Everything posted by zedevan
OT: Toyota Century pics (no 56k)
what yr is his car? is it an import? how much do they go for? they look pretty awesome together!
What is wrong with the 350Z?
while on my search through random forums for fd rx7 seats for my car i came across heaps of ppl praising the 350z for the price it was etc in comparison to any other <AU40g second hand sports car, the only car ppl said was better was the fd (and hence how i came across the thread, ) and its no where near as reliable etc i think the design isn't to bad, if the marketing wasn't trying to call it a 240z and mayb the name was 350zx would people really hate it as much? with that said i'd probably buy a g35 just because u can't get them here and they look close enough to the same thing with some more functionality, and if i was buying a 350z it wouldnt b as a sports car...i want a lotus 7 for that and i am currently looking for a design job, a one year paid work experiance thing, although for the experiance gained a place like nissan who would really care how much they were paying!
What is wrong with the 350Z?
its funny, i just showed a honda nob mate this pic and asked him which one he likes more and he said "i like the zed look more, so the bottom one" , so much for the 350z being based on the zed look....
What is wrong with the 350Z?
how would the platform being shared between the 350z and g35 affect the bonnet length? i would of thought you could put the front seats where the rear seats are, and there's the solution? either way i think the bonnet lines and the reflection line along the side of the 350z are inspired by the 240z, and i wish my 260z had wheel flares like the 350z does. i think i might do a better photoshop of the 340z tonight, sounds like a good way to procrastinate from study *edit: and here it is
What is wrong with the 350Z?
quick photoshop to an uglily done up 350z but i think you can see how if the proportions were limited by some design concideration how it looks like a 240z, as by editing this photo i've tried to give it 240z proportioins, and even the shape of the rear window. it would of been a good idea to include this shape window to reflect back on the s30 design, but mayb its limited by the way the hatch opens? and it looks like a 300zx so would help tie that into the design also? here's the link to the orginal image http://www.exvitermini.com/pics/mpglhs.jpg when the 350z has the fairlady front on it it starts to have the proportions and gnose look
I call it the ZB9
i was walking along to my car and out of a car wash place reversed a 350z with a db9 style front grill, looked semi decent, would of looked better if the rest of the car was done up with class instead of the way it had been (altessa lights etc)
What is wrong with the 350Z?
i resently went and heard chris bangle speak, it was very interesting. anyway he said how the most important thing of the 6series was its long bonnet to give it the timeless sports car look, and he seemed to imply that it was a hard thing to do? there was an m4? (m z4) coupe sitting there and it is pretty dam sexy, however i think there is something unnatural looking about its roof line he also said that asian cars should have their own identity instead of making asian european cars etc
Just another new user
i think the closest thing is www.viczcar.com and ndsoc not sure of anyone who lives in geelong sorry, but i'm sure they're out there
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
do you have some pics of it? sounds good
Stove top lights
i was behind an r32 awhile ago and was wondering why its outter light was orange, thanks for the explaination! you have the start of my dream garage
suggestion on paint
i dont think there is anything wrong with grey rims with a polished lip on an orange car...
My 71' 240z project ... =)
the hole's for a carbon fibre roof yeah? or are you going to go for a transparent material? has the bit you've cut out held its shape, in terms of getting the curvature correct to mold off? either way its looking nice
3rd coat dr fender
looks nice, specially for the price huh? are those fender mirror holes? or am i just completely disorientated?
carbon fiber
i think it would look good and i'd love to have the money or knownledge to have it done/do it to my car, but i'd put in 240z lights and possibily the 240z dash too depending which you prefer. just dont take it to far, i've seen some interiour shots of civics where EVERYTHING is carbon fibre, door panels, the works, and it looked pretty bad, and to glarey aswell i'm guessing, and ofcourse ricey! and i dont think it would be necesary at all, just like asking that question
New Seats! (FD)
looks nice, i want some! i was thinking these, gtr, or wrx seats, but due to how simple these sound to put in i think i'll keep my eyes open for them more! the stock seats sure get uncomfortable after more than half an hour, something to do with the padding being compressed i think its bad to hear you were in a bike accident, but good to hear your recovering. my uncle was in one and as a result can't drive any car that isn't modified specially for him
so, i started to roller paint...
i have rolled on some paint on my car (lower parts of the doors and sides of the car) and played around within the paint a bit on a spare door. my thoughts are doing a small area is a pain as its over to fast and hard to know the % of what ur mixing when its such a small amount, and that bubbles are bad, and it seemed that when it was thin enough to not need help popping the bubbles, it would run to easily. i ended up not diluting the paint at all for the bits on my car and doing one coat, as i couldn't be bothered making the surface perfectally flat (as i was thinking this wouldn't get my car past a road worthy certificate but it did) so the orange peel hids it kinda of nicely. i used wattyl paint which i've since been told doesn't like chemicals much, but no problems so far i'm going to sand it back and do a nicer coat at some stage anyway, and would love to try doing a whole car just for the fun of it, but i think i'd get sick of sanding!
What is this?
i replaced mine with a universal kit from the local car place, repco. you just undo the end that connects to the wheel and you can slide the old one off (although i found it easier just to cut it as its slippery) and slide the new one on, after undoing all the bits holding it on ofcourse
Cool Z pic
this filter is also called "find lines" in photoshop...the stamp tool is also something fun to play around with
Craig's Aussie V8 Beast
Craig's Aussie V8 Beast
ready for some 19" wheels or are they 19"? either way they look nice, the gold goes nicely with the red. i was thinking that vz side indicators would look pretty sick in the sides like you've done so good work, and bring it on a vicZcar cruise!
Z parts needed!
there's a 2+2 sitting in a local wreckers down here in melb if u want me to go and cut off the roof and send it to you, but i think shipping would make it pretty $$$??? and i have no idea how much they'd want for it...
my wheels arrived today!
were they painted? or is it just the lighting conditions (camera settings) make them look pretty different? either way they look dam nice, and the polished lip sets them off nicely, it'd take me forever to choose which colour to get them in!
Get it before it goes on Ebay
has he got fender mirrors? if they are black i'm interested! can you pm me the price?
3.36 Diff in Oz?
which jz do you have in your car? did you put it in urself or get a shop to? any other info would be great, along with pics
colours, colours, colours!
thats a colour i'm liking atm, i saw it on one of the new 5 series bmw's parked on the side of the street,but i can't find a picture of the bmw in that colour yet