Everything posted by 1972zed
Save S30-0002
Quarter panels look good. And noone put a (yech) sunroof in it back in '82 like everyone was doing.
In lieu of jack stands
If it CANT take the lugs off a truck, what good is it?
In lieu of jack stands
OK jack stands it is, what about those new cordless impact wrenches, anybody use them? not the air ones but the ones with the battery chargers.
In lieu of jack stands
wheels and tires. I know what you are thinking the car could roll off the rims.
In lieu of jack stands
I am about to replace my clutch. was going to buy jack stands but to be perfectly honest i dont trust them. but I have never really used them. What I have done, is laid 4 rims flat on the garage floor and jacked up the car and put them under the wheels. Then lowered the car onto the rims. Is this safe? anybody do this ever?
Hurricane Katrina
MikeW "I think that is out of line. It appears to me that the main group of people that the government is having to help are the "downtrodden". I can't imagine how you think voting is somehow tied to this. Sorry Mike, I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. From my perspective this may be the largest civil engineering cotastrophe of all time. Is it a natural disaster? partially, yes and mostly no. The levee system was inadequate and out of date. The government was warned this would eventually happen but chose to ignore the warnings. THe fact that thousands of relatively poor uneducated black folk live beneath sea level behind leaky walls with no means of escape appears somehow tied to government priorities. Government priorities are tied to votes. It appears the government had different priorities. http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001051313 Votes determine where federal dollars are spent (Iraq or at home). and on most US news broadcasts this morning including Meet the Press, the question is already being floated "would the government's reaction (before and after the levee broke) had been the same if this took place in an affluent white neighborhood. It will be interesting to watch over the next two years or so how all this unfolds. Steve
Really bad day...
just goes to show there are 63 year old idiots.
Hurricane Katrina
CoastGuardZ. As a Western Canadian who visited NOLA (and fell in love with the city) a few years back, I have had that Tragically Hip song rattling around my head for a week. Awesome band - and that song you speak of "New Orleans is Sinking" isn't necessarily the best but its a good one. Nice to hear a plug for the Hip from south of the border. One of the most underrated bands out there. on a more sober note, from a foreign perspective the optics of all this are that the people who had the wherewithall to get out got out, the people who didn't, couldnt. And it appears by the efforts in the aftermanth that the government doesn't care about the "downtrodden". And it appears that the government ignores these people because they don't vote, or at least vote for them. And if they wanted to vote, they would be deemed ineligible. I guess much of this is the Michael Moore sentiment it will be interesting to see how it all plays out in the political theatre.
Is this stupid or what?
oops by that, I mean the tarp thing.
Is this stupid or what?
In my Canadian city, non-tagged vehicles must be covered by a tarp if they are in your front or back driveway. Even vehicles with current plates can be towed if left longer than 48 hours on the street. A number of years ago it was-40 in january, and I had a chevy caprice sitting on the street and a fire hydrant or water main broke up the street. My house is at the lowpoint on the block. So all the water settled in front of the house before it froze the car in solid. I wasnt driving the car at the time, so I figured I would wait a few weeks and let it thaw out. Anyway, I noticed several tickets on my car the morning I was leaving for a business trip. Yeesh... You might want to check into that.
Hurricane Katrina
Regardless of the shots we usually take from Bill O'Reilly and the rest of FOXNews. We Canadians are, and will be there for our American cousins, and as usual are in no need for accolades. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20050831_katrina_template_050831/?hub=Canada
Rust Bucket Support Group
Thanks guys, I will be getting a professional bodyman to do this after I buy the part. No point paying for inflated parts.
Rust Bucket Support Group
Enrique, I bought quarter panels from Mill Supply a couple of years ago. I assume you are saying I need part number 40. Is this an Inner Rocker, the drawing is kind of funny. I see the part that goes behind the fender but the rest of it is confusing. Did you buy this from them? Excellent company. Good prices I will buy from them. Thanks.
Hurricane Katrina
I went home at lunch to watch the flooding on CNN. The levee broke and 80% of NOLA is under 20 ft of water. Its horrible and the devistation is only slowly being realized. People have punched holes through roofs of houses to get up on the roof to be evacuated. I can only imagine how many others are trapped with no means of escape. I have an office job in Canada. Today I'm wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt that says simply"Blues Club 216 Bourbon". My heart is with you all.
Rust Bucket Support Group
Thanks guys, So Enrique, you are saying the front section of the rocker panel sits inside (berhind) the fender and the fender is bolted to it? Can I easily cut this off a doner body? I thought about those fender repair panels. I may go that route.
Rust Bucket Support Group
Dash is no longer uncracked. the door hinges are not in danger it is the area of the car under the fender (will be covered by a new fender) next to the rocker panel, where the last two bolts for the front fender attach to the car.
Rust Bucket Support Group
I bought a 72 240z sight unseen (my brother e-mailed me some pictures) a couple of years ago from 500 miles away, I brought it home on a flatbed. The price was right, 600 bucks. I told him that if it looked ok, and the rails, & floorboards were good I wanted it. He told me it had an uncracked dash (which has since cracked) so I bought it. Now im not so sure. From a previous life I knew it would need some work, quarter panels (which I have purchased) fenders (I have one, need another). Interior etc... its a project, needless to say. It is slowly coming along (way slower than the first one I bought.) my stalling point is a hole underneath the drivers side fender (bottom by the door where you bolt the fender on from the bottom) is rusted pretty bad. This is on the side of the firewall? not the bottom of the car. The fender is going to the scrap yard if I ever get it off, so and I am not concerned about that. Just the structure of the car. I hope to post pictures here in the coming weeks for clarification. It is rusted to point that if I try and remove the bolt closest to the door to get the fender off, the piece of the frame or body is going to come with it. Pretty big hole. Further in, the frame rail and floor board is good, just this area is bad (softball sized hole). Does anybody have experience or even better pictures of repairs to this area? I know on a unibody frame, everything is important (even the windshield) but is this a repareable area?
ya whole car. I'm thinking about buying it for just the interior panels and selling the dash. How can you tell if it has a dashpad, a 1/2 dashpad would be easy to figure out, but what about the full dash cover they used to sell.
California Crackdown on Modified Cars
its funny all this talk about rice tuners. I grew up in a small town of about 35000 in Canada and Im 41 now. Im married and have 2 almost teen kids, daughter starts high school in Sept. her little brother is in 6th grade. I work as a civil servant. Sooooo im about as much white middle class as you can get... Now go back a few years to 1980. lets see... pants so tight I couldnt sit comfortably, mullet hairdoo... my car was a rusty 72 ford cortina, that i remember the gear shift fell out. I didnt have a muscle car obviously but we did street race. Usually around 10-11PM around dark unpaved back alleys in residential neighborhoods. It was kind of a chase thing. the guy with the faster car lead the other guy followed. Sound dangerous? I shudder at the thought of someone walking out to their trashbin. Cars my friends had: One had a 72 chevelle, other had a 67 Chevelle, balanced and blueprinted, other buddy had a 67 mustang fastback with a Ford 427 in it. Once he started working he swapped it for a High output brand spanking new Ford Mustang, I think we had it up to 150 MPH on the free way once (middle of the afternoon and yes we were intoxicated). Another buddy an 81 firebird think it had a 400 ci powerplant. Drag racing down main street was alive and well. And we even had thousand dollar sterios back in the day too. Not condoning racing here (its dangerous and wrong) but for you young guys, dont think its anything new. and for you old guys, you cant say a sticker on a car or a bunch of them or a muffler or whale tale on a rice rocket is any more agressive or offensive than the blowers, headers or 50 series racing slicks we used to have. if a car is safe its safe if not its not. And why discriminate against a kid with a rice rocket when professional athletes with Ferraris are hitting brick walls at 80 miles an hour? Lets not be hypocritical here.
Hi I livein Canada. I stumbled accross a 72 or 73 240z POS the other day. It is completely bondo, and all the windows are smashed. Floor boards rusted beyond recognition. It has a few decent interior panels (black) and apparently the engine is good. The one saving feature of this car is an uncracked dash. The guy wants $350 Canadian for it or about $300 US. Is it worth it? I understand its a big hassle to get the dash out or in. But I hate to see it go to the crusher with a good dash. The dash in my own car was uncracked when I bought it two years ago but has cracked in that time.