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Everything posted by GatorJ

  1. GatorJ replied to v12horse's post in a topic in Interior
    It's mine and I have significantly over $650 in it. If it doesn't sell in a time or two, I'll just store in and try again next year.
  2. I'm interested in your panel. I sent you a PM.
  3. Thanks for the responses. Banzai is out of stock. Courtesy, when they stocked them, sold them for $119 or $129, I don't recall which.
  4. Does anyone know of a source for this repair panel Courtesy USED to carry? http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=999M1-S30ZR
  5. For the lazy, here's Steve's drain kit on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000DZH9U6/ref=ord_cart_shr/002-6675193-3768850?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=A2OWTFZVIG7K1P&v=glance
  6. I am in the process of locating a set of Watanabe wheels for my 1970 Fairlady Z. Unless I purchase a new set (expensive!) or get very lucky, I'm going to have to get reasonably close to the optimum offset. I am looking at 15" diameter wheels in either 7" or 6.5" width. I have been using an offset wheel calculator do determine overall effects on inner clearance, etc., and have done a search. What is the maximum amount of inner clearance loss I can go with a stock suspension/brake set-up? Asked a different way, what is the maximum amount of positive offset I can go in both 6.5" and 7" widths without having a problem? My preference would be to NOT use spacers. Thanks in advance.
  7. Mine, too. Thank you.
  8. Go to Z Docs at the southeast corner of Fletcher and Nebraska. They always have a few for sale.
  9. My m.o. will go out in the morning's mail. Thank you.
  10. Are these the correct size, offset, etc. for a 1970 240Z?
  11. GatorJ replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I would have paid that in a second if it had been the correct key for mine.
  12. Amazing job, great work!
  13. Curious if there were any updates?
  14. I belong to your target audience. I'd be interested.
  15. GatorJ replied to mull's post in a topic in Introductions
    http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19900 Stumbled across your excellent videos yesterday. Two things: 1) They are incredibly well done 2) We definitely need more.
  16. This is a great set of 12 videos from someone who purchased a "no rust" Z on Ebay. Really well done. http://www.voodoo-people.com/~daz/mull/wmv/
  17. GatorJ replied to GatorJ's post in a topic in Interior
    Here's two more:
  18. GatorJ replied to GatorJ's post in a topic in Interior
    Thanks for the picture. Any idea what year this is for?
  19. GatorJ posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Does anyone either have pictures to post or know of a site where pictures of the various S30 center consoles are posted along with the model years they were utilized? Thank you.
  20. GatorJ replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have an extra factory NOS black door panel, but I don't remember which side it is for. I'll go check it out and post here.
  21. GatorJ replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If you look at the bidding history for the item, the high bid was the result two bidders getting into a war. I have purchased two NOS sets of taillights from Ebay seller newdatsunparts within the last year. Neither set, including a JDM spec set for my Fairlady Z, came close to this final auction price and that was purchasing them at his "buy it now" price. The two bidders were either desperate for an immediate set, unknowledgeable as to the actual value of the parts or they simply let ego get in the way.
  22. This is not correct. They only replace damaged padding.
  23. GatorJ replied to Aussie Zed's post in a topic in Interior
    http://www.zclocks.com/expertise.htm This was the clock I sent in from my 1970 Fairlady Z. Ron (ZClocks) does great work.
  24. GatorJ replied to mlc240z's post in a topic in Electrical
    I bought a new set on Ebay for less than 1/2 that price. Don't see any up now, keep checking.
  25. GatorJ replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Interior
    As I am restoring a 1970 Fairlady Z, I'm also interested in this. I have collected a great deal of Japanese sales brochures, manuals and literature for my car and have found no reference to this setup.

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