Ignition/distributor - no spark to plugs. Help!
If I ground out one of the plug wires on the battery with a spark plug in it, it shows that the pickup coil is working. Thank for your help. Talk to you tomorrow. Ron
Ignition/distributor - no spark to plugs. Help!
The pickup coil from another 280z is magnetized. The new I bought from a parts store is not. Would this make a difference?
Ignition/distributor - no spark to plugs. Help!
Automatic - yes. There seems to be spark at the coil, but doesn't come out of the distributor.
Ignition/distributor - no spark to plugs. Help!
I have a spare coil wire, but it not that. The wire that's on the car tests ok. Yes this is odd. Any other suggestions? Ron
Ignition/distributor - no spark to plugs. Help!
The distributor ('77 280z) has no spark to some of the plugs. If only 3 wires are used, there is a spark; if 6 wires are used, there is no spark to any of them. If one wire goes to ground, it fires. The pick-up coil seems to be working. I've changed the coil and balast resistor, and changed the module and the distributor; no luck - still cannot get all 6 wires to fire, but when 3 wires fire, it's weak. I've changed the (regular) coil, distributor cap, rotor and pick-up coil. Also, I've added another ground wire to the block from the battery. This all does not make sense and I'm at a loss to know why or what needs attention next. It was running good one day, then the next day, no spark to the plugs. Thanks for your help. Ron
shifting problem for '77 280z
Yes, automatic transmission. Ron
shifting problem for '77 280z
When I shift from park to reverse, the engine speeds up. This happens only when shifting slowly. Why does this happen? and how can I fix this? (1977 280Z) Thanks! Ron
lack of fuel pressure in '77z
When the engine is turned off, the fuel pressure drops to zero within 2 hours (according to the pressure gauge.) It used to stay up for days. If the car sits for a while with out starting up, I have to prime the fuel system to get pressure. Which component would cause it to lose pressure and how do I fix this? ('77 fuel injected z) Ron
Need wiring diagram!
GunnerRob - what is the club FSM cd???? Ron
Need wiring diagram!
Jim, I'll check that, but I think relay may not be hooked into the bulb sockets.
Need wiring diagram!
Thanks for that diagram. Excellent. Now tell me: where is the brake warning lamp check relay is located in the car? Ron
Need wiring diagram!
The brake light on dash stays on. ('77 280z) The hand brake switch works ok. Brake warning sensor unit, below master cylinar, is ok, too. Why does the light stay on? It would help to see a wiring diagram. Anyone have one, or have had experience with this before? Thanks!! Ron
spark plug fouling
After short running time, the carbon deposits on the plugs short out. I installed the hottest plugs I could find (NKG4's) and advanced the timing a little. Is there any way to adjust air-fuel mixture? Is there a problem with advancing the timing too far, like 5 degrees past recommended of 10 degrees? I have a '77 280z fuel injected; compression is 140psi. Thanks for any help. Ron
Brake warning light
The front reservoir went empty. I refilled the reservoir, bled the reservoir & wheels; the light still won't go out. How do I reset the light? This is on a '77 280z. Thanks for any help out there. Ron
electronic fuel injection system
PS ~ maybe this will help someone else out there who's having a similar problem and has torn apart everything looking for a fix that can't be seen.