Everything posted by khughes
EOI on my 240K GT coupe??
i thought heavily about it.. but i just won't have enough time to do it.. ideally i need to get rid of one of my cars (either sell or send it on a long country holiday) by the end of the month. besides.. i still hope someone will restore her to her original unmolested glory so the GT is for sale , just getting all the bits together for it now. also, on a sidenote.. we made our own 240 convertible today.. will post some pics tonight here is the Z, hopefully picking it up on the long weekend (it obviously needs some work!): http://cgi.ebay.com.au/DATSUN-240Z_W0QQitemZ330298978717QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cars?hash=item330298978717&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A13%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
Adding a radiator overflow tank
good find! that is nice and compact! out of interest, what is the t piece on the sensor for? is that your oil sensor?
How to make a Dash Mat
looks very professional! did you back the carpet with anything? or does it already have some sort of backing on the carpet?
EOI on my 240K GT coupe??
Hi guys, i am afraid i am faced with a really tough descision.. i just bought a 1972 240Z (yes.. Z.. not K ). considering the prices 240Z's fetch here in OZ, i think i managed to grab a huge bargain!! My problem is, that i need to make some room and concentrate on one project at a time.. i can only work on my RB26 240K, and i know that realistically.. if i have a Z waiting in the wings.. that will be the next project.. so i am just not realistically going to get to restore my 240K GT any time soon (and it would be a shame to leave it sitting out in a field for the next 8+ years) So i am faced with selling here.. tuff, because i know how rare the GT is, and i really had high hopes of restoring it to it's original glory. so.. if you anyone is interested in taking it on and buying it from me, pm me! This is a real 01/73 240K GT (as per compliance plate.. not GL) with very low build number (280!), it was bought as a shell, and then i bought another 240K coupe to make up the rest of the parts.. basically i am selling the GT with the majority of parts that you will need (i can't be sure they are all there though).. it comes with a 2.4L engine (not original, but ran in the last car), 5 speed gearbox along with what is meant to be a GT intake manifold, and a 4 speed manual (as the GT's came in 4 sp).. the car is rolling, and handbrake works ,but is not drivable so you will need a trailer it comes with all Glass, most trim (i only say most as i am not 100% sure.. there are doubles of some though from my parts car), good seats (front and rear), a couple of centre consoles, newly covered dash, A/C unit in the car (do not have the engine side of it though), i have some replica GT badges from ebay, though the door cards are a little abused though and it needs carpet body looks pretty straight, but there is rust in the usual places, and some in the boot i am after AU$4000 for it, as is.. if it doesn't sell for that, i will hang on to it, and put it away for a rainy day i will get some pics hopefully tomorrow
Classic skylines australia forum
wierd?! is it a blatent rip off of SAU or is it affiliated? i am guessing it isn't affliated, and they are just trying to rip some of the traffic from the SAU classic section i think i will stick with Classic Z Cars
Yet another Vert update
nice, work! great to see it running!
Aussie Desert Cooler Radiator
just over $800
buying flares, grill etc
you may have trouble getting them down to a size that can be sent internationaly(short of a $$$ courier).. we had a lot of trouble getting them sent via EMS originally from japan.. They are quite long (grill especially)
What did you do this weekend ?
looking great! nice and clean!
240k corner weights?
i certainly wouldn't be wasting a C10 on racing
Aussie Desert Cooler Radiator
i had PWR make me up a custom job for the 240K too.. so if anyone needs one they have schematics and can easily knock one up (it is designed for an RB though, so both inlets and outlets are on the drivers side).. i was going to get aussie desert coolers to make one up, but last i spoke to them they hadn't seen a 240K and i couldn't be stuffed trying to organise to send one down to them to make one out of.. PWR were very easy to deal with, and it fits really well!
Superlites for sale 15x8f, 15x10r
yeah, out of interest, what are the offsets?
buying flares, grill etc
Actually, when you speak to Phil, mention to him that the grill he promised me (Kent, the guy who gave him the original grill to mould from) years ago will be in this order (just in case he does happen to remember by himself). And if it is easier for you, i am happy to have mine sent with Bruce's (and i can grab it from him) Kent
buying flares, grill etc
yep, i am in sydney
R32 GT-R shell for sale
buying flares, grill etc
I am in for a Grill
Unlocking doors without Keys
scary huh?!
Unlocking doors without Keys
yep, i am planning on a few little safety measures.. it probably helps to be re-wiring the car completely i am not planning to leave it out of my site either.. but some people are just intent regardless of others precautions
Unlocking doors without Keys
no, not illegal to give advice.. but i certainly don't want to give everybody and anybody knowledge on how to break into and steal my car.. just because you only have a bit of fabric keeping the baddies out, don't spoil it for the rest of us!
Unlocking doors without Keys
hmm.. prob not a great Q to ask on a forum and probably no a good idea for anyone to answer publically i can try and remember to have a look and send you some internal pics tomorrow
anyone interested in an R200 longnose?
no problems
anyone interested in an R200 longnose?
Diff is in Sydney, Australia (sorry to those in the US!)
KHGC110 240k GT
Geez, you have good eyes if you could make out the badges on teh car in the background. I wonder if that debut included the coupes? if it did i would be surprised that they only made 280 coupes between 09/72 and 01/73 (or maybe the coupes started later?)
anyone interested in an R200 longnose?
Hi Guys, just thought i would ask here first, is anyone interested in an open R200 longnose? i am about to replace the one i have with an LSD. Not sure what the condition of it is (having never run it ) or the ratio (can check that when it is out of the car). PM me if your interested (i am in Sydney), i am only after $250 for it. it will probably take me a few weeks to get it out, so no hurry.. but pm me if you are interested
KHGC110 240k GT
Art, is your GT #302 with build date 2/73 (can't quite make it out on the plate)? mine is #280 with build date 1/73.. These build numbers are pretty close.. i wonder if australia got sequential batch numbers for the first run of GT's? It certainly seems that australia picked up some of the first ones!! (i presume there had to be a number of development/test mules with the first build numbers).. I also wonder how many 240k's Nissan made per month, and i also wonder when production started on the 240K (i am guessing it must have been 12/72 or 1/73 based on my number) it would be certainly interesting if anyone else ever comes across a plated "GT" to record down the build number and date, and record it here! Jim, nice article.. what date was the magazine from (and what magazine out of interest).. interesting they report it as a GL, show it as a GT (which may be simply due to the fact that the pictures may not be of australian origin), and sell it as a GT (although very briefly)