Everything posted by ajmcforester
First time Z owner
What is a little rain? I worked over night once with no heater on my car to find out the next day it was below -10 that night. The location I was using at that time, not any more, the choice was light or heat, and I didn't want to work in the dark. Beside rain just means you get wet, I bet when you were a kid that would not stop you from playing No it is good to hear you want to work on the car otherwise why have it these cars can be simple but they need some work from time to time. Just wait you will be putting parts and tools on the Christmas list and nothing else till someone forces you to. A good car-cover is worth it, don't go cheap when you get one get a nice fitted one.
First Z
Great, I hope you tapped the surface rust areas to make sure they were surface rust. Other than that congratulations!! Picture are needed. have you found transportation for it yet?
washer motors
Matt you could take it down to the auto parts store and try to match the motor. Don't worry about conectors if you have the original, just splice the old wires to the new pump.
First time Z owner
If your looking for something ask you be surprised what people hear can find. That was slick when he posted that.
Welcome Advice - Going to buy a 370z
Smart move they are almost always abused when sporty cars come back within its first 5 years.
First time Z owner
http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsuns30/DatsunFairladyZIndex/tabid/1543/Default.aspx someone posted this sight recently.
First time Z owner
I have several versions of Haynes, Chiltons, and several others, don't ask how I got some of them even I don't know. Trust me get the factory manual you won't be sorry. It will be one of the best purchases you can make for this car. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-WORKSHOP-REPAIR-SERVICE-MANUAL-CD-/130464738476?pt=Motors_Manuals_Literature&hash=item1e604decac http://www.zcarcreations.com/cdman/cdman.htm
First time Z owner
Just 6-7cc of oil will do in each piston. SO it did fire that is good to know if you didn't mess anything up you have spark Now we can go to fuel supply. First I bet you have resin build-up in the float chamber and fuel pump, very common for sitting cars. By the way pick up several new fuel filters you will be surprised how much junk builds up in a two year sitting car. I'm betting you have the original mechanical fuel pump, get a bucket and run the engine and see if your getting gas from the pump. Yes then proceed to the float chambers (be careful on the screws I don't think you can get original style ones anymore). This is a carb part so don't fell bad to tell me you don't know what something is, I would greatly appreciate that so we don't waist time. Their are 4 screws on top of the float remove and gently lift, their are thin parts that deal with adjustment and a glass bearing in the valve. clean the valve. on the side were the hose connects take that a part their is a screen inside clean it. if the float gets in the way carefully remove the pin that it rotates on you don't want to drop the float. put it back together and add alittle fuel to the float. Then see if she starts. If she starts don't run it for long or drive it yet you can do some damage. You will need to re-lash the valves (if the valve lashing is way off you can do damage to the valves and the cam). and clean up the carb dashpots. Lets do the ego boost and get her to start first I'd also recommend getting a copy of the factory service manual, you can find copies on CD and in paper.
Welcome Advice - Going to buy a 370z
Their nice, but they have a hard time competing with Colorado's. Yours aren't as long.
First time Z owner
Oil has cleaners that won't last 2 years in a engine when they break down the make the oil bad, also put some oil in the pistons it will damage the cylinder walls The car normally hold some oil from its last run on the rings this is enough to prevent damage till the engine starts and pumps oil back up, the problem is when it has not ran in a while the oil has now all ran off. It is good he left a full tank of gas it helps prevent it from making a resin in the system it migh not be good to run however. Just use a gas can, stick a hose off the pump in side the can. Have you sprayed either into the carb and try to start it yet? I've checked spark by pulling the wire and putting it on the valve cover with the boot pulled back. If you had points you could pull the point back and see if you had spark. You do need better pugs than Autolights, this car will burn them out but it won't stop the car from turning over. If you got spark the next thing would be fuel.
First time Z owner
K&N filters are cotton that you soak with oil, I'd get the cleaning kit and re-oil. The carbs need to be clean, they should not be dirty otherwise you will suck that into the engine. Start slow getting it to run! Start be replacing plugs and points & condenser in the distributor. While replacing the plugs put a little oil in on top of the piston to oil the top rings (more than likely their is no oil on the pistons). Change the oil, no reason moving water and junk through the engine were it don't belong. Then you can turn the engine, don't start it if you can resist. Next lash the valves, this will be something you should do every year any ways and the engine needs to turn to do this. Drain the fuel and blow out the fuel lines. If you don't want to drain the tank at least use fresh gas into the pump the old stuff can damage the engine and rust will damage the pump and plug the filter. Next check if you have spark, and that you are getting fuel to the carbs. You can prime the bowls or spray some either to see if she will start at this point. I gave a very easy over view their is more you may want or need to do. Just remember engines don't like to sit that long anything that needs oil, oil it first before starting. I would not play with the carbs till she turns over. More than likely they will need to be cleaned and tuned, but the car should fire even out of tune. With the carbs you will want to find a Z specialist or a british car specialist to go over tuning SU carbs
Jdm exhaust muffler
I would have put money Ron would beat you to the punch. When his finger twitched that was the end
is AM radio worth much?
You will find this on Classic Zcar Club site all the time that is why I post things hear first including parts I plan to sell.
First time Z owner
Ya and I work government, so I get spat on weapons pulled the whole 9 yards of bad. I also get the old lady who likes what I did and the people who will help out in a moments notice, even had a mayor who knew me give me a ride to and from the auto parts store so I could replace a broken u joint. When I worked private I got private box seats, concert tickets and all sorts of expensive goodies for saving their trees, and protecting their homes, even for being expert witness in court cases or statement to insurance companies, just not one of my dream cars.
Welcome Advice - Going to buy a 370z
Go new let the nicks and scratches be yours not someones you bought. I don't trust anyone who get rid of a car that quick, was everything maintained well over the ownership, I bet if they got rid of it that quick not to my standards. Also it is end of year time so you can work it to get the price down. If you want some of the options that are not on the car use that after they stop going down in price, you might get them to throw some of them on after the fact your they might budge. I did that with my FJ Cruiser, got the fully loaded model (after they ordered everything) under dealership cost, and in the color and transmission setup I wanted (manual). I purchased at $25,000 what MSRP $39,500 over 35% off in 2007 when these were selling 6 months before for $5,000 over MSRP on average
First time Z owner
Yep you got a good one it is an early one when I saw the duel levers on the council I new it was a low number. When looking for rust check under the carpets around the drain holes and the back deck lid, rocker-panel and under the battery if they are not rust good bet you won't find much. By the way pm me some lotto number because you must be lucky to get one like this for free. I spent 2 years and 10 flights and found something close with a little body work needed. And you got some work ahead to bring her back to great condition, but if no rust this car will be worth it. If you don't think so PM me
Jdm exhaust muffler
kats I wished to find one do you know one for sale??? pm
Unquiet Slumber for the Sleepers
If you need a new washer bottle, let me know. One of today's project was putting in brighter light for the garage since the door can't be open without a cold draft.
weatherstripping and such
I got all new rubber for windows OEM, Nissan from Bonsai Motorworks http://www.zzxdatsun.com/
First Z
Now you have a start price write down everything you find wrong that was after the fact of the negotiated price. A bunch of small things adds up to $$$, and if you go over each one at a time they will write it off and not budge but if you have a list it is harder to write off because you gave them all at once. I don't know how much room you will have, but I found a car that might make a good parts car. I'll make a post when I have more about that car.
Classic Z
Na you just become refined, not patina
First Z
Keep a positive attitude with the person while being skeptical otherwise it will be hard to negotiate a price. The other thing is what do you plan to do when you get this car? For getting a daily driver you want to find a car with some miles little driving causes as much if not more damage than no driving so very low mile old cars need to be taken apart to make them reliable, and the amount of work needed is dependent on how it was stored. Their are exceptions to low milage and it deals with storage and I can figure out how to get the 32 Ford with 2,000 miles I would the car is in a special nitrogen filled vault suspended on special axle straps, and all the joints are moved and oiled once a year since 1933, it sill has the original never been touched battery in working order. I was lucky enough to go into the vault and this is the jewel with no owner.
Classic Z
Balding would be on antiques naturally polished top. So your bio would read naturally polished top with a weathered patina in well worked condition. I made some money fixing up antique trunks for use as coffee tables.
First Z
One more thing I had looked for a long time over 10 years at many different cars I wanted the first Z I looked at to buy I bought. That was my blue Z I wish she was around still. I was very skeptical of everything I was told about the car, and the only thing he was truthful about was when it was repainted, and the lac of rust (rust would have broken the deal) the guy was moving and wanted to sell before the move so I hammered the price till it met the condition of the car and took it home. I had to stop on the highway 4 time in 60 miles to fix different things I almost lost a wheel going home, only one lug and five threads away. I loved fixing that car up, but I expected a rough car and lots of problems. The reason your second guessing your self is you might be noticing that their are some contentions you may need to deal with. I hope this is the one of your dreams, but pick-a-part all the clues to make sure you get what you want!
First Z
Smart move, but I would not plan driving it back that far you need to know the car so plan on shipping it back. That isn't as bad as most will make it out last I checked CA to NJ was 1,200 to ship a car, about 250-350 in air fair and 200-300 in a rental car, and if your clever enough you can get rooms next to nothing.