Everything posted by e_racer1999
last meeting at the Datsun building?
i may have to make that trek!
Sold a bad camshaft
definitely cool he said he's going to give you a replacement.. otherwise that would suck! (for him, too)
Polishing Heads Info Needed
polish the combustion chambers and the exhaust ports, but leave the intake ports a bit rough. port first, then polish, initially (if porting and not just polishing) use the smoothing head (the one that looks like a turbine). otherwise, a polishing head (the one that looks like strips of sandpaper) works wonders.
BMW 3.5 Z finally begins in earnest
sounds like a couple projects to me! but what fun is a car that's not a project! if you do decide to swap the 325e engine into the 2k2 put the 325i head on it..
new car, boys! (and girls)
BM, huh vic? i love BMs... ya, i figured i wanted a newer 4 seater car as a DD that i can use to pick up my son, and i don't care too much for 2+2s....
new car, boys! (and girls)
pics as i got her (1984 325e):
2002tii vs 240Z
^exactly. which is why i'm either sporting for a 2002 or an e30 325i.
a 72 240z from concours original to..........
too bad you live in LV, otherwise i'd say call Michael Turko (local news guy that takes care of it for you!)
2002tii vs 240Z
both good cars. 2002 is a bit more practical (rear seats) and as a matter of fact i sold one of my Zs and am looking at a bmw! but as previously stated they are in different leagues. the Z is going to pull on a stock 2002 strictly because of the SIMILAR weight and greater displacement. but it's all in what you're looking for.
coolest looking spooiler, i think
OF COURSE! but you have to remember that this stuff isn't "from the internet," there is documentation behind it. at any rate, let's get back on topic, shall we? that second air dam is pretty nice, but i don't like how it makes the front of the Z look square. i DO agree that the 280z turn signals would look beter with the air dams, though.
How Many Triple webbers have you seen on a 280z?
agreed. 1337
coolest looking spooiler, i think
hehe, i know just not to mislead any youts....
Banzai Motorworks
dan, i think it's http://www.zzxdatsun.com/
How Many Triple webbers have you seen on a 280z?
how many triple webers? well, one. or three. one set of three.
coolest looking spooiler, i think
fixed it for ya
Anyone have head removal/installation specs?
THANKS!! muchas gracias!
Anyone have head removal/installation specs?
can't find my FSM or chiltons, basically i need the head bold removal/installation order, torque specs, and other related info.. or if anyone knows where i can get the info?
Selling my car... again
BUMP http://www.classiczcars.com/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=1042
Anyone in love with these - Actual Photo!
to each his/her own! i'm pretty satsfied w/ my current setup
How many people fit into a Z?
pics or BAN
Anyone in love with these - Actual Photo!
well, yes. if you go with that set-up, why skimp? as for the rims, show us pics of the whole car, man!!
Anyone in love with these - Actual Photo!
chris - i'd go for something sub-16 a lot of those honda rims out there are ~20
How many people fit into a Z?
hahaha i'm gonna go with 9
Anyone in love with these - Actual Photo!
they look heavy
alleged "turbo" on ebay
looks NA to me.... the badge is inconclusive, and didn't all ZXs have that vent thing over the cam cover?