Car died. Distributor problems?
If I am getting no spark from the coil then this is either a problem with the coil/XR700/wiring correct?
Car died. Distributor problems?
Yes, we did. I noticed that what I'm dealing with is very similar to what happened here http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31043&highlight=distributor+swap I am just unsure as to what might be the cheapest fix.
Car died. Distributor problems?
If it helps, I did a AT to MT swap a few months before it died. Never changed the distributor. Don't know if that changes anything.
Car died. Distributor problems?
So my 71 240 died a couple of months ago. I had it running in the parking lot, just warming up, and it just died. We tried switching out the coil and that didn't work. It was at the time equipped with a crane XR700 electronic ignition, which has since been removed, but the car still doesn't run. Any thoughts? Would installing a new distributor and wiring it stock solve the problem?
Combo switch problem
- Combo switch problem
Shot at 2007-08-14- Combo switch problem
On the second picture in the PDF you can see the box containing the contact plates. The two tabs on the right side for screwing it back together, one of those on each half of the combo switch uses one bushing.- Combo switch problem
I will take a look and if I cant find it I will try and post a picture for you tonight.- Combo switch problem
Those look like the ones that go on the metal box that encloses the switches. On each half of the combo switch there is 1 screw that uses the bushing. You probably missed it when putting it back together. There is a thread "Headlight Madness!!" that has a link to a PDF a member put together with pictures, this should help (why do you think I know where they came from?? ).- Autoloc keyless entry
Not a bad deal at all, thanks. That template looks good Ed I am thinking about installing these soon so I will probably make use of it :classic:- Autoloc keyless entry
Ed How much was the kit and where did you get it?- 5 speed in a 4 speed question
That was the first thing I did but I still dont have clearance in the console.- 5 speed in a 4 speed question
Well I have two extra shifters lying around and I would rather not cut my new console so I guess im going to try and go that route. Thanks guys.- 5 speed in a 4 speed question
I meant the specific year shift kit.- 5 speed in a 4 speed question
So you wouldnt need the specific year if you could rig it up? Has anyone just installed the shortshift kit to fix this problem before? - Combo switch problem
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