my 2 2
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Yes that project is awesome. I've been anxously waiting for its completion for a long time now. HE NEEDS TO TAKE MORE PICS FOR ME TO DROOL OVER.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Yes and I don't appreciate it. Start a new thread please
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Very very nice auxilary! You have reaffirmed that black is BEST!
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
This one looks MEAN!
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
I like this one too.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
I'd like to keep this thread going. So everyone post a pic of the best looking Zcar.
Tinted my windows
OH YES! Much much much cooler. Takes much less time running the A/C for it to become comfortable.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
I'm sure we can all agree that ALL Z's are pure badass :devious: Check out new pics of my badass Z http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=135389#post135389
Tinted my windows
untinted: tinted: Check out my new pics. http://photobucket.com/albums/v491/spudea/
im back! but now i have a Z!
I see potential.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
nope. Rick's still on top IMO. I cannot fathom how you could call it "average". Sure thousands of Z's have that front air dam. But can they do this? http://rick.thebowersplace.com/webstuff/Car/Tilt4.JPG Nope. Didn't think so. http://rick.thebowersplace.com/webstuff/Index.html
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
ZRUSH's is VERY nice too. Very close but i'd have to give the nod to Rick's, only because it is closer to what I would want mine to look like and be like.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
that pic needs to be sent to someone high up at Nissan. Use it when designing the new Z for 2009.