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Everything posted by snootcheez

  1. snootcheez posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    hey all-just wondering..i have a set of 32/36 dgv's on my 73 240 however i just cant get it to run right-the engine is completely stock.does anyone have good set of su's they would like to trade??as far a i can honestly tell the carbs are ok..so i dunno, but i would like to get the car back to stock.i have both carbs,intake manifolds for them, and 2 sets of k&n filters..just let me know thanks,kris
  2. snootcheez posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    quick question....ijust noticed that my vacuum advance is hooked up to manifold vacuum.Duh..or on a 240 is it supposed to be? i wouldnt think so. if not, where on downdraft webers could i get venturi vacuum? i looked and didnt see anything. thanks for any help-kris
  3. snootcheez replied to snootcheez's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    hey thanks..i was checking out some stuff at hybrid z and they have a few articles on more power. i am a ford tech so some of this datsun stuff is kinda greek.i know my ford electronics and that why i thought the efi swap woul be neat but havent found a kit to install it..
  4. snootcheez posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Hey all...i was jut wondering if its possible to get 250 or more hp from a 2400. i want it to be a daily driver and not cost too much. i was considering a 5.0 ltr efi swap but i still think having a strong 6 would be just as good. i am currently working on my 73 240z and trying to get some ideas before i start really finishing it up. if anyone out there has achieved this id really like to know and what kind of eng work did you have to do? thanks for any advice. kris the engine is stock and original except for the downdraft webers.
  5. thanks for the info-i removed the baseplate assembly and checked it out-all i had on there was (from bottom up) a 3 prong cage which houses 3 ball bearings,a snap ring that held it on, and then a plastic? shim,a metal shim with 3 high points on it, another plastic shim and then the points assembly-thats all that was there. am i missing some part or ?? thanks for your help-also, the microfish? where can i get that? thanks,kris
  6. snootcheez posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I have a 73 240 with the stock ign system-the vaccum advance is sticking-removed the baseplate assembly and it binds bad-anyone have any advice on how to fix or should i just replace it or upgrade to electronic ign? thanks for any help-kris
  7. good distrubutor for a 240z?
  8. hello all, im new to this forum and z cars. im working on a 73 240z with the downdraft webers on it and the car runs rich..very rich. i need to rebuild the carbs and wondering which jets are the best for getting the most out if it. im thinking about maybe adding a little extra horsepower later on so a little rich right now would be ok! thanks! kris;)

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