Everything posted by ajmcforester
How have you fixed twisted off rusty bolts?
Use penetrating oil hit it several times for the next day or two and see if yo can twist it out. next drill the tap out. I weld a new nut to the panel the replace the bolt. This way it all matches. I would not use a self tapping screw
stock 240z radio questions
Why not look at some of the hidden radios on the market and mount it under the seat. Some of the new units can link to a smart phone to run the radio. I'd use the antenna in the car already and add a magnetic interference shield to improve the radio reception
Loud and snappy sounding under the hood at intake and exhaust side
Have you checked the valve lashing, timing, and made sure all the emissions parts are working. All these would case what you explained.
Wire Identification Help
The best system I've seen is from Isis (link bellow with link to episode that I learned about the company). I know you can also get something from painless wire, and Edelbrock. I think you will find a lot of companies that have products for this. You were also mentioning other systems like the lights going out, a lot of times the connectors are worn out the connector blocks. You can get new blades for the connectors, and replace the old ones this helped me out big time. ISIS Intelligent Multiplex System - Automotive Wiring Harnesses, Car Wire Harness, Engine Wiring Harness, Auto Wiring Harness, Truck Wiring Harness, Car Wiring Kits TGG 803 ? Super Wiring | Two Guys Garage
Wire Identification Help
The reason I ask about the harness is you can get a good updated harness the works well for the Chevy V8 even ones that use a box in the enine bay and you run the wires into one box.
Wire Identification Help
Steve the yellow when I looked at my schematics threw me off, but just check the 260Z manual and their it is.
Wire Identification Help
That wire harness looks like a mess. Why are you not installing new wire and build a new harness?
Motor antenna repair
It would be nice to have a post of restoring a 280Z antenna on the site also.
Motor antenna repair
Don't worry about braking the plastic rod I came up a way to replace it. However you need to clean the unit out they get nasty inside. In fact the antenna runs smother once you replace the line (I think the line gets old and stiff over time and when going up it can't straiten anymore. Here is the link to the forum on replacing the line. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/electrical-s30/42445-antenna-mast-plastic-string-replacement.html
Motor antenna repair
The one to the left looks correct. The one to the right looks to be aftermarket, unless it is for a 280Z. I have parts for the one on the left the right maybe.
JWT Supercharger
If you can't find that kit look at whipple for the supercharger they have a unit that would work nice plus you can get it veined for you CFM and pressure rates.
Blue I think I saw that car in Prospect Park. This car is very rare to find in this quality, I hope you enjoy it can be a fun car.
Steering is VERY stiff??
If it is hard, I'd take out the rack take it apart and pack with new grease. The other thing is if stuff got in around a boot from a crack or something it can be between the teeth, it would not take much sand or something small to cause this problem or damage the rack
Steering is VERY stiff??
How hard is the greese in the rack you might need to clean it out.
Antenna Won't go up
The antenna allows water to flow down the plastic mast to a drain on the bottom well that gets gonked up. This can cause the shaft to snap. On my first Z I'd spray a little penetrating oil in the antenna to help prevent this after I rebuilt it.
Antenna Won't go up
Clean it if the antenna, if plastic shaft broke I came up with a way to use heavy trimmer sting to fix it. I posted the information on this site this year
A review of what's gone - period 240Z exhausts
Did you look at the pictures I added they might help. Also I might be interested in a trade for the rear section from the rounded one to the more canister like ones for the rear a picture would help.
Anyone ever dissemble a flasher?
Things like that rake a day next time one hour
240Z Original style Air pump/Emission system set is now available. All made in Japan.
Well that's why it surprises me what you get produced, I't seems things just get harder to make anymore. Well maybe in the future we could use a 3d printer http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?&p=3d+printer&vid=1165720551549&dt=1308860281&l=0&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D1165720551549%26id%3D43b2a76f715ea3b59e2f4b535e4f0bc2%26bid%3DO%252fKTPgD3FraUSw%26bn%3DThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.youtube.com%252fwatch%253fv%253dZboxMsSz5Aw&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fv%2FZboxMsSz5Aw%26autoplay%3D1&tit=3D+Printer&sigr=11f0a4tn3&newfp=1&surl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZboxMsSz5Aw&sigs=11alv1en0
240Z Original style Air pump/Emission system set is now available. All made in Japan.
I know their was a lot of bends in those hoses and that's why it was expensive to reproduce. The ashtray would be 7 parts if I'm thinking correctly the tray, lid, handle, chrome ring, the metal ashing plate, and one or two springs. I wonder how many would go for a fake plate that looked like it from the outside most people now days don't need an ashtray and I would not want to ash in a tray that expensive anyways. This would cut it down to 2-3 parts: plate, chrome ring and maybe the handle (don't know if could be easily molded as one).
240Z Original style Air pump/Emission system set is now available. All made in Japan.
Wow that's a pretty penny, at least I would fell good about the quality since your involved. esprist I was thinking about some products that I thought you might get involved with one is the 70/71 ashtrays, and the antenna mounting parts. Have you looked into them?
"White" seat covers?
The problem with white and pictures is they can look whiter than they are. In 24 Ounces's pictures the panels actually look too white it's hard to tell if they were dyed or not, because pictures can give a bright white look to the off white. I will tell you Datsun did use a color trick with the seats, they were a little brighter white than the panels making the interior look whiter than it was. Some other things about the materials to make the seat covers that I have found taking my seat to shops and talking to companies that make the covers. for my current Z that are in black. I only mention this since you sound like you care about accuracy. You'll find that some the vinyl patterns will not match well the back the the seat they match pretty well, the front of the seat well the center section they can't get close to it I can spot that difference from 20' and the sides of the front of the seats somewhat match OK, at least enough that it's hard to tell. The piping well they seem to be able to get that 1/2 correct the smaller piping in the seats is not made any more so they use the same size. The vents are very close to the originals, the guy from Seatz stated he found them used on an industrial product unrelated to cars, and it seems everyone uses that same vent. I'm not very well impressed with the replacement covers my self. The covers out their seem to fit very well and I wonder if Japan has the correct materials for the seats, if so the seats could be made more accurately.
"White" seat covers?
I had good white originals it's not 100% sure but they don't look like the rite color. The replicas are bright white so they are not close either, however I rather have bright while over the dark cream
Decals for Z's
Decals for Z's