lol..... this is terrible!
wow...man that sucks, but it wouldn't be to bad if the tires weren't so deep in the wheel wells...........and of corse the front grill
You guys be careful out there! (My little crash story)
you're lucky you werent hit :classic:
Pic of my z, other car and house.
BEAUTIFUL!!! but is there only one seat in the front...i mean passenger seat, is it missing?
Would it be a crime...
Pimp i shall. and no i didnt ask about some color
Would it be a crime...
Hey I was just wondering if you think it would be a crime against a 240Z if you installed a stereo system in a 240Z with subs and cd player and all of the other sweet stuff
Lost 5th gear
you probably got your answer already but i dont want to read all of the above comments. it sounds like the gears in your transmission are striped or mushed up. you mite be able to get some replacement gears or get a used transmision
Should I get a 240Z for my 1st car?
Oh god, please don't think that I considered the VW for a second!
modified 260z
Should I get a 240Z for my 1st car?
Well hey sorry it took me so long to get back on the computer. i think that picture you just posted was/is like the cheapest Z i saw (exept that 1 is red) Check it out (the site it is being advertised on) http://www.canadatrader.com/trader/result/affich.asp?rubno=4000&r=%27SAS%27&ste=&sid=&issr=1&yfr=0&yto=0&kfr=0&kto=0&pfr=0&pto=0&dm=1&dp=4&mk=DATSUN&md=&kw=&or=0&oby=7&pg=1&vid=183902 sorry its so long, well anyways i do like mechanical work and i do know enough to get around under the hood. but my sister (a year younger then me) says "we" (in quotes for a reason that goes without saying) should save up tougether to get an older VW Wesfailia Van and paint it pink... I hate the idea. Its called wesFAILIA !!! I realy want that...no wait...MY! 240Z!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lost Keys
you can just get a new set of pins for the ignition
car will not run.
Fuel pump broken or pluged? fuel line pluged? Good Luck!
Should I get a 240Z for my 1st car?
SWEEEEEEEEET! Was the new or used?
Should I get a 240Z for my 1st car?
Hey, I want to know if a Datsun 240Z is a good first car, cuz I am saving up for a car and I like 240Z's and there are a few 4 sale around where I am for about 2K. umm the 2K one is 1970 red 1. Well anyways my dad knows quite a bit about cars and he says the datsuns rust easyier then other cars, but what do u guys think?