Everything posted by e_racer1999
Greetings, classiczcars.com members!
over charging
^good call. that's probably what it is... something in the "sense" circuit is probably messed up
- Hide-A-Key
temp sensor
ya, mine must be stock because i am on the E
over charging
^what's interesting is that i didn't have to install a diode :/
over charging
would the alternator even work if it was IR and you had a VR plugged into it?
Introduction - No 56
are they rounded at the top, like domes? if so, they are the good ol' SUs and WELCOME! i will admit the no 56 had me too
Installing an Electric Fan...
FWIW i found a webpage that describes how to rebuild the fan clutch if you're interested. i don't remember the site (i think i googled it) but all you really need for it is a razor blade, some paint thinner, brake parts cleaner, and some smoke b gone. i should add that if you DO decide to rebuild the fan clutch: don't let the o-ring sit too long!! it will strecth a BUNCH so it won't be able to be used again. i made that mistake and had to use RTV anyway, GL w/ your elec fan install!
240/E-31 & 2.4L block
i would say change them. send me a PM and we can meet up. i have some E88 valves that i'm not using
(Another) New user!
let me be the first to tell you WELCOME! we expect pics promptly DOH! i guess i'll be the second.....
jdm head light covers
my bid was cancelled as well. granted my bid was something like $100 , but still. i'm reporting it as well..
Driving music
man, i remember seeing mad caddies in concert like 10 years ago....
What finish should headers have
i'm for stainless. nothing more pretty than chrome appearance with bluing at the head..... yummmmm
Mounting a 240Z to a rotisserie?
i knew there was someway to coax it out of ya....
Radiator Reservoir
i picked me up a reservoir kit from MSA. my ideal location was where the battery was, but i settled on below the coil on the driver's side fender. pics to come! EDIT - if you put one in your Z, will that make you a reservoir dog?
Luck at the junk yard!!!
Driving music
haha, noooo, not made up. and the ataris have been around for what, 10 years now? man i feel old
Luck at the junk yard!!!
haha, and yet another chef to stir the stew!!
Mounting a 240Z to a rotisserie?
i can't imagine the car looking any different!!
Driving music
ya, driving music in the Z is good old fashioned 10.5:1 L28 through tubular headers but some good driving music that I like includes: the faint saosin circa survive evaline scary kids scaring kids the ataris dead kennedys misfits bad religion pennywise jimmy eat world and that's all i can think of right now.... OH! and the smiths and moz and a little hepcat thrown in there, too
clutch noise when disengaged
...ant if you wanna have it done, aamco will charge you ~$500 labor plus ~120 in parts, or les @ classic datsun will charge you 800-900 for a fresh rebuild. just throwin that out there
New Old Parts in Mom's Garage
the pic of the s130 throw you off too? then i saw on the sticker in the top left where it says "70-78"
New Old Parts in Mom's Garage
hey, what can i say! anyway, i love stumbling upon stuff like that...
New Old Parts in Mom's Garage
i wonder what that model looks like now....
paintless dent repair on original paint
our paint doesn't have flex additive in it, correct? that could be a reason...