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Everything posted by ajmcforester

  1. Like the paint, like the 920 color can't wait to get mine in the shop. Mine was built in April and will be contacting the shop for her 40th. What brand, prep, and number of coats was your car? I'll be doing 920 also
  2. I might take you up on that offer sometime down the road
  3. Ya but try to have it consistent like that in the picture with a hammer
  4. ajmcforester replied to zed2's post in a topic in Electrical
    If someone could get me an original of each battery and was to make a battery box. Would people buy. They make these for American cars, maybe with the batteries I could drive out to one of the companies in PA and see if the would help. I know they are out their, it's just finding who has them and who will loan it out.
  5. I was thinking that using radiant heat would be good, since the heater in the house needs replacement putting a larger furnace and running a line out to the garage would not be hard. The cost would be the deciding factor South Jersey is a lot warmer than north, and heating would only be needed about 4 months of the year. Now cooling might be something to look at that is needed about 6 months, and a radiant system can be turned into a cooling system.
  6. Go 30' deep you will not regret it. My apartment garage is 17'X35' I haft to leave wall in back open because the side door is on the opposite side of the apartment entry. It's great you can have work bench and tools along the back with room to work. I'd also leave 5' between the wall and and last bay. I'm looking at a house that does not have a garage and needs work, the nice thing is I might pickup the property for a song and dance and would be able to take the loan out enough to build the garage, put in a kitchen and plumbing upstairs, and make the needed repairs. The house would need work, but it would fall on the historic registry with the state giving me property tax abatements. I think I'd put in a 40'wx30'd garage with vaulted ceiling and tall door with lift in the center bay. I'd install drains and curtains for each bay, that way I would be able to clean a car, weld do some wood work without moving all the cars. I would need to screen the garage from the street side to keep the tax abatements, but with taxes in NJ that is well worth it.
  7. ajmcforester replied to zed2's post in a topic in Electrical
    I'd love to get a hold of an original even just the casing. First thing I do is look at having the outside of the battery replicated, and make a battery box for a modern battery. I'd put a battery switch for easy disconnect that would be accessible from the cover that originally covers the filling caps. So that when you looked at the car it would look like you have a vintage battery
  8. Nope not even that is available
  9. I really only buy stuff for my Z on ebay, and I'm not impressed with ebay the changes they have hurt the buyers. My policy has become if I can't find it else ware then I use it. I was going to sell my parts that didn't sell hear on ebay but I don't like how they do business so I hope they sell they are taking up to much room.
  10. Id want plastic the mounting stems are thin. To mold it in metal it would need to be a pot metal so it wouldn't be any stronger, and you would have more weight since it's metal is heavier. Metal would have a better finish and would less likely warp. However a more modern plastic will less likely warp, stronger and plastic chrome seems to have gotten better. I agree a stud and nut would be nice touch, however I'd stick with the old method
  11. Another one would be, the original style antenna masts, even if you just made the masts. The plastic cords are plastic and getting very brittle. Also aluminum brake drums
  12. ajmcforester replied to sbaker78's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    In your application include information about your work location (pictures), the route you drive and at what time especially if you don't drive during high traffic times.
  13. ajmcforester replied to sbaker78's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Jeff, I'd apply for it be honest with them they still might insure you, they do some modifications in policies. I prefer Hagerty, I also hear good things about JC Taylor.
  14. This would be a good product even US taillight lens include the chrome strip and sell it as a reconditioning kit. The other would be the 70-71 Ash tray, they are not surviving well, they crack easy and looks very bad without it. The part is not overly complex also. What about replicating battery cables they are N/A You can't get terminals that match to make your own wires. Sun visors If you could do rubber I have a list of parts in my head that are needed, that could keep you busy for quite a while
  15. I would not let them touch the other side. That is a hack job. They could of just cut the nut off which I've done many times to keep from damaging threads. I'd understand a little thread tear but as soon as the started to damage the threads he should have stopped and used a different wrought. If I was you and he thinks he will do it the same on the other, get the car out of their and go somewhere better. Don't tick him off you need the wheel put back together correctly but don't let them damage the car. That was amateur work.
  16. ajmcforester replied to Reverend's post in a topic in Electrical
    The antenna it self just lets things in, heck it has its own drain tube it allows that much water in. It's a little messy to do but I thought it was worth doing it spraying/soaking the antenna with a quality lubricating penetrating oil till it drips out the drain tube every year or so as maintenance these antenna are not cheap as we all know. It don't take long before you will find corrosion inside of it after you clean it if you don't do something
  17. Nice car thanks for posting a picture, nothing like hey I got a new car its great and no picture. That look like one of the nicer 2+2 out their
  18. ajmcforester replied to Reverend's post in a topic in Electrical
    I agree take it apart and clean it out they get really cruddy inside and the out side will look fine. I rebuilt the one for my last Z and my current one I still need to do that. I'll try to finish mine and if you need parts after I have a good one I could send you what you need
  19. I use the fiberglass drywall tape to reinforce my stuff and weld new plastic over it. I like a7dz way with the exception I'd use ABS resin over fiberglass resin.
  20. It is not fiber like on my original bucks, I do have an extra fiberglass made one that's after market.
  21. First off if they are original they are not fiberglass, they are ABS plastic. I forget what designer won awards for this idea, because at first Nissan didn't have the equipment to make the complicated stamping. It is important to know that your not working with fiberglass, because if you repair it like fiberglass it might not take. Also ABS plastic is easier to repair. You need to get the stud out I think Nissan molded them right in I have one bucket with plastic on the threads. ABS can be heated up, be careful the plastic goes from soft to molten lava real quick. If that don't work drill it out. If is cracks use a plastic welder or ABS glue. You can get ABS glue in the plumbing section in white, translucent and black. The interior panels are also ABS. When you put the new stud in heat it up a little and use a little ABS glue, that way it won't come out. I'm fixing the ones I'll be putting on the car. I started by replacing the studs on one with the broken corner. Next I'll mold a new corner on the part and weld in some reinforcement into the corner. I noticed they crack and brake in that corner on a lot of these buckets so I'll make it stronger for the 2 buckets. I did this with the interior panels also. I have found repairing plastic not to be hard, actually when you know what type of plastic your working with it is easy. Someone hit and ran my FJ, most of the damage was plastic. My check was for $3,800. For a day and half of my time $350 in fixing the little metal damage and $300 in parts. I saved by repairing plastic another $400 in parts. I did not like working with thermal plastic, but the parts were cheap the front bumper cover was $110 from Toyota so I didn't do much with that plastic type.
  22. I'm with Gary in NJ it sounds like a vacuum leak. Check the lines while the car it running. You might want to replace these hoses soon little cracks can mess-up the vacuum system. Check your oil the engine has a little raddled sound to it. Have you tuned the valves yet?
  23. Delilah is a great name for a car. All machines are female it goes back well before Christ with boats and sailing ships.
  24. ajmcforester replied to Reverend's post in a topic in Electrical
    The one on the left looks to be the original type, the right one looks to be aftermarket or a latter year. I'd mount the replacement
  25. Mine on the side are the same. The last owner took a hit in the DS headlight and grill. He gave me all the parts, but the damage bucket. Well they replaced the fasteners with hardware store whatevers, at least they used metric. Thanks you have been a great help now I know what to order.

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