Here's my Z crash story: Entering highway at 65mph, turn to see if left lane is clear (uphill climb with lots of semi's in the right lane), turn my eyes forward to see large dog, swerve left, hit patch of sand, both feet in now, Z goes sideways and then head on into guard rail, Z scrapes along rail until it hits upright, then spins around 180 degress to crush the back end. Z totaled, insurance coughs up the dough reluctantly, slight sore shoulders and neck but the 5-point harness, roll bar, and Cobra seats kept me in place and safe. A 4-point is okay but a 5-point is made so you don't submarine under the belt itself. Proper fitment is as important as wearing one in the first place. Here's my $.02 on airbags: 1) they were made as was stated earlier as an accessory to seat belt use. 2) they are made to protect a 180 lb male who is NOT wearing a seat belt 3) they travel at speeds up to 200mph to do so (see #2 above) 4) the most common injuries from an airbag deployment are black eyes and a broken nose If the bag deploys when your hands are at locations higher than 10 & 2, the bag will throw your hands into your face (at speeds approaching 200mph!). Now imagine someone who had both hands at the 12 position and got into a head on accident. Concussion-city. For the reasons stated above that is why short people are very likely to be harmed by airbag deployments, as are children riding in the front seat. It is also the reason why there are now slower version available and cut-off switches. The use of pedal extensions on a single driver vehicle should be considered. Mulitiple driver cars should seek a dealer's help. Some newer models (mostly SUVs) come with adjustable pedals. This puts the driver farther from the airbag.