rear
interior differences_GT-R v 240K
Interestingly, i just noticed that some of these Pic's have the surround of the radiator panel painted black, whilst some others don't.. Similar to the 240Z's having a hand brushed blackout treatment applied at the factory
Friday Video: Groovin’ With Ken, Mary and Buzz
Suspesion similarities
Nice Link Tyrone, Certainly an interesting way to setup an adjustable height spring in the rear A Lot of the Datsun 1600/510 guys use the C110 rear arms as they are supposedly stronger. The rear brake upgrades that the 510 guys do, in theory should work on the C110 too (ie. the DR30/maxima caliper plate).. i say in theory as i never actually completed it.. but i am 90% sure it would have Would love to know the answer on the TC rods too.. atleast C110 specific TC rods can be found in japan (unlike anywhere else!)
Front Suspension and Steering upgrade on c110
The C210 front xmember also bolts into the C110.. but not 100% sure what the difference is or if it gives a good alignment ( i will have to wait and see!) The C210 xmember was put in by the previous owner along with a set of coilovers.. i have recently had them rebuilt with Koni adjustable shocks.. Brakes can be simply upgraded with the Hilux ones, or more painfully to newer 100mm Nissan calipers with a weld on adaptor new nolethane bushes are probably a good starting point though.. there is a thread somewhere here i posted with the then available part numbers.. not sure how many of them are available now though.. i havn't checked in a while and the online stuff has gone offline I also picked up a larger front sway bar from whiteline a few years ago (along with a rear swaybar add on kit).. hoepfully they still make them.. I would guess that you would need some major work to shoehorn in the R32/R33 stuff.. certainly not something to do haphazardly and without the help of a workshop/engineer!
buying flares, grill etc
Nice collection! Luckily, i have on old and abused 240K interior GT badge ( i presume you mean from the door cards, in which case arn't they there in the top right of the pic?), along with a NOS KPGC110 rear beaver panel complete with GT-R badge and skyline badge.. of course i am not willing to rip them off, but i could probably somehow scan them. could you in theory make the rear tail light surround too?
buying flares, grill etc
i am afraid i am still no closer to getting my KPGC110 grill here either.. waiting on a mate to fly there and bring it back for me i am afraid i have no idea when it is likely to happen
rb conversion in 76' 240k
Hehe speaking of projects.. i may have just today picked up a forged RB26 for the Z :paranoid: The RB's fit pretty well into the C110/C210's. If your going RB25, i would recommend getting a Greddy or similar front facing plenum (which helps with height and plumbing). RB25DET boxes are big, but fit well.. RB25DE/RB20DET boxes are a little smaller and cheaper (and weaker..). You need a custom set of engine mounts, Gearbox mount and driveshaft. otherwise there are not any real clearence issues with the RB's (The only issue i have with my RB26 is that the oil sensor is fouling on the power steering box i have, but that is not standard) of course.. with any "big" engine upgrade you should also do brakes, diff, half shafts etc. to suit be carefull if you are looking at doing the RB30DET.. it would be almost impossible to get the car engineered (since the engine is a hybrid and therefore has no EPA data).. i believe that the majority of people who do it, illegally either modify the engine number to match their old RB one or just do it and hope nobody notices the wrong engine number (which would be hard considering they check when doing greenslips/blueslips). Of course that isn't a problem if the car is already registered with the RB30, but you are still heavily modifying the engine and still have to deal with the EPA issue.. EPA fines are HUGE too, if you do get caught I originally went down this path, and then gave up as i wasn't prepared to do the above. SHM17Y, if you need a gearbox xmember to fit the RB25DET gearbox, send me a PM
Who says the US doesn't have a fair share of Skylines!
Tonnes of them!!! including a very nice KPGC110 clone with RB26 http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/blog/2009/10/08/events-jccs-2009-part-three-the-exotics/
anyone got a spare ignition barrell/switch?
Hi Guys, thanks for the suggestions.. tried hotwiring the car and still no good.. i had to resort to pulling out the wiring diagram and tracing wires etc.. eventually i found that the ignition 10A fuse was stuffed.. it looked fine, however the inside of the ends had corroded, making the contacts dodgy swapped it out and it fired up first time! Bruce, how you doing! i still have that oil relocator kit if you still want it (stumbled across it over the weekend!)
What did you do this weekend ?
is that your gts-t too?
anyone got a spare ignition barrell/switch?
thanks, i remember seeing that catalogue ages ago, but couldn't find it again i am pretty sure it has to be the ignition switch part (even though i tried a spare too).. we tried starting the car just with the switch and it still stopped as soon as it went back to on.. i just can't think what else would cause the car to stop (unless there is some type of relay thing that isn't switching or something). i will try a ring around, i need a set eventually for the 240z anyway
What size are 240K head lights
yep, just checked, page 35 of their online catalogue shows part 72186, which is the mounting housing for 5 3/4".. you could probably modify the standard one though.. i didn't try
What size are 240K head lights
they look very similar (other than the different reflector design). I am pretty sure i had to order in a set of the dishes that the lights sit in from Narva (you can see they are gold rather than corroded).. can't remember why i didn't use the standard ones.. but i remember having to order them (it was over 4 years ago now)
What size are 240K head lights
one i prepared earlier, i actually bought 2 sets (only 1 installed at the moment) so that i could do both high/low beam and the high beam
What size are 240K head lights
5 3/4" from memory.. narva do a main beam conversion set part number 72050 (with high and low, as well as a parker light).. they also do a set of the smooth reflector ones which i believe are high beams (72060).
anyone got a spare ignition barrell/switch?
i did actually the week before last, i managed to get one of the circular nuts off, but i couldn't get the other one to budge.. i also don't have a proper set of circlip pliers which may help (but damn they are on tight!) thanks for the offer, i will check the inner key this weekend, but if not i would be keen to get a hold of yours (and also to find out where/how much you get a replacement for)
Need Headlight pieces
Hi Mate, another 240K in the states?! nice got some pics of it? I am sure i have a spare set of backing plates somewhere, how urgently do you need them? Kent
anyone got a spare ignition barrell/switch?
Hi Guys, just wondering if anyone has a spare ignition barrell (And key) and switch for the 240K (sedan or coupe). we worked out the vapour lock issue on the GT over the weekend just to discover a new problem in that the car no longer runs in the on position (it has to be held slightly in the start position, trying not to bump the starter motor ) let me know if you do Kent
project 240k website is up again
Hi Guys, i have finally had some spare time (mostly early hours of the morning) to spend getting my website up and running again. This time i am going for a Blog type affair with RSS feeds for those who want to keep an eye on how my project is slowly progressing! I have been battling with a few CMS systems over the past few years, but i think i have finally found one that is quite easy and quick to use.. it does mean that i need to rewrite all my stories, and create my galleries again though I am slowly trying to back fill the storyline, and it may take some time, but i will get there eventually! anyway, if you have a spare 5 minutes.. check it out www.project240k.com i am also starting to blog about the 240Z i have too.. i am focusing on the 240K for now.. but there are things bubbling away (i can't help myself!) I am still trying to work out a good flow for the website, but if you have comments or ideas on improving it i would love to hear them!
Rear axle nut(s) for a '75 240K
Noodle, did the MR30 ones fit in the end?
What did you do this weekend ?
what size intercooler piping did you use? very nice fit up behind the headlights!