Hi, I just purchase a nice 1970 240z and live in Antioch. I plan on restoring and improving. Send me an email if you would like to discuss. digital07@attbi.com Mark
thanks for the response. I'll give that a try. I was trying to remove the radio/heater center panel last night but could not get off. I removed all of the heater switches, the maplight and radio but there was something holding it in. Any ideas on how to put that panel off?
Cliff thanks for the reply. I think I know whats wrong with the switch. When feeling around there is a wire that is disconnected. Looking at my repair manual it has two wires, one that controls the dimmer and the other that makes it brighter. I think if I can get back there I can just reconnect the wire. Problem is getting back there. How hard was it to remove the seat. Did you have to go under the chasis?
I tried pulling the lumination switch last night but couldnt get to it.Feeling around it looks like one of the two wires has disconnected. Any idea how i can remove this switch. Do I need to pull the dash off?
Daniel, do you think that if they are very dim to the point they are almost dark that it could need a new voltage switch or possibly somethink else. Mark
I am kind of doubting it would be the bulbs because all of the guages are reacting that way. It seems its comming from the electrical sourc. Any thoughts??
I just purchase a 1970 240z that is in overall very good shape. I noticed that the dash light is very dim. when I put on the gas it gets a little brighter but no where it should be. Could this be the coil or voltage switch???