Everything posted by e_racer1999
Who was more influential?
well, i can't stand the yankees, but even so.... i would still say mr. K because the Z was something completely new, whereas the work that GS did was mostly shinning up an old shoe.
What is this little pipe?
ya, i was gonna say "i thought i've read this post before, but it's only a couple days old"...
don't forget dave's car is the 240z exhaust in forza....
side markers yes or no?
i like the side markers, but i'm probably going to go with the hyundai conversion. there's a current thread on side markers over on hybridz
Flywheel Bolts
engine dies when there's a load.
sounds like flooding or maybe fouling plugs have you checked your timing?
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
oh ya, i forgot to add the 1971 510..... and the wife that accompanies it. aaaaand my 6 yr old son
Whats this part?
that's what i was thinking...
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
well darbji, this is all so sudden! ya, i get that a lot. don't worry though, the effects of absinthe are drastically overrated. it has more to do with the alcohol content (up to 144 proof) that makes people go crazy. what's funny is there is more thujone (the neurotoxin in high doses) in tarragon and sage than there is in absinthe! plus, this year the US has approved 2 brands of absinthe to be sold here. anyway, goin on a tangent here
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
basically, what stuff just calls out your wallet (besides bills, of course)? for me, it's: tools guitar stuff electronic doo dads absinthe fine microbrewed beer any takers?
East African Safari Classic Rally 2007
yes, but who looks better when crossing the finish line? no matter who crosses the line first, the datsuns will always be the winners
East African Safari Classic Rally 2007
that's what i'm talkin about!
1970 260Z?? (Stamp) in Austrailia
you guys are taking it all wrong. it's a hybridz with an rb26dett in it! so the owner calls it a 260Z. to stay true to form, the owner switched to 260Z turn signals and quarter emblems.
Flywheel Bolts
do you have a pic? i have never seen an 8-bolt flywheel...
msa performance exhaust, 6-1 header with pics
indeed. i attempted to look at the box for reference for mine, but my drawing has it offset on both sides. when i mounted mine i wanted it has high up as possible, but i have considered switching it around. eventually when i get dyno time i will test it both ways and let you know what i find Jason
It's a small world...
wow, that's crazy!
msa performance exhaust, 6-1 header with pics
i mounted my muffler reverse to the way that one's mounted; it pushes the bottom up considerably, but it sits at a bit of an angle to get it close to the hole in the valence EDIT - it's the same as how it's mocked up in the first post
John Williams, Sunbelt Preformance & Classic Motorsports Mag.
i saw it yesterday...
New owner, Socal!
welcome! sorry i can't add anything of more substance though
ZRush set the bar very high for modified Zs
OMG! #000006 for sale in Houston!
H = 2.4 or 2.8 R = 2.6
My H.I.D.'s
negative. white is best. the blue is what's called a "city light," completely separate from the primary lighting source
Dohc L28tt Wtf?
1 fast z on hybridz
Rear Running Lights won't Work; Please HELP
i've got a short in my system that's doing to same thing. but that's blowing my fuses. double check the fuses....
Another 4 speed to 5 speed swap question
type A & B refer to the 4-speeds. the cutting is involved in the earlier cars that had the type A 4speeds. you're basically right on the ratios, but the 1-4 of the early trans is wider than the 4-speed (correct me if i'm wrong). plan on replacing the diff with a ~3.7 anyway. as for the collar and fork, use the 240 fork and the collar will match whatever clutch/PP combo you are running