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Everything posted by zed2

  1. In anticipation of fulfilling my 2016, 2017 and 2018 resolutions, I have begun to restore my seats. After disassembly of the frames, I am struggling to locate an aerosol enamel paint that matches the dark green/black finish on the sliders. Using the Sherwin Williams color card, I have identified that Muddled Basil #7745 (https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/find-and-explore-colors/paint-colors-by-family/SW7745#/7745/?s=coordinatingColors&p=PS0) is a close match in color. Does anyone have a recommendation of a matching aerosol paint? Thanks, Keith
  2. THE ROOTS OF MONOZUKURI: CREATIVE SPIRIT IN JAPANESE AUTOMAKINGhttps://www.petersen.org/the-roots-of-monozukuriA wonderful exhibit with many original, unrestored vehicles. Sadly, no 240Z was on display, nor in the Vault. A must see if you are in the LA area. For you Tucker fans, Number 31 is in their workshop having some electrical fire damage repaired.Keith
  3. @Henfree, I compiled the list using parts manuals, old purchase receipts and postings in this and other forums. I can only confirm that the list is appropriate for my 1970 240Z. I make no assertions that the items fit other years. Keith
  4. Unpacked several recent purchases for install on the Datsun on New Year’s Day.
  5. zed2


    It is my 240Z more photos at Keith
  6. I have two spare fuel cap and trim ring assemblies. One had the provision for the retainer chain, as seen in the eyelets of the Fuel Cap #1.jpg photo. The other assembly does not have the provision for the chain. Does anyone know what production period these assemblies were originally installed? Thanks, Keith
  7. Any Nissan Patrol or Datsun 520 parts in the collection?
  8. Excellent reference guide. Thank you for posting. Keith
  9. Perhaps Jim or I already know the car...we both talk to may Z owners. Keith
  10. Jim, Price dropped from $4400 to $3950, I guess the market is cooling! Keith
  11. Consider 3M™ Wire Harness Tape 5078, Black, 1.0 mm http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/3M_Automotive/OEMs/Product_Center/~/3M-Wire-Harness-Tape-5078-Black-1-0-mm?N=4607+3292658863&rt=rud or Non-Adhesive Harness Tape http://www.wiringharness.com/harnesstape.htm Keith
  12. Dan, Thank you for the update. Having read/reread this thread offer the years it would appear that there is no one who makes a repro kit that is accurate "right out of the box". Maybe someday an enterprising Z enhauasist would pick up the torch and coordinate a group buy on an kit. Keith
  13. Please let me know if you have one to trade. For a discussion of this emblem, please see http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/10355-very-rare-240z-emblem/?page=1 Keith
  14. Has anyone color matched the red/orange jack handle with an off-the-shelf aerosol paint? If so, what is the manufacturer and paint product number that was used? Thanks, Keith
  15. zed2

    1st gen seats

    Reach out to Steve at http://www.240zrubberparts.com/ if you are interested in a set of seat guards. He would like to get an idea of the demand before he computes the pricing and production feasibility. Keith
  16. zed2

    1967 520

    How about this 1966 Datsun 520 commercial: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph_kSje29uU Keith
  17. Please share the information 26th-Z shared with you. Thanks, Keith
  18. They sell the carpet ready to install.
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