Everything posted by e_racer1999
Get your tape measures please!
no problem, my friend!
couple question...
that's what i was thinking, but wouldn't the heat morph the metal?
little spark, or not enough gas???
did you apply dielectric grease to both ends of the connectors of the spark plug wires?
new to Classic Zcar...
welcome! what specific issues are you experiencing? if it was store with fluids, you're going to want to flush everything. also, when you get it up and running, might i suggest a nice seafoam treatment?
Get your tape measures please!
where are the pics again?
Gas dripping at rear after fill-up
haha... that's the fix i did with my other 72 that i no longer have. i got a filler tube and never put it in.
...been lurking for about a year...
welcom (officially) to the site! i think enrique hit the insurance nail on the head!
240Z Combo and T/S switch repair Service
good idea, dave! i may be inquiring about your service here in the near futur, as soon as i get a garage to disassemble my z in...
Alternator belt replacement help
that's what i meant. for some reason i was thinking 6; it's been a while. anyway, i think we're talking about the same thing. on mine, if you loosen the nuts (or bolts, depending on the water pump) not only does the fan come off the pulley pops loose, too.
Alternator belt replacement help
the way i did it was loosen the 6 hex bolts on the front. the pulley will come off as well as the fan, and putting it back on is a bear, but it works!
A sign of things to come for vintage Datsuns?
thanks, ron! i'll keep an eye/ear out!
HLS30-01138 (1/70) on ebay CHEAP(ish)
interesting paint job...
A sign of things to come for vintage Datsuns?
not to hijack, but what issue, ron? words more true have rarely been spoken...
3 240Z cars are now mine
man.... nice finds! gl w/ the builds!
Over Sized Pistons in l28
i wonder if the KA24DE 89mm (?) pistons are reliable for your application....
Interesting Nissan 180 on Ebay Australia
^ it reminds me a lot of a 60s ferrari.... i kinda like it....
'73 240 for sale
good luck on selling your car, but i recommend you post this in the "Classified Ads" section on the left side of the window.
Seized Header Nut - Help?
nutcracker? only thing i can think of.
New Member - Australia
welcome to the site and BEAUTIFUL car there....
Finally getting my Z T-shirts printed!
ditto. i don't mind supporting a cause (if the wife approves....
Misc Parts found on Craigslist...
NOT MY STUFF, but for sale... Local craigslist pulled up some cool results: Pics & replies to serious buyers only. I have a JDM 240Z Five Speed early Z car transmission (B-style gearbox with two-piece driveshaft, steel synchros & flange type rear output--not slip-fit like domestic gearboxes)...if you need a visual, it's like a 2000 Roadster gearbox, but it's a "B" not "A" style. Also for sale is a lightweight modular flywheel (aluminum w/steel friction surface & ring gear (approx 11 lbs), and a set of Dell'Orto triple carburetors complete w/manifold, air horns, linkage & new air filters. These parts will work in any properly set-up L-series inline six cylinder L-24, L-26 or L-28. All parts are 100% perfect, except the transmission (all bearings are fine and it shifts into and stays in every gear) but it probably needs a new 1st-2nd gear synchro because sometimes I couldn't speed shift between those gears during quick off the line launches. I took it out of my car to prevent the condition from getting any worse--so it's definitely fixable. I'd really like to keep the tranny since it's a mid-close ratio gearbox and with 3.54 final gearing it really woke my 240Z up!! And it would probably be even better with 3.7 or 3.9 rear end gearing! I don't know how to fix it, my loss is your gain if you know how. The synchro itself can be purchased from Nissan Motorsports. Think of the transmission as a freebie in this deal, because the carbs & flywheel by themselves are worth what I'm asking. 619-287-9671 http://sandiego.craigslist.org/pts/244371887.html
New Member here...
howdy and welcome!
Finally...My car arrives....YEA!!!
GREAT find! good luck with the build!
What's a 300Z Fairlady-can I have a RH drive car here?
vic, if you buy it, you'l give me a ride, right?
What's a 300Z Fairlady-can I have a RH drive car here?
oops... didn't know that! thanks for the heads up!