Everything posted by e_racer1999
ATTACKED! A road rage story
well, i got punched in the eye today. i had just barely left my house and turned onto mira mesa blvd (a main street around here) and was going through an intersection that had a dip.. soooo... i slow down since my car is lowered and this dodge ram gets right on my arse.... i'm like "whatever" and keep driving (#1 lane). my fiancee is driving right next to me (#2 lane), and next thing you know this guy is weaving in and out through traffic and riding peoples' asses. eventually i end up ahead of him and i cross into the #2 lane right as this guy is cutting through a couple lanes.... he rides my arse until the next stoplight where there are cars already waiting. he pulls up next to me and slams his truck into "park" gets out and is like "what now?!?!" or something, and punches me in the eye (through my open car window) and almost breaks my glasses. my fiancee is in the #3 lane a little ahead of me and sees this, jumps out to see if i'm alright, and he threatens to run her over. her cousin is in the car and so amber (my fiancee) tells her to write down his licence plate number. when she says this, he jumps into his truck and tries to run her over, but runs out of room (there was a lot of weird maneuvering going on). eventually, the light turns green and he sppeds off, but luckily we got all his info... also luck, there was a cop just a few streets ahead, and when i pull a u-turn at the light i fishtail a little and pull over. seeing this invitatiob the cop pulls over and i giver her all the info. crazy $^!#.... good thing this guy didn't have a gun.. crazy people
Help Me!! Music Turns Off When I Turn Right!!!
NASCAR Zcar.... hmmm.... maybe it's your head unit?
Help Me!! Music Turns Off When I Turn Right!!!
muffler bearings!! j/k..... ya sounds like a bad ground...
4.0 Liter inline 6.
agreed. not to spoil anyone's dreams, but time has shown that japanese engines are more durable, and arguable more technologically advanced. i will still take a japanese motor over a euro motor any day..
Save S30-0002
i'm confused... that page you linked to is the same as this one only 6 pages...... strange...
4.0 Liter inline 6.
there are some guys around here that want to swap in a 3.5L M5 motor into a Z.... they offered to buy mine but i told them it wasn't for sale...
Turn signal woes
flasher unit can be found at any auto parts store
Save S30-0002
and then someone would name a band "Save S30 #2"! ya, it could never be "restored" to concours since the engine is more than likely never going to be found, but for it to be restored back into original type condition is enough for me to be happy..
Save S30-0002
i wonder what happened to her? if only she could tell us where she's been.... that naughty little girl.....
Classic car destruction.
oh man..........
13b = 1.3L (arguably, since it's not a standard bore x stroke) and 20B = 2.0L
Turn signal woes
my switch smokes as well..... usually a wire or switch getting hot means that there is something creating a lot of resisance on a wire making it hot.... maybe there is some build-up or crud in there?
Turn signal woes
maybe you're not getting adequate power to the relays when the car is off?
Why the Z
i feel inspired to write something after reading all these posts, but there's nothing left to say!!!
not mine but....
not known for being a bimmer fan, but i do respect the m-cars
SU Carb Identificaton Help
the one on the left is a british SU... you can tell by the mounting holes...
350v6 into a 280?
yes. there is a thread somewhere in here with the guy's name... he was at the MSA show this year
oh! i thought you had an injected model.... nm.... you should bypass the intake heating tube....
need info on head and intake porting
i'm porting an E88 myself; DON'T polish the intakes.... just smooth them out a little, but leave it a little rough.
do you still have the injector cooling vent on your engine?
Hey there fellow Z fans
Pics Pics Pics!
Too Little Backpressure?
backpressure is another one of the misconceptions of the performance of cars. you don't want backpressure (despite what supertrap might say) you want exhaust velocity. with the stock manifold, you shouldn't have to worry about too much flow
Crystal headlamp comversion kit for a buck?
^^ya, it just says headlights, it doesn't specify that it comes with the bulbs
Whats your most outragous kill story?
welll, with my L28 i got a mid 70s corvette.... L24? hmmm..... don't know
Carl the Bambi-Killer...
what happened to your other sn?