Everything posted by 240K&Beyond
My misfortune...
Michael, I do not know how the law works in NZ, but by the sounds of things, this guy hit you, admitted liability, and then you sent a "letter of demand" to his insurance company stating that you hold him responsible for the damage to your car and that you want it fixed. In any case, you have the right to get quotations and sue the person responsable to correct their wrong doing, regardless of cost. Normally, the only time repair cost verses vehicle cost is when your insurance company is paying for the damage because you could not prove the other party to be at fault. There is nothing to say that if you can prove that you have spent countless hours,days,weeks or months refurbishing your vehicle and have further recepts totalling far greater than an estimated "book value", then you can sue the person responsible for further damages and remuneration. . . Stand Your Ground Michael.
My misfortune...
Hi Michael, Ouch, I had someone do the same thing to me 10 years ago when they decided to run a red light as they were late for work;-( How is the door's operation? has it bent the (what should be) the B pillar? This would show by the door being hard to close or wind now coming through the window. Anyway, it looks like you will need those Flares sooner rather than later as your repairer will be able to attach them for you whilst he does the panel beating.
240K GTR Flares
Hands Up, who has a 4 Door in Melbourne ? If we find somesone Jim, I could test them for you. James T, in amongst you bits, do you have one?
240K GTR Flares
Hi Jeremy, Posting them to NZ should not be a problem as I have already made the offer to Michael. However, if there is a rear spoiler available, that might get expensive. We shall have to see. As for 4 doors, I shall ask the bloke at challenge what he thinks. He did tell me that they were cast from original coupe flares. Kent, are you keen on the flares? or just the rear? Tom, do you want any? So far we have: 1 for Bruce, Michael, Peter, Jeremy possibly Craig.
240K GTR Flares
Guys, I have located a company in Melbourne Australia that has a mould to make the four wheel arche flares. These are the normal bolt on type as used by Alphadog. Kyteler and I are both keen, but I thought I would post a question wether anyone else was interested in getting some made. It would be easier for the company to run off the required amount. The cost $264 (including GST) per set. (Prices have gone up due to raw materials such as oil) The company accepts cheques, money orders, COD and direct BankTransfers. If you let me know if you are keen within the next two weeks, then I will get him to make them, pass the companies details to you and you can contact them directly to arrange payment, pickup, or additional postage. Oh, he is looking thought his database to see if he has the front and rear spoilers too. At the moment, he thinks he has only the rear. (No cost as yet) Regards,
3 240K coupes as a lot on ebay
Hi Tom, Yes I bought the three Coupes for $305. (Bargin) Now All I have to do is collect them. That's why I suggested only taking one and stripping the other two at the sellers place. He is fine with that. Hence the question for bits. I am thinking of smaller parts that are: A) Easier to get back to Melbourne. And Cheaper to send to their new respective homes.
3 240K coupes as a lot on ebay
I cannot help myself Lachlan. Actually I am in the process of selling the XH PV and am looking to sell the Triumph. Anyway, I have just been on the phone to the seller for the past 1/2 hour. Sounds like a nice bloke. It turns out that the Green Coupe is quite clean, manual, but not motor or gearbox. The white auto has front end damage taking it off the road, but apparently has a very good motor. And the blue auto will not start. So I have my work cut out for me. He is happy for me to strip the White and Blue coupes at his house and trailer the Green one away back home. (Unless someone really wants either the White or Blue coupe) This then leaves me with a question for members: Dare I ask It. . . IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE PARTS off either the White or Blue Coupes, PLEASE PM ME. I need bits myself, but I will do my best to help others out as well. Please don't ask for things like engines (Bloody Heavy), but Panels, Trims, Brake Boosters, lights and smaller stuff should be ok.
3 240K coupes as a lot on ebay
3 240K coupes as a lot on ebay
mastadd240k, datoman2005, samsam11111 and mhmd2006 are all bidding. Are any of these club members ? Does anyone wish to combine their bidds and share the parts? Or do any other members really want these units to start or complete a project? I do already have 2 cars: One Good and the other requiring some parts. I do not really need these 3 cars and do not wish to take anything away from another member. But at the same time, it seems a pitty to let them go . . .
3 240K coupes as a lot on ebay
RS-Watanabe Oz Supplier: C-RED, 12 Tilli Place, Welshpool, WA. 08 9356 1822. www.c-red.com.au Hum, 3 Coupes in Bendigo, I'm back in Melbourne for a little while and have a brother that lives in Castlemaine (just below Bendigo) This looks tempting for spare parts for all. ;-)
Now selling parts
Hi Leon, The R200 sounds nice, but probably a pain to remove and post. But the Rear Mounting Spring, or Cross Braket sound interesting? Is it a custom build? Could you take a photo of it please. Oh, what did you do for half axles? Are they CV or Uni ? If they are CV, did you need to shorthen them or are they from another model?
My New 240K Parts Car
Hi Lachlan, You might try looking in the boot around the fuel tank, it often the source of cabin vapours. I've found pin holes in the tank, cracked breather lines and even disconnect tubing before. Either way, lets hope your not a smoker ! If you decide to go down the path of "parts a lot", if you could spare the side window cromes and the butched console, I would use them to complete my Lilac Coupe as they are the parts I'm missing. Cheers.
V8 Convertible
Years ago, I saw a 240K coupe with a P76 Alloy 4.4 V8 in it with P76 moulded Flares. He went that way because of the weight concerns of a cast V8 block. Using the leyland auto had it's problems fitting into the tunnel but was overcome. The shifter fitted into the standard console. The bloke used a R200 diff. On the plus side, he claimed that the handling was improved because of the better weight distribution. Rod Hatfield from Castlemaine Conversions may have a bell housing to change gearboxes or transmittions if you have problems with fitting or speedo cables. Good luck, it sounds like a fun project.
QLD Black Coupe 4 Sale
Guys, I have just found a new advertisement for a coupe in Queensland going for a reasonable price. http://carpoint.ninemsn.com.au/DesktopDefault.aspx?UsedCarID=1032349&TabID=3328&Alias=carpointau
GTX coupe tail lights and rear panel for sale
Hi Guys, I would like to post a special thanks to Mike (NZeder) and Michael (Kyteler) for the positively generous actions of both over the last week. I recently bought the above mentioned GT Tail Lights from the ebay (The Dodgie Mario) and have been busily trying to contact Mario to arrange payment and pickup. Well last Friday I finally got him - to which he informed me that he had already sold them. And for that matter, for more then I had won them on ebay. WTF ! After a bit of "slouth" work it turns out Mario had sold them to a fella from NZ, who in turn had bought them for another mate in NZ: Mike and Michael respectively. (It isn't such a big world hey ! ) After contacting Mike and explaining the situation, he contacted Michael. Well to my great surprise, both agreed to let me have them. And well, can I say guys, Thank You Very, Very, Much. That's Great. I was so happy to get them, completely frustrated to loose them, and now estatic to have them back. Rest assured they are going to a very good home. I'm off now to post/dump some very, very poor feedback on a particular ebay member. I guess the're two morals to this: (1) If you get something off ebay, act fast. (2) Z/K Club members are a higher breed then most. Cheers Mike & Michael, many thanks. Bruce.
GTX coupe tail lights and rear panel for sale
Hey James, Yep, I got the lights & panels, just trying to get then down to Frankston. I am in Sydney for work and have been since March. Hopefully will be back at the end of Oct05. I have a little factory in Seaford where I have 2 coupes parked. When I get back it would be sweet to chat up, I have another friend with a completed coupe project that would probably be keen to meet as well. I hear he has just bought a Zed too.
GTX coupe tail lights and rear panel for sale
Dual Retros on a Zed, that would look like a trick ! Perhaps a pair of modified R32's. But they may be a bit on the small side. Otherwise, there was a R30 coupe/sedan with a efi 2.4 L that had a larger set of dual rings on the backend. Anyway, thanks for the heads up - I got them, and only one other person bid. Boy, I cannot wait to get back to Melbourne where my cars are. I'm still here in Sydney.
GTX coupe tail lights and rear panel for sale
Thanks Guys, I'm on them. bgw0666
My introduction
Nice Car Brian, I like the RB26 idea, what gearbox are you planning to run it in? Very nice Car. Cheers, Big Cheers, Bruce.
240K "rally car" on Ebay
Hi Guys, I have just had a good chat with Gary the owner of the 240K rally car. He has told me that the reserve is $1200 AUS because the triple Webers are worth $900 alone. There are original kit from a Z apparently. The motor has had some deck work, over bored pistons, cam and head porting, not sure on the compression ration, but it sounds high. There is a spare 2.4 motor included in the price. Gary believes it would be hard to re-register as there have been some racing mods done to the body. The rear susspension has been changed to fit the Subaro diff and sway bar. Plus there are holes in the floor where the roll cage has been welded in. There have been a couple of racing bumps that have been repaired with bogg. Diff is 1:3.55 ratio. He is a Datsun/Nissan man now upgrading his racing equipment to R30 and R32 Skylines, it's good to see the Nissan blood still flowing. Good luck all. If it does not sell today, I have Gary's contact details if anyone would like to talk to him afterwards to try and make a deal.
3 240K's for sale on NZ Trademe.co.nz
Excellant, I love the Silver one, complete with matching engine ;-) And the second Blue car I have seen for sale in NZ before. If anyone talks to him, find out what front seats he used as they are after market, but Nissan seats just the same. So how much does it cost to send a car from NZ to Oz? !!!
Great Escape 2005
Sounds like a bottle of locktite over everything first would be a good plan Kent.
240K "rally car" on Ebay
Kent, Are we planning a period L series now instead of that RB25 transplant? All, I'm trying to contact Gary about his car to find out a bit more. I'll post the results.
Our rally car update
Hey Kent, The car is looking good. Those Guards do not look to "pumped-out" for a rally car?
rear disc brake conversion?
Thanks Mikey, In my gallery is a copy of the adaptor blate. I will send you the original CAD drawings if you like. You could ask them how much for pairs of them. Likewise, a best guess on what it would cost to ship to Oz. Pending results, we can organise a poll on who want them over here, but from memory, we are currently in the order of Ten pairs to Oz. Cheers Bruce