NW Datsun / Nissan meet in Canby, Oregon
Gas Prices?
I live in southern Ontairo (Canada) and unfortunatly the price of regular gas is no better. The price of gas has been bouncing around from $0.95 a litre to $0.88 for the past month. Justin
another picture of the non fitting wheels
1972 240Z Interior
1972 240Z Interior
Z Concept Feedback
looking good, keep us updated
Z Concept Feedback
Schevets, The roof does look nice, but if this is to be a practical idea rather than art, the roof couldnt be so low. You be banging your head over ever bump and from the inside you'd feel as if you we're in a dungeon. Alfadog, I perfer to be thought of as a car expert
Z Concept Feedback
hmmm, alright first off the wheels and wheel wells are WAY to big. Next the car could benefit from not being so low to the ground, and finally I would suggest raising the roof section of the car (only a bit) as its out of proportion to the body. Okay, I know I sound a bit (very) critical but, its these little things that make the car flow a lot better. In my opinion anyway - don't know if thats worth much, but oh well. Hope this helps. :nervous: I too have been fooling around with the idea of a concept car, only mine is not centered around the 240/280 Z. Ummm, I'll try and get some pics up soon and get your opinion on it as well.
Z Concept Feedback
hmmm, what about this car - Aston Martin AMV8 http://fast-autos.net/astonmartin/astonmartinamv8vantage.html In my opinion its a lot sleeker and resembles the Z more. Sure you'd still have to change the grill, side vents, and fool with the headlights a bit. But if your car even closely resembles this car you'll have a winner. Who knows it might even look better
Fairlady Roadster
1971 240Z
Would Like to hear your thoughts...
Rust, unfortunatly is a problem with all Datsun Z cars. I would do I search for the right thread that discusses the most prone areas to rust on a z car; then return to the guy and check out the car again. Hopefuly everything looks okay and you can drop the price a bit (looks a little high to me).
Mirrored BRE-fake 1:18
s15 style wide body kit