wiper problem
the blade spins on the shaft or, the shaft turns but blade doesnt move. make sense?
wiper problem
Read the thread about the slow wiper fix, however, mine on the '72 is completely stripped on the driver's side. Is this repairable? or do I need to find another assembly somewhere and replace. Thanks in advance, Shawn
Are these worth it?
car is all stock, original springs I would think
Are these worth it?
Just for driving to and from work and around town...72 struts are rattlin terrible and this seemed to be a good price. Thanks http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/KYB-GR-2-SHOCKS-NISSAN-240Z-70-74-EARLY-260Z_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33590QQitemZ7996417516QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
Checking Headlight/Wiper Switch
hopefully it's under the box at the splice....we'll see
Checking Headlight/Wiper Switch
it's been removed previously...there's no fuse holer thing on the left side previous owner musta had the meltdown and bypassed the fuse
Checking Headlight/Wiper Switch
just checked....aint no fuse in the "tailight" slot :| :meltdown: gotta pull the box now and see what's fugged
Checking Headlight/Wiper Switch
true....will look inside the melted nastyazz box at lunch to check
Checking Headlight/Wiper Switch
they didnt go all at once...it was gradual, in that some days they would work, others they would not...this is why I think it is the switch
Checking Headlight/Wiper Switch
Dashboard and tailights/parking quit working. I took the shroud off the column to check out the light/wiper control. On top there are 4 soldered wires. 3 show hot when tested. How can I confirm the control is the culprit for tail and dash lights not working? Thanks
Orlando area Z Work
see Jose' on 17/92 at the Foreign Car Store...between Arby's and Burger King. Tell him Shawn, the guy with the white 240, recommended him....Cheap and good.
I knew I was stupid but...
it's a 72.....thanks
I knew I was stupid but...
Can't get the freakin front dash panel (where the heater controls are) off. Took out the 4 screws, little dash light, control knobs... arggggggggggg Just wanna put a radio in so I have music driving into work. Help please Thanks
Spare wheel/tire
Now I need a spare (steel) wheel (with or without tire) for ma 72 Z. Let me know how much if anyone has anything THanks, Shawn sbutterworth@4fbi.com
Looking for a brake booster
Brake Booster ...installed :y: Electronic Ignition...installed :y: Car runs great, stops great