Everything posted by AChev
How fast does a Z really go?
I hate to be the guy that says see another thread. But I have to agree with bill on this one, we have gone over this many times. Like montoya says, it always ends up with an arguement of truth as well
Have you seen the new MSA mag wheels?
I have a set of the original ones, but mine aren't nearly as shiney and nice looking as those shown in the catalogue. Although it got me thinking, when my z is finished, if it ever happens, i could polish them up nicely
ECZA Fall Meet-Concordville Nissan 11/5/05
Im going in hope of seeing some 240Z's there. In all honesty, I can't even remember the last time I saw a 240Z where I live. I don't even see 280Z. I hope there is a good vintage turnout!
ECZA Fall Meet-Concordville Nissan 11/5/05
Hey, I plan on attending this. Not with my Z unfortunately..... Is there anybody else here that I might see there?
Dashboard stuff on 2Fast/2Furious cars
Personally, I hated the fast and the furious movies, I thought they were horrible. Just my opinion. Swordfish on the other hand, I thought was a great film
The best looking 240z period...
Im going to have to disagree as well. I do not like the hood scoop, it throws off the symetry of the car. I do like flares from time to time, although its not working for me on this car, i think the same color flares just don't match up for me, i don't know. It is a very good looking 240Z, don;'t get me wrong, although it is not the best looking one in my opinion. I think you saying that you loved it was the right thing to do, because now we can get a good critique going on about it
Rust Bullet
This thread should be deleted
Toyota S800
Undercoat removal technique?
I did the dry ice technique on the trunk area of my z to get off the tap paper. I guess if you had your Z on a rotisserie you could turn it upside down and just put dry ice on the undercoating as I did in the trunk of mine. This seems more feasible for the every day joe. It would work wouldn't it? Maybe not be as effective and dry ice blasting, but good non-the-less.
Lift doesn't fit
Dan, when it comes to engine stands avoid a three legged one at all costs. They are bad and unsturdy; a little while back I had an engine on one, I was rolling it very slowly, and since most of the weight was applied on that signle front leg, it hit a pebble, the wheel shifted and engine came crashing to the ground, hit buckets of oil, engine oil every where, complete mess, none the less it almost smashed my car and most of all me. Go to harbor freight and get the 4 legged one, they are not very expensive and many people (myself included) have been very satisfied with them. Check out this thread, it should help you out THREAD good luck with your build
Vito's avatar is a pretty good one!
Going Albino
The picture in my mind this car is creating looks really sly, almost as it belongs in a movie or something. I think it should make a one of a kind car. Stick to getting what you want, and nothing else, you'll be ultimately satisfied
Suspension Q&A
Don't worry, in the end, it will all have been worth it.
Suspension components delivery
Well, I was kind of misleading, it did not come as one. They were 2 seperate purchases, both on ebay. The struts and springs were $350 and the urethane bushings were $130. If you want to know who I purchased them both from just send me a PM or e-mail, I can give you the names. I think they both have more
Suspension Q&A
Brian, I sent you the frame dimensions and everything about them Judging that you have just been noticing this, unless the car was in an accident you didn't know about, my guess is that it is the springs. Even the unevenness of the car looks a little to wrong for it to be the frame with out you previously notice. Does the car excessivlely bounce on that corner is ytou put all your weight into it? Well if it isn't the springs, I gave you enough information to check if it is the frame or not. Good Luck
Suspension Q&A
If it is not the springs doo not worry! When I stripped my Z I thought my frame was twisted, I went and talked to a guy at a shop and he told me how to check if it is the frame by measuring from reference points, it turned out the frame was fine, just my small twisted piece was from a previous repair, but it was not the whole car like yours is. Anyways, when I was talking to him I gathered that even if my frame was twisted he would have pulled it for me back into alignment and it would have costed me no more than a few hundred dollars, so do not worry, you will not have to look for a new Z, maybe just fork out some dough O yea, if you want the Z dimensions e-mail me, I have a copy that Ed sent to me prviously when I was in the same situation you are in now. You can use these to check the dimensions to make sure they are right. Good luck, I hope it is just your springs!
Suspension components delivery
My tokicko HP struts, tokico performance springs, and hyperflex urethane bushings. My suspension will be on its way. I got all of this for a grand total of....$480!(without shipping)
I got a delivery
My tokicko HP struts, tokico performance springs, and hyperflex urethane bushings. My suspension will be on its way. I got all of this for a grand total of....$480! (without shipping)
BMW 3.5 Z finally begins in earnest
Wow, creative idea jim. I love hearing about new things people are doing with the Z cars, inovative minds at work. I'm sure the 635 engine will be nice, producing plenty of torque. Good luck with your build, continue to update, im anxious to hear about it, as I am a Z and a BMW guy like you. P.S. I am sure a few people will telly ou this so I'll just get it done in the first post. Over at hybridZ they will be more interested then some here will be, because they focus purely on swaps and other modifications. I would like to continue hearing about your journey though
How fast will it really go?
Just out of curiosity, when is this 400 - 500 hp SBC gonna be built, and what modifications do you plan on doing to the SBC to build it up? Something that also crossed my mind, how much of this car do you actually have built? The stuff you are talking about is gonna cost big $$$. Not to say you don't have it or anything, but judging by your signiture, this car is gonna take a very very long time with all those modications you plan on doing
- VIDEO - A compliation of my 280Z turbo.. at the track, and goofing around
That was an awesome video, thanks. I love wtching Z videos because it so inspiring to me to keep working hard at mine because the end product will be beyond spectacular. Has anybody seen the new dukes of hazzard movie? That last seen with you drifting in a circle reminds me of it, in the movie they are just continuously drifting in a circle, very fakely, but kind of similar to what you were doing Great Video, keep it up
how to soften ride for a 240
Yea, I'd check out the eibach springs. I have never had them before, but the description here seems very appealing. Maybe an owner of them could chime in? Eibach Progessives I posted the description from motorsport, although if I were you I would look else where for better prices. Each time I have dealt with motorsport they were nice and knowledgeable, although there prices tend to be high, especially with shocks
Accident and injured in a concours 72 240z
If you don't mind me asking, what type of surgery are you having performed on your hand? The reason that I'm curious is earlier this year I feel skiing and had to have a metal plate and 5 screws put in my thumb, aparently it is a common procedure. All in all the surgery was not too bad. The worst of it was the evening after surgery when the anestetics wore off, fairly painful. Plus they made me go to physical therapy which was such a painfully slow process
Scarab Research
Although it may belong on the hybridz website, I would say that a scarab also has its place on this website. As a scarab it is historically important in the progression of Z cars, and they are coming of age as well! Im not sure how everybody else views it, but I feel like it follows the creeds of our club Pride, Performance, and preservation. We know you have pride, the performance is undoubtedly there, and you are preserving a vehicle that is important in Z history. Just trying to help make the scarab owners more comfortable O yeah, and that gain of thirty pounds could be gained by just having a fatter driver!
The Civic To End All Civics!!!!
I must say, for what its worth, it is a unique car *I don't mean for what the car is worth, I was using the phrase/saying*