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Everything posted by jszarecki

  1. ok, thanx for all teh advise. i got most of the situations under control. i ahve a questions abotu the amp meter. Im going out this morning to buy a volt meter/tester, but i thought when i rev up the car the amp meter goes into the positive, no? when i turn on the lights it goes into the negative side quite a bit. just wondering how much charge shoudl i be getting from road driving vs. highway driving.
  2. jszarecki replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    yeah, Lohan was my wife before she got all thin. yeah i remember the z in that movie!
  3. My Fuseable Links are good. I have anew Alternator and installed it, which was a chore, cause teh install did not match teh guide from chiltons. but either way its installed. Question 1: What is the 3rd wire that is NOT teh neg or lead but has a round tube at the end of it, that attatches to teh same place teh neg does? Question 2: Ive reconnected teh battery post alternator install. The car clicks on, but nothign after that. I suppose this is the battery being dead? I've tried to charge or jump the car with another car to no avail. Solution: replace battery?
  4. thanks guys! new problem.. i cant start teh car and keep it running. i used a standard police iussue power pack to startthe car this afternoon. it started fine. take the pack off, and the car slowly winds itself to death. turn the brights on, and it dioes immediately. soempeople have the following suggestions: needs a new battery(mine is just abtou a year old) needs a new alternator: im gonna have them both tested tomorrow. however teh next question is: coudl the alternator be causeing my dash board issues?
  5. Hmmm, i've corrected the battery compartment. And clipped all the wires that had hot or exposed leads. and i watched the fuel gage fuse melt before my eyes. i looked up the wire diagram in Chiltons and couldnot find teh fuel gage section. hmmm... i found teh tach (which still doesnt work) im guessing i probably cannot fix this without removing the dash? i hope not...ive tried a few times several monthas ago. i think its stuck. but irrelevant. i need my fuel gage first before anything else
  6. teh is my poor typing skillz. anywya, yeah its prolly more liek 20 or so. they were like that when i bought it. I can take pics later. ill post tonight after i try and figure out if my car will start after last night. any clue why my car woudl buck wioth a full talk of gas, adn have all the issues i mentioned previously?
  7. well yes, than what the hell are all the smaller wires coming off the neg and positive on the car batery. they are attatched to random stuff in teh eng. compartment. also note, i looked under the passenger dash and there are probably 50 wires that are either cut or go nowhere (GNDN). these have alwasy been this way, even when teh lights etc were workign properly. so what are they. i DO have the Chiltons guide for my car, so i havea schematic for othe elec systems. do i just see what colors they are or try and figure out thru all that electricla tape where they come from.. someone else suggested i put in a NEW wireing harness, with an updatee modern fuse panel (the NON tube kind) that sounds liek a nightmare
  8. ok, sorry , youre right However new problem developed this evening on the way home from work. i turned my brioghts on, and the car started to buck and lose power. a wierd smell was in teh cabin and car started acting very much like a buckig bronco. upon reaching my house, i discoverd the the battery has come loose from teh tie downs. wierd. i think what happened is this. the positive terminal , which is abotu 1/2" from teh chassi/hood (metal) started arcing. woudl this cause the alternator/electrical system to fail? is that what was happeinging. i since cut all ext. wiers from teh positive lead from the battery. hopefully this will solve the problem...
  9. ok, however, none of teh radio wires are connected to anythign except the battery...and the ignition switch. how does this effect teh fuel gage, also the tach was workign yesterday
  10. jszarecki posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    hey fans, after my stereo got stolen, i now have no fuel gague, tach or dash lights. The fuel gage was blown. everytime i replace it it blows as soon as i turn teh ignition to on. no clue on the tach lights thing... any clues?
  11. jszarecki replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    nah, no bumber on the. The impact was too high up. It looks liek it was casued by a trailer hitch or something. Ill post pix when i can do it
  12. jszarecki posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    hey all, i was out doing stuff today, adn when i returned ot my car, i saw that someone had hit my hood and front right corner of my car. The hood is bent in at the center point and teh light housug its broken.... anyideas on how much replacements would cost. Im in So.Cal (San Diego) Does anyone know if that junkyard in San Ysidro has parts for this car?
  13. jszarecki replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    not vacuum related?
  14. jszarecki replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    but what is it thast causing teh car to "bog down" at high RPM's?
  15. jszarecki replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    ok, will do
  16. jszarecki replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    ok, ive let teh car run for abotu 10-20 minutes yesterday so this isnt it. I cannot detect any mosture inside teh cap either. Is it possible for the little thing that sits in the cap that spins aroudn to not be seated correctly?
  17. jszarecki posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    hey was washign ymengine compartment today and got the distibuter cap wet.. i dryed it off, i hope and the car started normally, however it will not rev up past 26oo rpm. if im in nuetral and step on the gass it kinda boggs out around this limit....whast the deal? or do i have a vacuum leak
  18. jszarecki replied to Sulla's post in a topic in Interior
    hmm, what about carbon fiber or aluminum rear hatch to cut down on the weight, i just replaced mine...its not too heavy, but it woudl help id think, no?
  19. i guess thast good for me...but that really sux... whast so speacial abotu '75'ers? hmmm? stupid.... :mad:
  20. ok, this sux. either way my odometer doesnt work, and its way past its limit anyway. Also, someone said somehting about teh 30 year rule for CA. IM from NY, but ive been in San Diego for a few years and just got my Z reg'd. vice smoggin' ... did i miss something? its every car older than 30 years right?
  21. jszarecki replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    , well thankx all...hopefully when this thing is done....i'll post pictures and even more people happy...ok, im down off my soapbox...or whatever..
  22. is that how the song goes? just wondering if it was allowed to disscuss my band in here? i know its a car site...but figured id ask? Jay 280Z www.nosuchluckmusic.com
  23. jszarecki replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    hey, i picked up a K&N filter and tube for abotu 45 bucks on ebay...great deal! i only had to go buy the cleaner stuff (spray). Sounds gret in teh car, and it didint brek the bank. I'd check out ebauy. youll save yourself like 100 bucks!
  24. I couldve sworn that it was more like 175...but im dynoing my car this month i think...so i guess we'll find out.
  25. so does this mean, that all i'd need to do is intallan inline switch, etc and presto! foglamps? or is it a better idead to install your own wireing to the fusebox, etc?

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