Dash Removal Help
EScanlon, This was NOT directed at you. You did give advice and it was appreciated. If you follow the thread you'll find others who offered NO help, only criticizm. I got my dash out, that was the goal. Pi$$ing people off never was. Getting a load of $%@* for not searching wasn't my plan either. Let's get over it, I have :squareeye
Dash Removal Help
Well I hope everyone's enjoyed flaming me for not searching. Yes I should have searched, and hey if it bothers you that much I apologize. If you read my explanation below maybe you'll understand my frustration with some of the comments here. If just one person had known what I was missing that would have been a great deal of help. Turns out there's 8 10mm bolts at the top of the dash. 6 you can easily see and two at the ends that sit much lower than the others. Also you'll notice in my original post I said "6 10mm bolts". I read (but didn't memorize) every word of the links posted by others in this thread. If I'm right the "search" would not have pointed these two bolts out. Here's the deal......I was working on the car and had to get to work. I started this thread and jumped in the shower hoping to have a reply before I actually walked out the door or when I got back in later. Had maybe 5 minutes to post, didn't have time to search. If I had waited until later this evening to do the search and didn't find the answer, then posted, I might not have an answer tonight (turns out that's definately the case). I HAD to get the dash out tonight, not tomorrow. Don't ask why, just believe me please. I know how to search and about 99% of the time that's what I do. I just don't understand (and never will) people who have no constructive advice to give chiming in just to criticize. I've never considered myself a Forum Policeman or rule enforcer. I believe those folks are called Administrators. When I read a thread and have nothing positive to add, or no specific knowledge of the topic being discussed I simply leave it alone. Now tell me that's the wrong thing to do.
Dash Removal Help
Hey lighten up people............ As my grandmother used to say "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything". I appreciate the help I receive here, but if your only reason for posting is to criticize, why take the time? I'll never understand your motives and doubt many others will either. No, searching and looking is not quicker! Not when you only have a minute to ask, logoff, and get out the door to work. But thanks for understanding my schedule better than I do
Dash Removal Help
Easy now, I was in a BIG hurry and didn't have time to sit and search. But hey, thanks for the sarcasm:smoke:
Dash Removal Help
Nope, done that. Whatever is holding it is more substantial than cables or wires. Someone tells me there's two bolts at the bottom corners I'm missing. I'll look for those this evening, got to go do some work..............
Dash Removal Help
Anyone done this? I removed the trim piece near the windshield (5 phillips screws), the 6 10mm bolts at the front of the dash, the 2 10mm bolts into the console area. Both vent handle mounts and the steering column bolts. Don't think these really matter, just did them in case. Seems like somethings still holding the dash in, any ideas? Thanks in advance............
Engine To Stand Bolt Size?
Thanks Bambikiller, I tried searching, guess I didn't enter the right parameters.
Engine To Stand Bolt Size?
I'm getting ready to pull the motor/tranny from my 72 and need some help. When mounting the engine to a stand I should use the threads which currently hold the bell housing to the block...... correct? Anyone know the size on these bolts without removing one and measuring? I also realize I'll need some good size, high-grade washers. I plan to measure the stand "arm" depth + depth of the bell housing threads + washer thickness to get a good length bolt. Anything I'm missing? I've got all the manuals and they say simply "use bolts", duh! :stupid:
Replacement Fenders?
Well I got them from Nissan. About $230 list but my parts guy takes care of me and I got both for ~$385. Might be some money now, but no problems later..and a good fit!
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
I'm thinking of doing my own harness this winter on my 72. The wiring accuracy and reliability don't concern me since I used to troubleshoot and repair fighter wiring in the Air Force on Inertial and Radar Navigation Systems (besides fixing the systems themselves). These wires were "shot" or Ohmed to 8 decimal places, not just for an open or short because they carried microvoltages sometimes several feet/yards. Pulling my engine and bay harness sure let me know just how simplistic these cars were made. I love it! The thing that does concern me are the plugs and connectors. I can make everything else work and look good but chasing all the parts seems extremely daunting! Also: If someone needs the 72 schematic, I've got the manual, a scanner and Adobe Acrobat!
Engine compartment
How did you get the brake & fuel lines looking so good? Complete replacement? If they were replaced did you fabricate them yourself?
Replacement Fenders?
I'm in Richmond, VA.
Replacement Fenders?
Just took the front fenders off my 72 and would like to find the body man who touched these last. Horrible workmanship. Anyway I'm looking at replacing these and have gotten differing opinions. MSA and VB both sell replacements ($100 price difference!!). Several others sell "patch" bottom pieces. I was leaning towards complete panels to eliminate any underside rust that's growing on the old fenders. However, some have said the VB and MSA replacements are a poor fit. They lean towards letting an above average body shop doing the patch work. Any experience with this dilemna here?