Everything posted by zedevan
The completed look
looking mighty sexy, does the stripe look decent in black? go with the front spoiler in my opinion, i've very glad i did! (except for the crackage)
watanabe r-type Front 16 X 9 with -13 offset Rear 16 x 9.5 with -19 offset now if only i really had them...
wheels photoshoped on
i think all of performance wheels designs are copies hehe. when i need new rubber i think i might get these, i'll see what happens and if i find some i like more for the same sorta price! the front wheel looks funny IMO i think coz either there isn't enough rubber at the top left part of the wheel or because the sun is coming from the opposite direction on the wheels as it is for the car. i'll post some more up when i do them...
new front spoiler
the colour of the front spoiler is just gloss black but its sprayed really finely so has a different kinda effect...and the car is colour #240
wheels photoshoped on
performance wheels, lotus 17"X7...as close to the size they would be as i could get (except the skinny as front wheel)
- in the sun
- new front spoiler
- new front spoiler
260z rear right
- 260z rear
- 260z rear left
- 260z interior
260z front
hopefully i'll have a nice front spoiler on there soonish, and will take off the verticle bits on the bumper at the same time
260z front left
260z front right
Bumper back on
after someone running into the back of another car i was driving i didnt feel safe not having a bumper, so its back on without the verticle bits, sure does look alot cleaner
No rear bumper again
260z no rear bumper
my 260z rear left view
that was actully just while it was still clean from only having it a day hehe, i cleaned it yesterday and gave her a wax, looked nice as (except for the bottom of the doors) and was gonna take some pics...but can't find the camera :s so mayb next time
MSA order (Australia)
hey thanks for that, did a search for exoticar and found a place that did bodykits but none for zed's as yet, gav told me about a place in queensland so mayb its the same place, a link to their site would b helpful if you have one. i've contacted len before regarding zg flares which i'm concidering putting on when i get new rims (depending on the price of the rims and so on) but thats not for awhile, so i'll see if i like any of his front air dams. thanks -evan
my 260z rear left view
my 260z
MSA order (Australia)
hello, i am interested in a front air dam, something like this one http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=12108&size=big&sort=1&cat=500 , i think its possibly this one from MSA http://www.zcarparts.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=50-1411&Category_Code=7AD1. if anyone knows of it or something rather similar being availble in australia already, so its cheaper, please let me know, if not i'd love to order it in at the same time and save on postage as i'm in melb. thanks -evan