wires and hoses oh my?
<geeez> :stupid: Where the heck does the black wire that comes off the coil on my 82zx go? The car still runs without it being hooked up but i'm sure it is suppose to go somewhere? And..... i know this isn't an electrical question but where can i find a schematic for the hoses. i have a feeling some of them are not right?
:mad: :cross-eye thank-you , i'll have to find another 280zx then! gotta go!!!!! i'm on a mission now!!!!! thanx again!
oooops *wil those also fit?
Because i have access to a 300z that has t-tops, will those also fit? and thank you for your answer to my question :classic:
will any year t-top fit on my 83zx or does it have to be a specific year or just my car year, okay so lets just say is there a diff.
thank you for all the support in regards to my question! and ZRUSH, I apologize for being such a bitch in regards to my pic thing a while back, it's was a really bad day. thanks again all!
??? Electronic Igniter???
STEPHEN, thanks so much for all of your help! And thanks for not making me feel like a complete idiot. You know it can really be rough out here, and well ... i do know a lil about engines , but it's kinda odd with the Z i'm afraid i'll really screw something up if i start screwing around with stuff. My X was a master Mech. for infinity . and well i paid attention, but with my Z it can really be kinda nuts. So once again, thank you so much
<feeling really dumb for asking but ~~~~~~> :stupid: Will the exhaust system from a 300z fit on a 83 280zx?
??? Electronic Igniter???
Would it be a wise choice since i have already replaced the fuel pump to go ahead and also replace the fuel pressure regulator/sensor ?< which ever is correct>Gosh i feel so darn stupid ~~~~~~~~~>Are these really just dingy blonde questions or what? i hate to be such a pest? :paranoid:
??? Electronic Igniter???
Guess what? it was the darn fuel pump!!!! I finally went on the internet and found a site that told me how to check the fuel pressure and did all that and found out that there was only 10 lbs. of pressure. GOOD LORD!!! No wonder the poor lil thing didn't wanna go anywhere? ha. Once again thanx everyone for all your input that guided me in the right direction.
??? Electronic Igniter???
Victor, my u know me so well, i spend alot of time down at the pick-a-part on blinn also the ecology on lomita blvd. They know me on a first name basis. Really, i love going in there. Kills a couple of hours on sundays. and i get to go in and take things apart to see how they work, I LOVE IT! THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HELP EVERYONE. As i said the car is at Z-world and they are all great guys, but they really do give me a hard time down there. Just wish they would stick to one mechanic working on my car. Seems like everytime i take the car in some other mechanic is working on it and has found another problem. I just want it to purrrrrrr, and its been in the shop now for 2 weeks. i told them to do what ever it takes. soooooooo, i've given them a $100.00 a day for past 2 weeks. i know that should cover the bill. and can't wait for the purrrrrr!!!!!!
- ooohpleeez! it's me
??? Electronic Igniter???
Yes sir Mr. Datsunologist Sir, Thats what we are talking about, And as far as how do i know it is bad..... personally i don't. And at this point i just want my beautiful car back , cruising down p.c.h. with the t-tops off and not choking to death in the process. The mechanic at Z-World where i have my car, just sort of said it had a problem so i told him to add to the bill and fix the Freaking thing. also replaced the air flow meter, and some vac. hoses and throttle position sensor, really , let me be the first to admit that anything electrical......well lets not go there? ha! As far as how it was running well, not very well, it idled okay i guess didn't sound like it was missing or anything, but it had some black smoke from exhaust and there was no giving it the gas or punching it cause the ol'gal would just plain choke out and sputter and the fumes were about to make me go loopy if i was driving on city streets, and well since it had no get up and go the hwy. was out of the question, Sorry so long but u asked? Now any thoughts > ooohpleeez
??? Electronic Igniter???
Thank you very much Wayne, the machanic did say it was on the distrib. so at least i know u know a lil something about what your talking about and thanks so much for the run down on what it is, and what it does, Was in the garage all full of guys and didn't wanna stick around for the dumb blonde jokes so had to come on line to my good ol'pals at classic Z, i knew someone would give me a clue. Once again THANKS
??? Electronic Igniter???
{BATTING EYELASHES} What is a electronic igniter and where is it located? took my 83z to Z world in the south bay and they really gave my car the once over, they say i need this elec. igniter, what exactly does it do, and do they go haywire often? ooohpleeez help? thanx