Nuzgal280 - your Z with John Morton behind the wheel looked impressively fast on the front straight and you're right it got faster each lap. I enjoyed judging your car at the show and watching it on the track. All around great job!! ZLady - I'm sorry we weren't able to get you a ride in either our club car or my gnose 240. Here's a thought or two on how to increase your odds of getting a ride-along: 1) remind us and do it often. Once we get to the track our minds are pretty filled up with car prep, getting our student assignments, meeting them and going over their car and track experience, and in the case of Nashville, figuring out the best line to drive. 2) come prepared. Most tracks require a long sleeve shirt, long pants and closed toed shoes. Find someone to lend you a helmet. 3) review the track schedule. Knowing when we might have a hole in our schedule between students will enable you to be standing by, ready to go when we are now free to go out. 4) know what time it is. I for one don't wear a watch so I have to go over to my cell phone to see what time it is and where we are in the schedule that day. If we agreed to take you out at say 10:20 then remind us you'll be ready and ask where you should be. Then remind us what time it is right then and how many more sessions before your ride-along. I'm not sure how fast John Morton was going but I hit 132 on the front straight and my speedo is accurate. After seeing the track while we were up doing the autocross on Friday, my first thought was that "we needed a bigger boat". The club car will get more HP this winter....