Wondering if anyone has ever tried adding a support up underneath the roof. I have an early '74 that sat out in the snow for many years, and has a soft spot in the roof (stretched). I've searched and read all the posts on this, and I have a replacement roof available, just started thinking that it might be easier to beef up the roof than all that drilling, cutting and welding. I know the roof will need some bondo, just trying to keep it to a minimum, and think that strengthening it would be a good idea. Some kind of U- or hat-channel type framing came to mind (think modern car hood underneath), but that would obviously hang down inside and the headliner would have to work around it. Not ideal. I am considerating adding a thin plate "band" to the roof to stiffen it up, might have to use a couple thin strips because of the curve. Also might try bonding another roof up underneath, two layers might be good. Anybody tried anything like this and have any suggestions?