Everything posted by khughes
try www.rarespares.net.au they do a kit for the 240k GT coupe, pretty comprehensive
interior differences_GT-R v 240K
you have a kpgc110? or do you mean KHGC110? pm me your email address and i will send you a copy of the Jap part manual, that will probably be pretty helpful to you. i have not noticed a door handle like that before on a C110 though, or the lack of silver strip on a KPGC110.. but i could be very wrong..
What 240K parts are needed?
i am pretty sure (without checking the photo's) it was the passenger side window
anyone got a rear bar?
where abouts in sydney are you? i may have one spare, but i won't know until saturday (i would need to check it's condition though)
GT-R Fibreglass grills available
yeah mate, all his contact details are at the bottom of the post here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21641 Though it is difficult enough to have him ship it interstate, not sure how he would ship internationally, not sure what your after, but if it was the grill.. the grill is just long enough to be under the postage size restrictions, but this leaves no room for proper packaging.. my original grill (the one Phil modelled the mould from) certainly didn't make it through EMS post from japan unscathed..
body strengthening
Matt, some great info there, thanks for posting it! i would have loved to get the full cage done, but at the time it was too $$$ and would have caused issues for me in road registration.. there is always the option later on though Hey Andrew, to be honest i have done nothing on the car for a long while, since all that striping and poring i did a little while ago.. i have had other priorities unfortunately.. i have been meaning to get a hold of you though to borrow your body deadening spray gun to get down into the rails with the POR.. no hurry though.. time for me to start saving to get the rust spots + priming done professionally (then POR'ing again of course), then comes the painting, then comes putting everything back in(and hopefully it will all go back in!).
Fitting an aftermarket steering wheel
probably best to ask the Z guys
Serial Number Suffixes
Hey Miles, good to see you online again
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
hmm.. interesting.. they are very similar (maybe mine are a slight different revision)! i have the plastic piece but i thought there was a rubber one between the two (obviously not).. maybe i was wriong and was thinking of this piece.. i don't have that black tube at the bottom, mine has a big spring integrated in the bottom metal piece. mine wern't chrome, they were a maroon colour, and plastic.. hence why they are primed to be painted black. thanks for the photo!
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
i will try and get some photo's on the weekend, i would love to know what they are from. i would also love to get a roof console, i know it isn't GT-R but after seeing the one in brian's new car.. i think i want one
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
how easy would that be? any ideas where i could get suitable rubber to do it with?
Compairing the handling of a Kingswood against a 240K and others
i would love to drive a change for a change.. where do i get one of those.. oh yeah.. my holden dealer
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
Hi guys, does anybody know anyone who has a yahoo auction account in japan? i drilled the holes on my front fenders for the mirrors that i had, but i can't now for the life of me find the rubber that sits between the mirror base and the fender.. i am not holding much hope of finding it (i stripped the mirrors to prime the cases and i managed to loose the bolts that go through the centre, and the rubbers). without them, sit at too much of an angle not sure what mirrors they are, from what i can tell they are original nissan electric ones, they seem to be very similar to the skyline ones, but i don't think they are.. any help with what they are would be appreciated. it came with a small control box that had 2 push buttons (to choose left or right) and a 4 way joystick, unlike the usual (at the time) 2 controls (i left, 1 right) not the best photo i know.. but here they are (primed)
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
hmm.. Ray is not in Japan right now... i saw him today... at least i think i did...
240K coupe on ebay
wow.. that is expensive! good condition but certainly not worth $10k! unless i am missing somthing?!
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
what sort of questions
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
Alan, yes i am aware that the inner guard and outer 1/4 panels on the GT-R are completely different to the rest of the C110's, i wasn't talking about just the add on flares, which i know are pop-rivetted to the body.. obviously i didn't explain my self properly. another theory (and it is just that a theory, not fact.. and in no way provable by me so don't have a go at me ) Why couldn't nissan have made a whole bunch of stamped chassis (without outer panels), then when the GT-R wasn't selling in high numbers as they may have expected (ie. the oil price crisis etc. that caused the end of the GTR until the R32)(now i don't know if the GT-R's were a strictly numbered production run, ie. only 75 will be made type deal??), they converted the extra body's into run of the mill cars? to be sold as GTX's etc.... i would imagine that back in the 70's things like this could have happened (humans were in charge, and humans are prone to make interesting descisions), they were a far cry from the computer tracked manufacturing plants of today, where i agree.. this wouldn't happen..
anyone got an electronic dizzy rotor?
thanks guys! $12 at repco
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
I am sorry, but if you are going to quote me, then how about you quote the whole thing? in no way did i say that this was a FACT! merely my understanding from what i had heard.. i am sorry.. i thought that is what i just said? that this car didn't have the moulded GT-R fenders.....
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
it is one of the chassis left over from the GT-R production run (hence the KPGC110), so they used the left overs for the early skylines.. i don't think it has the flares built into the bodywork, but the core chassis is GT-R, that is what i gather..
datsun 240K carpet kit
they are not the one in the link above, but yes, they do
datsun 240K carpet kit
hey guys, just a heads up, never deal with a "company" called aus classics... i bought a set of carpets from them befoer christmas telling them that they i needed to recieve them by the first week of january to go in Brian's car before it shipped to him. it didn't turn up until mid january (missed the boat so to speak!), so they said they would refund my money (i posted the carpets back the same day i received them). even though the guy promised to refund all of my money, it has taken 3 months, multiple unreturned phone calls and emails, and finally the threat of filing a police report against him to finally get my money back (after all that he wouldn't even refund my original shipping cost). Do not deal with this guy, there are cheaper, better companies to buy through like.. http://www.tru-fitcarpets.com.au/
rear cv joint conversion...
that isn't a bad price.. it cost me a lot more to do mine (i was trying to do it on the cheap too, but eventually it adds up, mostly in labour) and i still have unresolved issues.. though by the look of the thickness of the hub on that kit.. it too will have issues hitting the arm(that's one of my problems.. i need to reduce the width of my CV/hub adaptor (which is only around 1cm thick) so that the bolts don't hit the arm.
anyone got an electronic dizzy rotor?
thanks guys, we ordered on from repco.. hopefully it is the right one! much appreciated!
anyone got an electronic dizzy rotor?
thanks, i will let him know.. i would never have guessed it!