Backwards Headlight Wiring?
I'm talking about the wires at the headlight bulb connection.
Backwards Headlight Wiring?
I stand corrected. I think the main thing throwing me off on my car is the right headlight power feed is black not red. I generally don't expect to see power coming from a black wire.
Backwards Headlight Wiring?
Thanks. I looked through a lot of threads and didn't see this information anywhere.
bartman started following Leather Dash Cover Installation , Backwards Headlight Wiring? , 73 240Z Wiring Harness Ground and 1 other
Backwards Headlight Wiring?
On my 73 240Z my headlights seem to work properly with the stock wiring, but it seems backwards. When the lights are turned on the black wire gets power while red/black is ground when using low beams and red/white is ground when using high beams. This causes problems when trying to upgrade my lights to use relays. This can't be correct can it? And if so, what could be causing this?
73 240Z Wiring Harness Ground
Thanks for the detailed information, this is very helpful. Do you think these are all interconnected within the wiring harness? I think it would probably make sense and maybe this ensures the best ground can always be obtained.
73 240Z Wiring Harness Ground
Thanks Chris, I found the grounding point you described. It seems strange to me that it would be so close to the battery and not connect directly to it, which is exactly what I think I will do.
73 240Z Wiring Harness Ground
I'm hoping someone can help me in determining where specifically the wiring harness is attaches to ground in my 73 240Z. I don't mean a schematic, but where on the car physically the wire harness is connects to ground. This could be directly to the battery or maybe somewhere the harness is just grounded to the chassis, I'm not sure. Looking at the schematic it does appear there is a smaller wire connected directly to the battery but I'm not seeing this on the wiring harness. If this is the case and there is indeed a wire from the wiring harness connected directly to the battery I just need help in locating where in the harness I can find it. Thanks in advance.
Found - Please delete
I need the washer that goes on the Hazard Switch shaft. It provides the backing for the spring loaded knob to be installed. See the attached pic.
Hazard Knob Repair
Thanks for the pictures Zup, and I see what the problem is. There is a washer of sorts on the shaft that the spring on the knob pushes against, and mine is missing. I need to find mine, get one from someone else, or fabricate something. Thanks for the help!
Hazard Knob Repair
It sure would be good to know if something is indeed worn or just missing.... The switch operates fine and the knob looks to be in good shape as well.
Hazard Knob Repair
I have a 73 240z and both the hazard knob and switch seem to be fine, but the knob won't stay on. I know how to line it up and give it 1/4 turn to lock it in, but it doesn't stay. Maybe I need a longer spring?
Leather Dash Cover Installation
For djwarner or anyone else that has also completed this install, I am currently installing my leather cover and would appreciate more details on how you installed the leather around the three small center gauge openings. There are no funnels for these, and the 3 holes provided in the leather (at least on mine) aren't even the same size. I assume you must have made the holes in the leather all the same size to start? I was thinking of finding something around the same size as the dash openings to stretch the leather and then to place in the openings while the glue sets up. Maybe some type of cup or glass if I could find the right size, or just stuff the openings full of rags. Just curious how you tackled this. For the speedo and Tach I see how you cut to fit at the bezels, but you must again have used something to hold the leather in place on the sides of the opening until the glue could hold it in place? Any help or insight is appreciated.
Console Differences
I received the cover and finally completed installation last night after repairing my original console. I'm quite please with the results.
Console Differences
I think it covers everything, except for the areas that a lid would cover (if you have one). I'll let you know once I receive it.
Console Differences
I checked for other auctions and contacted the seller. It appears they just added covers for earlier years within the last two days.