Hi, I saw some hits on our site from your members and thought I'd comment... The blocks for the Datsun scrapers were lent to us by local SCCA racers. One of them had the Datsun competition pan for the straight six in the Z (nice piece, btw) and it has crank scraper louvers in it. When people ask whether stock cars need them or can benefit from them one of the best examples to point to is the Nissan VG30TT which has at least 7 different scraper devices in its pan in addition to a windage tray, sump baffle and pan kick-out. Many other stock engines use them (the Ford 4.6 V8, for example, uses four scraper devices in addition to a windage tray). We just heard back from a Honda racing team that tested the D16 scraper -- they got back between 1.5% and 3% hp depending on the rpm. Many people felt that because of the massive girdle structure on the D16 that windage losses would not be significant. (The VG30 also has a massive girdle structure, btw.) On the site, we show the dyno chart for the little 993cc Metro engine -- it regained 3% hp even while having a full windage tray. There are some other enthusiasts in our area that plan on lending us Datsun Roadster blocks (1600cc through 2000cc) so hopefully those will be available soon. If you are in the area (FL) and see some apps missing and have a spare engine you can lend us, please contact us. My wife, Samantha, and I really enjoy meeting car enthusiasts and hopefully we can make available this little part to make your engine that much better. Kind regards, Kevin Johnson Ishihara-Johnson Crank Scrapers