oh, that was not realy a problem.... after the slipping there was circuit driving... and my brake's where realy hot.. so that makes everything dry ? the only thing i dont like was that i was going 150 km/h and then I can't brake anymore..
my 280 z coupe
- MVI_1730
- Afbeelding_61_
- Afbeelding_54_
- Afbeelding_60_
Ignition problem.. (I think)
okay guy's problems fixed... i'am back on track..
Ignition problem.. (I think)
Thanks wal280z. Now i know what it is. can somone tell me how the icu looks ? i cant find it oh btw. the rotor is installed. greetz jeffrey
Ignition problem.. (I think)
Ignition problem.. (I think)
Thanks, that was where i am looking for, now i am know thats also not the problem.... 1 little question, do someone know what the output must be for the ignition coil ? when i turn the key in the 'on" stand, the voltmeter say's: 5 volt. (thats going to the distributor) and when i cheking after the distributor i have 1 volt left... thats not much isnt it ? can it be that my battery is bad ? the start motor turns around... so realy weak is the accu not.. Greetz Jeffrey
Ignition problem.. (I think)
Hey jwc4248 Thanks for the suggestion. I've only checked the wires a thousand times and still nothing found. there is only one good thing: i know a lot more of the electrical stuff in my car By the way. do someone knows where the ignition Pick up is located ? i am now checking the Distributor and electronic module and the Red and Green wire must go to the ignition pick up, but i dont know what it is GreetZ Jeffrey