Everything posted by zr240
Attn: Nissan Race Fans....
Yer I couldn't get hold of the body kit for a while as it was expensive to get it out of japan. I kept an eye out and someone imported the kit into Aus and then decided to on sell it. The car has my old race cars race motor and I am trying to get the stickers and such as close to original as I can. the front spoiler/ flair combo isnt 100% but at this sage its close enough for me. I think chasing up t correct motor would be impossible and if not too much money. I think it will sound and look pretty correct so it as close as i will get to driving/racing owning a works car Ash
Attn: Nissan Race Fans....
crashed z2
Race car project must go (kid on the way!)
Noooo dont sell it just lock it away for a few yrs. I had a little girl 2yrs ago now and I considered selling my 240z race car (in bits as it was damaged) but thankfully I didnt and now I am slowly rebuilding it when I need a little break from all the fun and games of parenting Ash
zgflairs and fairlady z badges
not a prob gav I will let you know when the first set are off the mold. Should be before friday. Ash
zgflairs and fairlady z badges
OK guys I finally got a price for the flairs and the first set will be completed on by friday. They are $240 a set and are direct copy of a set I purchased from Japan (they cost me $300 not including shipping) I will be keeping a set in stock so there will be no wait to get them when someone wants them. If you want a set PM me email me at zr240@hotmail.com Also I have the fairlady Z badges forsale I only have a limited no. as the mold didnt last long they are $35 ea or $60 for 2 Ashley
Doors that fit
just to let everyone know the 2+2 to 2 seater door conversion dosent work! the angle on the rear of the door is a few degrees different. O w well it was worth a shot as I only stuffed a crappy 2+2 door. Ash
Doors that fit
whole door! about 1/4 way along the door from the front. bit ambitious I know but I will post some pics of the finished product if anyone is interested. because I dont run windup windows the inner isnt that critical as long as the skin can be joined well enough. Ash
Doors that fit
Im cutting down a 2+2 260z door for my race car. needs about 10cm taken out of the length. Ash
Hi I have to say I know how you feel!!! At least its just a door and a bit of body. I have to reshell mine. I am going to cut down a 2+2 door for to repair mine car. I think the left side of orange 240zeds are a taget!! Ash
Koni Questions
My old konis are great for circuit racing and they are the take out to adjust type (which is a pain in the ase but I never adjust them anyway). My brother paid around $1000 (for all 4) for his new style konis that had the adjustable dampening at the top and they were really good aswell. So I would think going to the dearer option wouldn't be worth the money for a road/ occasional track car Gav. Your better spending the extra money on some better sway bars and springs. Ash
Koni Questions
Mike do you still have the koni's? If so do you want to sell em? Thanks Ash
triple 40s for sale Australia
Hi I have a set of triple 40s with manifod and linkages of my 240z for sale A$1000.00 in Victoria Ash
Race motor in Melbourne Australia
Its set up to run on Avgas but would tke much to change the jets to run on optimax as I have run it on this before and its resonable. Sorry not selling the brakes Ash
Race motor in Melbourne Australia
Hi all I am thinking of selling my race motor. Its a L28 2.9l with approx 300hp, F54 block, P90 head. only done 8 laps round sandown since rebuild. This engine is a serious race engine. Head has been ported. new valves, seats and guides. 74 deg works cam, adjustable cam wheel. New flat top pistons and rings, custom harmonic ballancer, lighted/ dowled flywheel with new racing clutch and heavy duty pressure plate. high flow l28T oil pump etc etc. ++++ Also included are the triple 45 webbers and manifold to suit the motor. This is an ecellent reliable race motor and I will be sad to part with it but unfortunatly I have to. Car does 1.47 round Phillip Island with this motor!!! (quicker than Sinishas turbo RB Z!!!!!) $5000 Ash zr240@hotmail.com
ZG flair copy's in Australia
Yer I made the spoiler from scratch myself. I have a spare one made up which was for my race car but dont need it at the moment. Ash
ZG flair copy's in Australia
hi Deux ex Havent yet as havent really had anyone genuinely after a set! Also havent had alot of time lately. I am in Melbourne Ash
$18k Ebay 240z
I think it must be gold plated for that price. Anyway good luck to him getting 18k If he did i could spend a few grand on my 240 and sell it for the same Ash
door changes
Hi Wayne thanks for the door info. I thought they might not fit just thought id ask before pulling off one car and trying on the other. looks like if I want to fix up my 77 car I will have to repair the doors that are on it as a pose to using the spare set of 74 doors Ive got thanks Ash
door changes
Hi All Just wondering if you can use earlier 260z doors on 77 model 260z as I have noticed that at the rear of the door there is a different latching system on the 77 model cars? Ash
Expressions of interest - Datsun 240K coupe
thats a great price. wish I had some spare cash dont sell you have put so much into this car already I think thats a bit cheap! Ash
S12W and Wheel Spacer?
Gav I was in the shed last night and I noticed I have a set of earlt gtr rotors that you could borrow to see if they line up corrctly with the toyota calipers it you like. they are vented and fit straight onto the z hub. Ash
ZG flair copy's in Australia
I got them from kalarmi engine works(I think thats how you spell it). Yer it was pretty hard to get them as I dont speek the lingo and it was really hard to get there from were I was staying. They had heaps of unreal 240z stuff like custom suspension parts 3.1ltr engine stroker kits etc etc. They even had second hand stuff. they had r200 lsd 4.11 ratio for about AUS$300 but they were to heavy for me to carry to were I was staying. Unfortunatly they wont do mail order so thats the reson I am going to make some molds up so some other peolpe in Aus can get them without having to go to Japan Also I just put bubble wrap on mine and carryed them on the plane. They asked a few questions and I just told them exacly what they were and they were fine about it. Ash
S12W and Wheel Spacer?
Gav im not sure how much they are from were your getting them from but the toyota wrecker in Morrabbin on chesterville rd had them for pretty cheap I cannot remember but I think 120 each? Ash
ZG flair copy's in Australia
240z in oz Then we both have the same problem:classic: How you going Gav think I saw you driving your z yesterday crossing warrigal road at 5pm or so? If you could find the pics that would be great. I have got to get a digi camera to take pics as I have heaps of stuff to share with everyone on the web and only have a video camera which takes crappy shots. 260DET I know what you mean about getting the bits you want. I had to make my own front spoiler to suit my g-nose on my race car. Its heaps of work when you start from scratch but it worth it when you see the result. If you want to chat about the process drop me an email as its always good chatting with people doing similar stuff Ash