2018 Grassroots Motorsports Mitty
I was camping above the esses in that same Georgia red clay this year. Excitement, and the roar at 8 AM never got old!
ZWOLF started following 2018 Grassroots Motorsports Mitty
2018 Grassroots Motorsports Mitty
Yea, incredible Pass!!
ZCON Roll Call
See you guys on Thursday.
BlueOvalZ - CarDomain's SOTY?
Good question. As explained in a previous post. "Yesterday was interesting, the Mustang had a 22% margin increase in an hour and a half...incredible. Overall it elevated it's ranking by 30% in a matter of hours. If it occurred in the first day of voting with a small number of votes cast I could believe it. But after a weeks worth of voting and I suspect thousands of votes cast, it would take hundreds of votes to make a swing like that." Later that afternoon his ranking shot up an additional 7% in a couple hours. This graph will illustrate the point. Scores were recorded every morning and evening. The vertical column represents % values. Regarding your question about posting on the boards. HybridZ was posted on the 22nd. ClassicZ, ZClub.net, and ZCar were posted on the 24th, Nissan Forums, and AusZCar were posted on the 25th. You can see the influence of these post in the graph for the 240. As you can see huge fluctuations did not occur with these post, primarily because of the huge quantities of votes that had been cast in the opening days of the poll by the CarDomain community. I realize the Ford/Mustang community is massive by comparison to ours, but the logistics of coordinating the amount of votes needed to create a swing of this size in a 6 hour period of time is nothing short of unrealistic. Then.....to do it again the next day in a two hour period????? Judge for yourself. We have requested an audit of the poll.
BlueOvalZ - CarDomain's SOTY?
Thanks for having my back! I made the correction also. Yesterday was interesting, the Mustang had a 22% margin increase in an hour and a half...incredible. Overall it elevated it's ranking by 30% in a matter of hours. If it occurred in the first day of voting with a small number of votes cast I could believe it. But after a weeks worth of voting and I suspect thousands of votes cast, I suspect it would take hundreds of votes to make a swing like that. There's still time!! http://blog.cardomain.com/2009/12/22/peoples-choice-2009/
BlueOvalZ - CarDomain's SOTY?
Ron...Youre the best! Thanks for the support!
BlueOvalZ - CarDomain's SOTY?
Thanks everyone for their ongoing support. Today was turbulent. The BlueOvalZ started the day at 44% of the vote. Since noon the BOZ has lost 15% while the Mustang has picked up 30% (22% in thelast hour and a half) and still climbing. We have identified their methods and for ethical reasons have chosen not to duplicate them. This poll ends on Thursday night, and we are looking to make a Z car "Show Off of the Year" If you have not voted please take a moment make your opinion count. http://blog.cardomain.com/2009/12/22/peoples-choice-2009/ Thanks Again!
BlueOvalZ - CarDomain's SOTY?
The BOZ is still out front. It's lead has narrowed a bit by the Lexus. In the manufacture poll, Nissan is still out front It appears that you can vote 1 time per 24 hour period. http://blog.cardomain.com/2009/12/22/peoples-choice-2009/
BlueOvalZ - CarDomain's SOTY?
Hi Guys, CarDomain has nominated the BlueOvalZ as 1 of 5 cars to compete for their coveted Show Off of The Year award. With over 700,000 cars as members on their site this is quite an honor. The "Show Off of The Year" will be awarded by popular vote. In addition you may vote on a variety of other categories such as Best Exhaust, Best Manufacturer, Best Oil, Best Wheel, etc. Voting will conclude on December 31, and a winner will be announced. 1 vote per person per 24 hour period. Please take a moment now to stop by and cast your vote for the BlueOvalZ. Thanks for the support!! http://blog.cardomain.com/2009/12/22/peoples-choice-2009/
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Hi Rick, Although we have not meet yet, I look forward to meeting you at Jimbo's party.
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Anybody else with pictures??
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
WOW! The party happened over the weekend and If you weren't there you missed a hell of a get together. A bunch of s-30's, the winning 1975 Sea-to-Shinning Sea Dino Ferrari, John Thomas's car, Carl Beck's BRE Baja car, the 4th place 24hr of Lemons car, and plethera of other race cars and just cool stuff! 150 pounds of chiken wings, god knows how many hot dogs, 2 kegs of beer + ?? how many other cases. A great time was had by all. Here's a couple pictures. I'm not much of a camera guy, but here's a couple pictures. For all of you that took some pictures post your link. Here's a wild shot thar Rubin Lopez captured of the BlueOval Z
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
I may have been in working on the link when you tried it. I think that it's OK now.
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
This is an open invite for anyone that would like to come.
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
I just received my invite for Bill Coffey's annual garage party. Here's a link to the invite. Big Fun!! http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/323/wfccarshow6finalver.pdf DISREGARD DATE ON FLYER. Correct Date October 24th. Here's a couple pic' from previous years. These are just of the apron in front of the garage. A lot more cars fill the driveway, yard, and street. I fact a couple years ago "Cannonball Jack" May who won the 1975 Cannonball Sea to Shining Sea race showed up with the winning 246 Dino. It's guaranteed to be a good time!