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Everything posted by ZCurves

  1. ZCurves replied to moogrr's post in a topic in Interior
    The original covers had a foam sewn to the back of the vinyl, but I think that you might be referencing the actual metal seat back, so yes it did have a thin layer of foam on it. It has probably long since flattened out or dissolved. What I did when I recovered my seats is painted the frames and then went to a hobby/craft store and purchased this thin foam which resembles thin koozie foam (I think people use it for hats, flip-flops, etc.). They sell it in 30' rolls and 11"x17" sheets. Get A roll -in Black. Use spray adhesive or contact cement to glue this to the seatback frame. Be sure to glue it over the frame towards the front where the new seat foam will rest. For the 'Sisal' packing you are referring to, mine was ok -but I recognized that it was not going to last another 30 years so I put a layer of sheet flooring (vinyl) under that(I had the vinyl laying around so I made use of it). I would suggest that you find a section of commercial carpet like what is used in an office and place that fiber side up against the springs. I did replace my springs (still have plenty left ) which makes the seats tight and like new! I would allow the new covers to sit out and 'relax' prior to being installed. It would be best if you could warm them up by placing in the sun or in a clothes dryer after a load has finished(Do not run in the dryer, just use the remaining heat). Relaxed, warm covers are much easier to work with and will look nicer going on, since you will be able to align them better. That's all I have for you. I do have some pics of my seats, If I find them I'll add them to this post.
  2. When you reassembled, did you make sure that the Idle screw on the throttle body was set to FCM specs? Have checked the Thermo-Time / Water Temp sensors?? A bad Aux-Air valve will also cause a fast idle/'rich' idle condition. I am thinking that there is a bad sensor and some adjustments needed on the Throttle Body. Double check for a vacuum leak and correct timing. Do you have the EFI Manual? Search the Forums for '280zFuelInjectionBook' or PM me with your email address and I will send it to you.
  3. ZCurves replied to wal280z's post in a topic in Electrical
  4. ZCurves posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I just received a Color Wiring Diagram from Prospero's Garage (purchased on eBay). I have noticed these for a while and thought that it might be cheap or incomplete, so with my Z paint finished and re-assembly in progress I went ahead and bought one. I have to say that I am very impressed - so far. Have any of you guys (and gals) purchased one? He has a website: http://www.colorwiringdiagrams.com/ I am not promoting - just sharing some information on a good find . I will be sure and post any problems if I find any....
  5. I have used this valve for over twenty years! It is a Cam Locking Ball Valve and it does not leak. Great Invention! I highly recommend!!
  6. ZCurves replied to ZCurves's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Update - Here is a slightly blurry pic of my Konig Rewinds on the car. They are 205-60-R15 with Yoko Avid TRZ's. I will post a better pic later. Thanks again for everyones input.
  7. ZCurves replied to grantf's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have a '78 as well! Let me know if I can help.
  8. ZCurves replied to VITAMIN Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
  9. ZCurves replied to VITAMIN Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I believe that you would be ok on most of the suspension, fenders. Not for the doors, door panels, electrical. Watch out for the bumpers. Hey, if the '280z' is still on the deck lid, could you snag a couple of them for me?? (use putty knife to remove w/o breaking pins!) PM me to work out $$ and details. I would REALLY appreciate it!!!
  10. My apologies to everyone for not making the meet. By the time my daughters softball try-outs had finished it was 11:45 and it takes 20 mins to get to Post Oak from Spring - family first. From the looks of the pics, it looks like everyone had a great time! Hats off to Zedyone_kenobi for organizing this -you can never have too many Z-Car buds. My condolences to TexasRider260Z - sorry about the tire. I hope that you didn't rash up the rim! I cannot wait until I can met everyone! Please be sure to post pics on our 'Social' page! Go here>http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/group.php?groupid=2
  11. ZCurves replied to geezer's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This looks pretty dog gone cool! I may have to order one for my Z. My stock Rear View is pretty shabby. Thanks for the link.
  12. I am planning to be there, but I may be a little late -Kids softball earlier in the morning. I hope to meet everyone. Same some coffee for me. In case I cannot make it can someone PLEASE bring a camera, it would be fun to post some pics on our 'Social Page'.
  13. ZCurves replied to ZCurves's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I like the look of the Konig Rewind / Panasport wheel. The 15" rim and 60mm tire update the look and fill up the wheel well real nice. I have two sets of the OEM Aluminum wheels that Datsun sold as an option in '78 as well as a set of the OEM Steel Wheels w/Hubcaps. After having the same wheels for 25 years it was time for something new and updated. There is also a dwindling variety of performance tires available for the std. 195-70 R14 wheel. Usually, the front wheel tire size is the same as the rear. I know that some folks will put "Skinnies" on the front for drag racing, but that is primarily for steering since more focus is placed on the rearend where a lot of fat sticky rubber is preferred. I think that Skinnies on a Z Car might be an disadvantage for cornering and maneuvering. Personally, I like a nice footprint on all four wheels.
  14. ZCurves replied to ZCurves's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I will get you a pic this weekend. You can see them in person after I finish putting her back together.
  15. ZCurves replied to grantf's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You need to re-check the fuse that you put in place of the Fusible Link. Also check the big White wire that connects to the Pos side of the battery. That wire is to power the EFI. If it is loose or disconnected, then nothing is going to happen.
  16. ZCurves replied to mlaw7's post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    Back when I was rebuilding my L28, I went with Dr. Injector. I thought that the quality was good and the installation was not a big deal. (It is a beotch to line up the injectors prior to seating them in the fuel rail.) I have not had any problems thus far. You can check them out here: http://docinjector.com/
  17. ZCurves replied to ZCurves's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Pictures of the Rewinds or the Steel Belts hanging out of my rotten tires??:stupid:
  18. ZCurves replied to ZCurves's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Well Gentlemen - I went ahead and asked DTC to install the 205-60-15 on the Rewinds that I ordered. I appreciate everyones 2 Cents. These will certainly beat the funky brand thats been on the car during the restoration! (Don't you love it when the steel belts start hanging out of the tread! )
  19. ZCurves replied to ZCurves's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Thanks for the comments. Keep'em coming. So those of you that are running larger than 205's aren't getting any rub? Does anyone see a problem with going with the 65 ride height vs 60? BTW - My suspension is stock.
  20. The Fusible Link is supposed to protect the circuit from a short, so adding an additional fuse would be redundant. I would first look at the advice given on the Atlantic Z Car Club site, then you could start looking for a short on that circuit. Get a wiring diagram and check the connections to make sure they are tight and clean. Remember, this wire carries a lot of AMPS so it is not out of the ordinary that it would "Warm" =but NEVER Hot. Finally, For sure you should PM a member - Zs-ondabrain and get his thoughts. I am certain that he has seen this one before.
  21. Once you have straightened the bend, you can use fiberglass resin (polyester resin) to strengthen the fiberboard as well as water proof it. If the fiberboard of the door panels is in good shape you can paint them with Polyurethane to waterproof. This trick works crazy good especially when you seal the inner door properly with heavy mil plastic.
  22. ZCurves posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I ordered Konig Rewinds for my '78 280z. The rims are 15 X 7 and the tires are Yokohama Avid TRZ's. What I need are opinions for the tire size...I have noticed that a lot of folks are using 205-60's and then some are using 205-65's. I realize this is approx ~3/4" or .80mm in ride height which is fine, but what I am really concerned about is rubbing on the wheel wells. Up till now I have run the standard 195-70-14's on stock OEM rims.. So chime in...:laugh:
  23. ZCurves replied to saridout's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Most of us have had to jump through similar hoops. This club is where you are going to get the most honest opinions and help (except from your dad of course..). When you have put in so much work into your car, don't get overwhelmed by someones singular opinion or the amount of work you have left to go! DO NOT look at the car as one big project but rather a series of small ones. With good advice and a clear head - you will be successful in fixing up your ride! Good Luck!!
  24. I might have some from my '78 parts car. They are the same. They are yours for what ever it costs to ship. Couldn't be but a couple of bucks. On the other hand.... I would check to see if there were a set of those that came as part of your bushing kit. I recall the Prothane Kit I used may have had those part new (I will check). As long as the Compression Rod is not compromised in any way, you'll be fine!
  25. ZCurves replied to cbudvet's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Carl, Could you post some close up pics (of your car ), I would like more of that dark blue!

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