Hello all
Cool just hpe everyone thinks that way
Hello all
Not the first time ive been here but i wound up losing my old 240z. So im back with my new 260Z with a 350 under the hood.Only just got it 3 days ago and still going throw it. My name is phil guess in a way i am new the the forum even tho i always read throw them from time to time.Glade i got a reson to post agen. My car: 1974 260Z with a 350 chevy motor witch i hope noone hates me for.What can i say i like waking people up at night when i start my cars. (I hope im welcomed here even tho my car is a frankenstine of sorts) http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/7091/260z006ue2.jpg http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/5984/260z005fj6.jpg (My work truck is next to it) More pics to come worry about any grammer or spelling.
how much did you pay for you're Z?
$3,800 for a 260Z with a 350 under the hood.
my datsun 240Z
yea but i love when i can wake the neabors i dont like most of them anyways i live in a trailer park so most of them are d**ks
Freind got hurt
kick the sh** out of him it was not ur guys falt if he dosnt see that then f*** him sorry for my fowl laguagh but you sould have to go throw that tell the judje that he help under his own free will and an unforseen accatint cost him his finger and how low do you have to be to sue the person who drove you to the hospital leme gess he used the it cost me my career line cuz i know a man who is missing 3 fingers and it a carpenter
my datsun 240Z
its esay to get addicted to these little cars i dont even have to move it to get a rush i know its in need of alot of work but i drive it down thw steet evey week cuz i dont have the money to stat doing what i want with it yet but its fun wiping around the block with it lots of noise tho i think its a 3" pipe with a glass pack the preveus owner put in
my datsun 240Z
maga cars a sweet www.zerohold.com i go there alot and thx for wecoming to the board
my datsun 240Z
L28 SOHC inline 6 cylinder 3 45mm webers
my datsun 240Z
oh i forgot to ask with the 3 carbs what is the round about hp sould i get
my datsun 240Z
thats yo i got a new sticker that says rice killer for the back window
my datsun 240Z
the rest of the car is rust free the only reson the battery treay is that way the guy who had it befor me fogot to put on the side hood door so water got down in there
my datsun 240Z
try this http://fbiracing.250free.com/240z/
my datsun 240Z
this is mine all mine just got it im going to restor it soon but she runs like a champ i know im not as old as most people here im only 17 but a tell me what you think the young kid who loves the classic's sorry she is dirty no rust tho http://fbiracing.250free.com/240z/240zz1.jpg http://fbiracing.250free.com/240z/240zz2.jpg http://fbiracing.250free.com/240z/240zz3.jpg http://fbiracing.250free.com/240z/240zz4.jpg http://fbiracing.250free.com/240z/240zz5.jpg
- 260Z