Everything posted by ajmcforester
Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car
The small Basset was mine and when it was just her, every time a truck pulled up behind me at the light she would roll and try to get them to rub her belly. I'd also leave the hatch open when I parked for her, and people would come up and pet her in the car, she was a calm and very loving dog.
Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car
I had two basset hounds in the trunk area, one was 95lb the other was 45lb, plus their stuff. They loved it their heads were at your height when they stood up
Brand new to Z's need a little guidance
The vins don't mean a whole lot. All US 240Z stat HLS30 and the second part is numbered in order the car was built so you own the 55,789th Z built for the US
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
This will be great if it works for you, I'm working with a 240z antenna witch was different than a 280z. Please keep us informed about how it works with your 280z. This will help a lot of people. BTW Welcome to the site, I hope you post pictures of your car. We like to see your car, please post pictures sometime.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Looking good it will be nice to get her on the road
Total Restoration Project. 71
Sorry for the double, what is the product they put on the car to prevent over spray?
Total Restoration Project. 71
Man every time you add more to this, the happier I am deciding to back to factory color on my car of #920. Ya it's a 70's only color but hey it's a good 70's color
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
OK, from the end it is 1" to the feral, and .6" inside the feral. So I'll go 48" the extra 1.4" won't hurt anything, and it is easier to say 4 feet. Now I went to Ace and Home Depot looked at the different line types the polycarbonate, and nylon line has about the right stiffness, they don't have the right diameter in round, in stock. I found a local dealer that sells by the foot, but won't be open till after the holiday, if he don't have it I'll order online. Now I can't get the exact diameter either the diameter is .140" The closest you can get it .130" or .155" I'm going with the .130" In the real it gets tight at 2 points and the .155" might put to much strain on the motor, and would be harder to install to the mast. Also I regularly use a little light oil on the antenna mast and work it into the mast the .130" will help allow more oil into the guid to help keep it from gunk-ing up.
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
JLP I'm considering glue that is a great choice, but I need to see what type of plastic I get. depending on the plastic some glues dry into the plastic so I'd don't know a much better product
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
Is that with the mast fully extended or down?
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
Will do I'm going to look for string.
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
Detaching the spring from the spool is the easy part the hard part is detaching the mast from the plastic string. I got brave just now and grabbed to rags and two vice grips and see if the tip of the antenna mast would twist off, and it did. It is threaded on after the tip came off it slid right out, now I know what I have to work with. I took pictures. They stamped it on with 8 small points. I was thinking using heat and burn off all the plastic. Then soften the plastic to insert the new plastic string. What are your all thoughts?
Antenna Mast Plastic string replacement
I have an original antenna mast with the plastic string broken, and about 10 motor units that all now work. I was wondering if anyone has tried to replace the plastic string? I have an idea I would want to try however I only have one mast, not even a later model one to try first, so I wanted to see what has been tried. If you tried something please let us know even if it failed. Hear is what I was thinking of doing. I was looking at string trimmers' string at the same diameter and stiffness to replace the string. The nice thing about trimmer string is it comes in different harnesses, and thicknesses so finding what will work will not be the problem. The problems are getting the old string out of the mast and attaching the new string, or even splicing the old string to the new string. I don't have one that I could brake and see how the string is attached or how the tip of the antenna is attached. Does anyone know how the antenna tip is attached? If I could get it off I think I could take the antenna mast apart. If I can't fully replace it I might try to splice it, by crimping a metal piece end to end. The only problem is it needs to be very strong, and thin to last so I don't think this would last long that's why I don't like this idea so much. WHat are your thoughts and ideas?
What type of oil/fluid do you put in the strut cartridge?
I'd be worried of rusting
240 hood adjustment
Yes you could do that but you should figure out why it is not sittibg the same first.
Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car
Get that kid a rag, and a 1/4 socket drive you got a helper
What type of oil/fluid do you put in the strut cartridge?
Some years a go I went to help a Pantera broken on the side of the road, well the diff broke and they were filled with whale oil I almost vomited from the smell of hot whale oil. Well I gave him a ride in the 80' Datsun 210 to a phone nice man he insisted on buying me lunch and a tank of gas hethought it was hilarious when I could only squeeze 5 gallons in. I told him I filled it up that week. B
What type of oil/fluid do you put in the strut cartridge?
I took a quick look and couldn't find the posts. It has been several years on this site this was talked about. I guess I'll find out this year when I crack one open the smell is a dead give-a-way.
What type of oil/fluid do you put in the strut cartridge?
From what I've read the original oil is sperm whale, you can't get a better oil. Their are several companies the sell specific oil for shocks I think this would be your best bet
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
That's how it goes sometimes. I got the parts you sent ready for Sunday's plating
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
I'd take the antenna with a pointy end. Also a good hatch-shock can fetch good money like on the orange one
Looking for a screw
I have an original tank and pump that I can get you. The pump is shot but you can get a perfect replacement with the exception that the wires have different connectors. What I did was remove the old wires and soldered them to the pump, I did a right-up on a forum about this even listed brand of pump and model #
Total Restoration Project. 71
Nice I hope to be at that stage this year
where can i get these?
Kats had stuff on his website about that clip. The one Nissan was selling upto now was not the same as original
Stick on window decals?
Most print shops and sign shops can make them for you