svannah z---say it ain't so!
Thanks everybody for the kind words and idea of helping me out financially. Very considerate and compassionate. However, the bills are in the thousands and the Z going to a new home will take the stress out of an already extremely stressful situation. I've excepted the fact it's going to a new home. I think the new owner is a member here that has never posted. Maybe he will now. I'm meeting with him this afternoon to turn over the keys. It'll be sad, for sure, but its what has to be done. Just as a side note, if you have pets, you really should look into pet medical insurance. It's not terribly expensive...and could keep your Z in your driveway. Thanks again! This community of Z lovers has been very important to me over the last three years.
svannah z---say it ain't so!
Thank you very much. My dog is ill and requires extensive diagnostics. I hope she finds a home that enjoys her as much as I have. I really hate to see her go. I'm also going to be sad not coming around here as much as usual. It really has become an integral part of my day to come visit this site and see what's happening while doing a little research.
What a great feeling.
It's impossible not to smile looking at those pictures. Congratulations on your progress
Unintentional Insults
That is the first time I've laughed out loud in awhile. THANKS, I needed that.
350Z - Bought it..Raced it..Killed it!
Those pictures are insane
just wanted to see how old everyone is here?
28 here in beautiful Savannah, Georgia.
Rally Clock ~ Clocks ~
Sounds good
Wiring harness section I need found in the classified ads wanted area
ebay - this part does(n't) work on our cars!
Super funny. The "feedback" list near the bottom is hilarious. My favorite one... Installed it started jeep and did a wheelie thru neighbors yard awesome thanks!
HI, I am really NEW!
What a cutie! Congratulations to you and your family Will!!!!!!!!
Datsmeet Photos
Thanks for sharing. Always nice to see such great looking cars with not so common options.
Outdoor Storage?
I have to store my car outside and had to purchase a car cover. In my quest to find the best, I ended up purchasing a California Car Cover. I went with the superweave option. They are very expensive, but do custom covers for our earliest of vehicles. Not wanting to spend $300 on this item, I found one on ebay for a similiar dimensioned vehicle for $75. I think it was for a mercedes 300E....or something like that. The side mirrors are wrong and it has a pocket for a cell phone antennae...but besides that, it is a perfect fit. It is amazing, because of the way the water reactes to the fabric and its treatment. The water instantly beads and runs off. Also, if your car is caught in the rain you can use the cover to dry the car really quickly. Good luck
Interesting excuse for selling, 280z on Ebay
I really needed that laugh this evening!
Rally Clock ~ Clocks ~
I'd like to get in on this action as well.
Gara"Z"Garage Sale 9AM to 4PM 1/14/sun 2007
Ohhh man!! All the cool stuff seems to happen out there in California. Have fun!