Everything posted by e_racer1999
F54 L28 bottom end rev limit?
i would guess that the bottom end could rev to at least 8... are you planning on doing any work on the bottom end? (i.e. balancing, different pistons, etc.)
Who makes this mirror?
i got mine (just like those) from autozone for $24 for both.
Getting rid of my 72 parts car
even an E88... i could use it..... doing headwrok and want to compare round vs. square....
Header flange for square port head wanted
i'm actually in the process of making 1/4" aluminum headplates to convert round to square heads..... i'll let you know on my progress...
Early 240Z Rearview Mirror - Is this correct?
haha, it's cause he's in japan.... nah, i saw it in the first pic, too.... could it be because i'm 1/4 japanese? maybe?......
Getting rid of my 72 parts car
man! i could use that e31... how much?
OT: What I've been up to
nobody takes me seriously anyway.. hey vic, replace those mercs with some l-series motors.... sure, they might break down, but what an easy fix!
Houston we have a problem!!!
could the fuel pickup be clogged?
OT: What I've been up to
i'll take your avatar when you don't want it...
What I've been up to!
excellent! def keep us posted...
The $3500 GT
71 corolla ANYDAY over a fiat........ excellent article.
OT: What I've been up to
so THAT'S where my shipment went... guess i won't be painting my car anytime soon.... sik g...
baby got new plates
that sucks....... "JAPJAG" sounds koo
Vibration at speed
ouch! good luck! i'm assuming that a decent JY one would be fine...
hey! i'm kinda young too...... anyway, welcome! there is tons of 411 here, and to tell you the truth, i had thought of doing a 3rotor swap a while back. anyway, surf on, bruddah!
megasquirt system is it worth it?
i think my friend (michael) is converting it to using a MAP sensor.... at any rate, there are several maps out there that are available to test, but i agree; there is no better way to tune than to do it yourself and match parts with custom programming
A bit of Z432-R info
again, thx for the corrections..
baby got new plates
dead sexy!
'72 stock with SU's(?)
honestly, i use 10W40 and it works better than the 20W that i had in it before.
which air cleaners?
actually, what it was was some paint on the spring was inhibiting the stretch of the spring.... scraped off a wee bit o' paint and it feels much more solid!
which air cleaners?
to my knowledge yes. i believe only the series 1 did not have the flapper... quote from ztherapy: "Nissan came out with the original "non-flapper" in 1969. Late 1970, smog laws dictated a heat riser be added to preheat the incoming air for the winter. This is called the "Flapper" style air cleaner."
A bit of Z432-R info
that's what i was thinking.... i'm normally not a stickler for 100% originality, but IMHO it seems kinda...... you know.... on a 432..... but i guess to each his/her own!
which air cleaners?
seat of the pants, however, it REALLY can be felt. it's not just psychological, even though it sounds sooooooo good......
megasquirt system is it worth it?
easy question: yes. my friend just got through accumulating all of the parts for his smallport 4AGE engine... UNBELIEVEABLE tunability, and CHEAP.
OT- Roadster Steering Wheel
nice !