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  1. I rebuilt all suspension a while back, put the rears back together, thinking I "may" upgrade to discs some day. Well, now I'm undoing everything to upgrade to discs. My advice: just do it now. Rear brakes are not that effective anyway, but might as well upgrade to something easier to maintain than looking for new wheel cylinders down the road. Just my .02.
  2. Wondering if anyone has ever tried adding a support up underneath the roof. I have an early '74 that sat out in the snow for many years, and has a soft spot in the roof (stretched). I've searched and read all the posts on this, and I have a replacement roof available, just started thinking that it might be easier to beef up the roof than all that drilling, cutting and welding. I know the roof will need some bondo, just trying to keep it to a minimum, and think that strengthening it would be a good idea. Some kind of U- or hat-channel type framing came to mind (think modern car hood underneath), but that would obviously hang down inside and the headliner would have to work around it. Not ideal. I am considerating adding a thin plate "band" to the roof to stiffen it up, might have to use a couple thin strips because of the curve. Also might try bonding another roof up underneath, two layers might be good. Anybody tried anything like this and have any suggestions?
  3. They go on top of the frame rail as a stiffener for the two bolts that connect the front crossmember to the frame.

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