Everything posted by Zmefeelme
Z Car at Gas Monkey Garage
I'm not a big fan of the show, but from what I have seen, I don't think I would every buy from them. It seems to me that most of what they do is "putting lipstick on a pig"...that is to say they try and dress something up as cheaply and quickly as possible. I would look it over VERY CAREFULLY before I would ever consider the purchase.
I can't remove the transverse pivot bolt
I was replacing the rear struts on my 71 240. I removed the locking pin from the transverse pivot bolt, but I cannot get the bolt loose. I have tried penetrating fluid, heat and brute force. I have moved the bolt about 1/4". I have totally ruined the threads on the bolt so I have to get it out and replace it. Any suggestions?
Total Restoration Project. 71
very inspiring. I need to do this to my 1971.
Do you think your car had Led Zeppilin played in it?
I've played it in my '71. I'm sure others did too.
Do You Text while Driving?
I drive quite a bit for work (about 40k per year) so I see all kinds of things out on the roads. I never text while driving and move as quickly as I safely can away from anyone I see doing it. Not only shlould it be banned, but it should also be an automatic revocation of your license for doing it. Incredibly unsafe.
New Z Owner in Utah
I haven't updated my profile, but I am in Salt Lake City and still have my '71. They are great cars to won and drive. Welcome to the club.
URGENT: Which tires? Bridgestones or Yokohamas?
I worked for Michelin a number of years ago and Arne's answer is the right one. Just because the tires are the same class, doesn't mean that they are the same. The right tire for you and your Z will depend on a number of factors.
What year Zcar do you own?
I have a 1971, mfg date 12/70.
Basement Waterproofing?
If it is working, it is a good method. There are lots of ways to fix basements. You might (remember I haven't seen it) have been able to inject the cold joint with a hydrophillic polyurethane grout. These grouts expand when they encounter water, but remain flexible. It is a messy process, but would have cost less than what you paid. You could have also tried re-landscaping. Nothing major, just insuring that the ground makes it easier for the water to run away from the foundation. Rain gutters can also help. Keeping water away helps, but isn't always the answer. Hope that helps. I also hope I haven't cast doubt on what you have done, I was just offering some food for thought.
Basement Waterproofing?
I spent 10 years as a concrete repair contractor (I owned the company) and fixed hundreds of basements that were leaking. I am a believer that there is not one way to fix a leak, there are several. It really depends on what the source of the water is and how it is going into the basement. I have only seen 2 occasions where the water came in through the slab. It usually comes through the wall or at the cold joint (where the wall meets the slab). On both occasions where the water came through the slab, there was a large water source below the slab. Every other time it came from hydrostatic pressure through the walls. Without knowing the specific of your problem (that means not seeing the situation in person), it is very difficult to tell you what I would have done. I have never installed a sump and have had a 100% success rate in stopping water (knock on wood that it stays that way). As for digging out the foundation and re-applying a tar coat, gravel, etc., IMO, that only lasts as long as the tar coat stays pliable, which is generally about 3-5 years. When the tar gets brittle, it cracks and you have the same problem all over again. Someone else said that the most expensive option may turn out to be the least expensive and that may very well be true. Lots of times I went in after someone lese "tried" to fix the problem and my job became much more difficult and expensive. Sorry that I got into this discussion late, but I just ran across the thread.
stock 1971 240z
It might be your ignition. Had a '73 240Z that would do this. Replaced the ignition assembly and it was fine.
'76 280Z AC compressor into '71 240Z?
I have a 1971 240 which came with factory air. The AC compressor was removed by the previous owner for performance reasons. I live in metro Phoenix and the car is basically unusable during the summer months without the AC. I have access to an AC compressor out of a 1976 280Z. Will I be able to use it?
Rear Struts 1971
Thanks for the help.
Rear Struts 1971
I have a 1971 240 and need to replace the rear struts. Any suggestions regarding mfgs. or particular parts that are preferable? It is a weekend driver that I almost never push very hard. Just want a good, fun ride. Thanks for the help.