Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
Okay, got an update. The weather has cooled down and now the car starts with just a little cranking. I'm thinking I might have had a vapor lock problem. I also found a loose connection on my ignition that might have been causing problems. Since I fixed it, I've been able to get a start every time. Thanks for the tips on the choke, I did find it odd that it helped a bit while it was hot. I'll see what I can do about checking the float level. if I recall correctly, the floats should be 1/8" from the underside of the float bowl cover. Tomorrow, I'm going to install the fuel pump at the tank. If I really do have a vapor lock issue, that should help. If it persists, I'll find some insulation for the fuel lines in the engine bay.
Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
I tired starting the car after it sat for about 10 minutes, nothing. Then gave it half choke, and it fired. Unstuck one of the choke plungers and it evened out. Plungers and choke linkage are now lubed and a non-issue. I can consistently get it to fire if it's not hot. I can get it to fire if it's cold, looks as if it's a hot start issue...not sure if it's relevant, but I heard ticking coming from the (on-block)fuel pump during cooldown. I just bought a Carter inline pump for back by the tank (it's a 260, so there's an old one back there that got disconnected when it stopped working). Putting that on should at least eliminate any fuel delivery issues.
Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
The shop I went to was Petaluma Auto Works. It's run by two brothers who do look Hispanic. I suspected there's no accelerator pump. I can't imagine in this weather(balmy spring weather) I'd need the choke to start...should I use it? The valves were adjusted. Not sure how to check them.
Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
Just tried to leave the house again. Car started, idled, backed out, then stumbled and dies when I tried to drive away. Won't restart. PLEASE HELP. I AM GOING OUT OF MY MIND.
Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
Just took another jaunt to return a video and pop in at the office. Caught fine and ran fine after a 5 minute stop. Did not use choke and did not pump the pedal before starting. Am I flooding it, maybe? I usually give the pedal about 3 pumps out of habit before starting. I've got PLENTY of spark. I took it to Petaluma Auto Works in Petaluma, CA. Bernard did the tune. Both Bernard and Jason said the carbs were in good shape(and it started fine before the tune)
Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
Just let the car sit about 10 minutes after grinding on it like a madman. Caught easily and idles fine after cranking. I can't have it unreliable like this. It's my daily.
Hard start - just tuned and it won't fire!
Hey folks, Got an L28 in the car with SUs, just had it dialed in yesterday by a Z specialty shop. I'm having severe difficulty in getting the car fired now, one in every 15 tries does the car fire, if that. When it's cold outside, I don't have a problem, but if the weather's warm, or if I just shut it down a little while ago it doesn't want to fire at all. All I get is a little catching, the occasional lighting of a cylinder. A shot of ether doesn't seem to help, either. I've definitely got spark. Not certain it's vapor lock. Never had a problem with it before. I'm desperate because I've got to report into to my AF unit Monday morning at 7 AM. The shop where I got the car tuned is closed. This is infuriating. Prior to the tune I didn't have this problem. I'm going nuts with this, until now, my car's been VERY reliable.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
You, sir, on top of having no tact whatsoever, have no clue.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
- Color = Ticket?
I harvested a ticket for 69 in a 35 in a very pale yellow '68 Plymouth Fury. The cop was actually a pretty nice guy for handing out a $400+ ticket...and I have a feeling he knocked it down below double the limit so I wouldn't get my car impounded and spend a night in jail. I have no way of telling since the 440 had just been dropped in and the speedo was still disconnected. :tapemouth Never harvested a single ticket with my white '72 Fury...but then again, that had pushbars, spotlight, 5 antennas, and the plate read 'PRSOOT'. Did get pulled over once for 'looking suspicious because I was talking on a radio'. ...that's what the antennae are for, numbnuts. I've picked up two tickets for being stupid with my white Z. Deserved it both times. Runnin' and gunnin' when and where I shouldn't have. One was right past a police station...STUPID. Don't worry about your paint, worry about what you're doing, and keep good situational awareness. Don't look at your speedo as soon as you see smokey, just take your foot off of the gas. Run 'eyes out' and keep your eye on your mirrors if you insist on keeping a heavy right foot. Every time I've been dinged, I never saw the officer that caught me until the lights were flashing in the mirror. Being stupid will do that...first one, I was having a bad day and letting out some frustration. Second one, I was pissed off that some 5th wheel trailers were blocking the road and driving 10 mph under the limit. I passed them, hung a rude gesture out the window, and had the hammer down so they wouldn't see me again. Third one, I was showing some zipperhead in a Maxima with dark tint, a crappy lowering job and loud stereo who was boss. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ticket, ticket, ticket. :stupid::stupid::stupid: Being stupid gets you in far more trouble than having flashy paint does.- MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
There's no option, it ships with it whether you want it or not. Fairly certain they're metal.- MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
For those of you that want these mirrors( they're a design copied from the heinously expensive Talbot of Berlin which is used on vintage Italian, German and British marques), the least expensive I've managed to find them is at Finish Line Accessories. Not only are they inexpensive as hell, but you get the extended base and you can order them in convex as well, which greatly increases the viewing area(ideal for the passenger side). MSA overcharges on a lot of their stuff...- Let's see some wheels!
Be very careful with those 'cross' wheels. I had a set on my Z, loved them, got them pretty inexpensively. I had them for about a year when while having a flat fixed, the tire shop discovered that one had cracked completely through the center of the face, running diagonally through two opposing lug holes. I had to switch back to my slot mags. Don't over-torque them! I really like the design, wish I could find a set in 15 x 7, but I doubt they were ever made.- Naked Z no more.
Lots of work yet to do, but the colors came out perfect. Currently working on the trim and hardware. The body shop made some mistakes and has some more work to do once the paint dries.- Will Cars of Today Become Classics?
It's inspiring...you can run diesel, jet fuel, just about any combustible with a low flashpoint and burn residue. The major weakness is that it's using a free turbine for power transfer. ...drop the turbine into the hatch area(put in a firewall and replace the rear hatch with a vented plex cover), use a shaft driven generator, hook the output to a transformer / rectifier. Put a small battery pack in the engine bay, and a high-torque electric motor(combined weight enough to offset the rearward shift from the turbine) on the trans input shaft. Run the motor off of the power output from the generator and dump the excess load into the battery pack, use the battery pack for electrical load balancing and emergency power. Insane? Yes. Easier said than done? Sure! Makes cool noises? Oh, hell yes. - Color = Ticket?
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