Everything posted by e_racer1999
Tachometer Problem
tomorrows my "work on car" day, so i'm gonna troubleshoot. i'll let ya know if i find anything miraculous!
Racecar replica
i agree that someone should put together a book.... man, what a read that would be....
OT- Roadster Steering Wheel
excellent! how difficult was that hub you were machining?
Tachometer Problem
isn't the tach powered through the dizzy? i'm having problems w/ mine, and i think the PO may not have hooked up the electric dizzy properly....
which air cleaners?
i like my set-up just fine. flows like a champ, and you wouldn't believe the power gains over a STOCK (i mean stock air filter, too) air cleaner arse'y...
Am I being reasonable? Looking for 240Z
"good things come to those who wait." i just wish i could take my own advice!
Racecar replica
exactly. the wipers are mounted LHD style.... EDIT!!!! HAHAHA! n/m, they're right! :doof:
Vibration at speed
^^i was assuming that the driveshaft was also swapped.... sorry. did you replace the entire diff arse'y? do you also verify that nothing was bent? that's all i can think of.
Racecar replica
did anyone else notice that the windshield wipers are mounted opposite of how they should be on that model? gonna look hot.
1978 280zx - what is a good deal?
chickenwafer - our cars' vins don't specify the engine. unless the person inspecting the car is knowledgeable aboutZs, he/she won't be able to tell. that car is pretty damn clean.
What the Z SHOULD look like....
the side profile DEFINITELY looks Z.... AAMOF the rear window kind of looks 240K-ish.....
WARNING Re: Old Tires
crazy. it makes sense though.
crap.. l28 clutch in l24 tranny, didn't work.
i have a 240 collar with a 280 pp and clutch and it works fine. engages a little off the ground, but it works. if this thread is still valid, adjust the length of the arm on the clutch cylinder
need driver door
hey w, found one from a 73 on ebay. i'm at work, otherwise i'd get you the link.. it's at ~$100 but it's in NC..
Vibration at speed
mos def sounds like a driveshaft issue. check that AND the u-joints. if you have spicer(sp?) u-joints then just shoot some oil in there.... otherwise look at replacement
Lame stuff on ebay
aww, no bloww off??? DAMN! anyway, i LOVE old japanese cars........ oh, was that obvious?
Magazine article
the 350z has kind of grown on me.....
Lame stuff on ebay
that 1200 makes my peepee smile....... i'm gonna have to get that turbo simulator! WHHEEEEEEEEE!!!! PSHHHH!
My New Avatar
i really dig your paint sopwith... i think i told you that earlier as well...... 3 wheel motion!
My cars 2 year anniversary... or birthday? .. anyway.. whoo hoo!
excellent! tell her i said happy birthday!
"Doing it Right"
HAHAHA,,,,, that's pretty damn funny, carl......
Does anyone know this car owner
i appreciate a gar that had a lot of time and love put into it. IMHO, the interior conversion doesn't look half bad, actually pretty nice. but not my style. i'm still even debating if i'm going to put racing seats in or not..... MAYBE some vintage recaros, but stock seats are damn comfy....
my steering goes wierd....
bump steer spacers... gonna have to look into that! my car was lowered by a PO, so i'm gonna see that. got a new VR for the grey car; i'm gonna lift yellow up next week and check her out..
my steering goes wierd....
i'm pretty sure it's not understeer. i thought (hoped) that was it at first, but now i'm pretty sure it's a mechanical issue. i CAN initiate understeer if i wanted to, but this is a different feeling. i can almost feel something slip. i can't really describe it..... i'm pretty sure it's going to be the rack (OF COURSE), so i'm going to take it in to zwhizz sometime next week. the guy that was going to buy my car is probably not going to buy it now, so i' will have that car good to go as soon as i exchange this faulty voltage regulator i got from auto zone... i wonder where i heard rag joint form...... :scratches head:
my steering goes wierd....
it's not like break-neck speeds. i could be going through the turn at the same speed and halfway through the angle changes. am i the only one that calls it a rag joint? it's the rubber bushing thing connecting the 2 segments of the steering column.