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  1. dat260

    New Coil

    Hi SteveJ Iam curious about your solution.
  2. dat260

    New Coil

    The primary stock coil reading is 1.6 and the secondary is 13.55. The new coil C-632 is, primary 2.0 and the secondary 9.68
  3. dat260

    New Coil

    I got it from RockAuto.com its a Spectra Premium C-632.
  4. dat260

    New Coil

    Thank you, I will check that. If it does not cure my tach problem then I will leave it alone. The car ran fine with the original coil.
  5. dat260

    New Coil

    Iam using the factory ignition system. Its has points and electronic ignition, I think. I know it has an electronic box. Whats a ballast? Is it the white ceramic block or the little cylinder connected to the + coil?
  6. dat260

    New Coil

    Thanks Steve, I wont work on my car til next week. Looking forward to your reply.
  7. dat260

    New Coil

    Hi Zed Head, I got a new coil because mine was all rusted and it looked like it was leaking at one point. The car always started fine but my tach started to bounce and now its pinned a 10k and it does not move anymore. When I tested the primary and secondary it was a little below the factory specs.
  8. dat260

    New Coil

    Iam in the process of installing an new ignition coil that came with its own white resistor block. It has a wire that goes from resistor + to + on the coil. My issue is that the new resistor as two attachment point were as my original resistor has three attachment point. (Early 74/260Z). The original connections goes like this; the small cylinder (condenser?) is connected to the + of the coil than a blue wire from harness goes to coil negative. White/black wire from resistor negative to + coil Black/White wire from harness goes to + resistor Black/Blue from harness to its own pole on resistor. Black wire from harness to - resistor to positive coil via white/black wire. (Black and White/black connected together at the resistor negative). My question is how to I attach all the wire to the new coil and resistor which has only two attachment point? Thanks in advance.
  9. dat260

    New Coil

    Iam in the process of installing an new ignition coil that came with its own white resistor block. It has a wire that goes from resistor + to + on the coil. My issue is that the new resistor as two attachment point were as my original resistor has three attachment point. (Early 74/260Z). The original connections goes like this; the small cylinder (condenser?) is connected to the + of the coil than a blue wire from harness goes to coil negative. White/black wire from resistor negative to + coil Black/White wire from harness goes to + resistor Black/Blue from harness to its own pole on resistor. Black wire from harness to - resistor to positive coil via white/black wire. (Black and White/black connected together at the resistor negative). My question is how to I attach all the wire to the new coil and resistor which has only two attachment point? Thanks in advance.
  10. hey guys, So, I spend the whole day on the car. The car starts right up with the fast idle screw and balance screw completely open and carbs are synced. I adjusted the float again but this time to the 70/71 specs. I ran the car until warmed and no overflowing. Now what I need is a tach so I can finalize the tuning. I also received today a new coil, hoping that will fix my RPM guage but Iam having issues installing it. I posted in the electrical section. Thank guys for your input.
  11. Thanks guys, I will tackle this issue my next day off. I found out my carbs are from 70/71 series. The float specs are different for those years. Stanley, my needle valve does not have a rubber tip and the tip is rounded. I also cleaned them last time they were out, needles and banjo fitting, they were dirty. The problem Iam facing now is that Iam running out of bowl gaskets. Everytime I open the lid the gaskets warps. It took two weeks to get them from ztherapy. Can I install the lids without gaskets? I appreciate your input
  12. Thaks Stanley, do have a picture of this setup? Well today was not a good day, I wanted to hook up my choke cables. I started the car and 2 minutes later the rear carb started to overflow AGAIN. I don't know what else to do. The floats are adjusted to specs, and carbs were cleaned. Is it possible that the floats should be adjusted differently. The spec I used was 14mm with the float cover inverted. Iam going to try to set the carb to the 70/71 S.U specs.
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