Everything posted by e_racer1999
What's wrong with US Senate?
the direction that this thread seems to be going in is not conducive to what i feel mike was trying to accomplish. we can argue the war in iraq, etc, until we are blue in the face. we can still keep it cool in here, but we gotta respect each other's opinions.
What's wrong with US Senate?
don't worry i wasn't taking offense at anything i do believe in a "one world, one people" type thing, but it's obviously a very complex issue that cannot be simplified that way. the only enmity that i have towards the flag and patriotism thing is the fact that it would be embracing ideas that don't mesh with me. namely the forced relocation of indigenous peoples by the members of the US, even after the government was based on their influence. there's also an implied sense of arrogance that accompanies it. "get out of my country," and "those damn french/canadian/etc." anywho, oddly, my roomie's a libertarian, my best friend's a republican, and my son's catholic (via his mother). go fig.
What's wrong with US Senate?
callin me out eh? haha i feel that everyone has certain beliefs and there is nothing that anyone can say to change those beliefs. "false beliefs are often maintained by a strong confirmation bias, or the tendency to seek information that confirms our preexisting beliefs rather than may disconfirm them." that being said, i'm sure i'm guilty of it. but i will always feel that there is a distinct lack of equal opportunity in America. sure, i'm a registered democrat, but i vote 3rd party. anyway, i'm not one for handouts, if that's what you might get from my post. i'm one for a big change in the education system. but i digress. oh, and for the record, not that it matters, i'm an atheist and a semi-socialist, vegetarian and pacifist.
unidentifiable wire in engine bay
looks like a grey water pump for an RV
What's wrong with US Senate?
kucinich here i come!
72 240z help
dude, it's free, TAKE IT.
unidentifiable wire in engine bay
guys, come on. there is no flux capacitor in a 72 240z. be serious. i agree with the consensus on the reverse lights. the flux capacitor didn't come until 1973
So About Those Headlight Covers...
i prefer factory
Fuel injection Port BLOCKED SOLID ! ! !
i would just swap the gasket. i bet a lot of your problems will be solved
How often do you see 240-Z's on the road?
i've seen a few 240Zs pretty recently, but i've been driving a different car most of the time when i did see another 240Z (it was painted flat black like mine, too!) i revved and waved and the guy just looked over and kept driving. what's odd is that the most recent Z after that 240Z was a Z32. i got a wave and nod of respect from that guy. i guess it's hit or miss.
ram air horns from a filter box
YWsounds like it could be a stuck jet, maybe? check all of your linkages and make sure they move smoothly. your nozzle could be sticking, too.
They found my stolen Z!!!
man, i wonder if it was a Z enthusiast, seeing as how some panels were missing. keep an eye on ebay and CL...
They found my stolen Z!!!
ya, let's hope they installed a fresh L28ET....
ram air horns from a filter box
turned out nice, but how much clearance do you have from the air horn to the air cleaner top?
I'm a film star!
yay vic! ps, the wife got a 510 since the last time we talked i love your roadster, btw
cam oiler spray bar, questions
to whom it may concern, i have 2 cam oiler spray bars available...
blocking off air rail ports
and you don't have to remove the engine to replace the exhaust mani
240Z to be on Car Crazy TV
so ron, last time we talked on the phone you said you were giving me the Z. when do you want me to stop by and pick it up? don't want you to have to worry about all of the attention you've been getting
Im stuck in a pickle, need help
are you a AAA member? we had a similar issue with the 510, and the people at AAA were very helpful. they'll go over your options with you.
- New MSA Exhaust
New MSA Exhaust
yup. someone on this site. there's a pretty recent thread about it, too.. edit - http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28266&highlight=MSA+exhaust
help me verify crankshaft nut size...22mm?
^ya, craftsman doesn't play around.
That shouldn't be there, should it?
any pics?
blocking off air rail ports
if you guys were closer i'd just give you my mani that's already plugged
Cruise Control in a 240?
sounds exactly like the one i had. had a slip on thing that went over the turn signal arm, right?