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Everything posted by gnosez

  1. Gas is lighter than water so if you got any water in your tank it has to be drained from the bottom too since that's where the pickup is for the fuel line. I had this happen about 5 weeks ago so I have more experience than I needed. Drain the fuel, put in dry gas, put in some good gas, drain the fuel. Put in more clean fuel, now disconnect the fuel line before the filter in the engine bay and run the pump until tha gas runs clear. Repeat at other points along the way until you get as far as (in your case) the injectors. Replace all filters. Put in new gas and some more dry gas, then try running the engine.
  2. I have at least one but I'd need to check on which side it was. PM me.
  3. Non-stock set-up: coil-overs 250f/275r spring rates camber plates 2.7 degrees negative-front/2.0 rear 24 1/4 - left front (225X45X16) 24 3/8 - right front (" ") rear wells have been rolled out so hard to tell but 24 3/4- left and 25 (245X45X16) - right all equal with me in car and 1/2 tank of gas At rocker (front at half-moon to bottom of rocker (not lip): 5 3/4 and rears before front of wheel well 6.0, all +/- 1/8 right to left) At 6.5 qt oil pan: less than 5 inches Not a daily driver but driven (hard) 5,000 miles or more a year (a New England year that is....)
  4. Having to parked right next to your perfect Z at the '03 carshow and being able to see each and every part you'all had cleaned and buffed to a gleaming shine was enough to know that there would be a mere handfull of other Zs that could win if you show up. We all bow down to your dedication and hardwork and remain convinced your superior efforts will continue to produce the same winning results.........so what're you going to do next?
  5. With no offense intended and with great respect for all the hard work and money spend on such an award winning car, having the ZRush '03 Gold Medallion car enter the Tail of the Dragon car show is like bringing a machinegun to a knife fight. Congrads and sorry to have missed you both.
  6. Hi - the Z Club of New England will be doing our spring rallye in a few weeks (rained out earlier this month) and we can save the route for you. I even have the road rallye course info w/directions used for the '03 ZCCA convention. It's 100 miles from the starting point in Nashua, NH and within 4 miles you are on backcountry roads all the way. About 3 hours plus the return trip via highway (nice road) which would be 1.5 hrs. Good lunch stop too. Email me: john@baddogparts.com
  7. Stock is the hardest class to get a high point score in as it means just what it says; stock means stock. While 26th might not deduct points if everyone had aftermarket wheels in stock I would and so would most judges. He would be wrong to think that just because everyone else was jumping off the bridge it was okay. I would look very carefully over your entire Z and verify if the wheels are really the only parts that aren't stock. Do a count and determine if you might be better off in a modified class instead. You will be allowed to make a change in class at the convention but if you know this week email them. Good Luck!
  8. I indeed saw your mention but thought it needed to be said again with more white space around it so it would stand it.
  9. The simplest way to determine which 5-spd you have is to look at the tabs at the tail of the tranny, one means a ZX (and a '80) and two means an earlier 280Z version. That's it......
  10. First, a nice point of view video. Second, your turn-ins looked smooth and controlled. Third, from the course lay-out shown in your video I can now tell from 3,000 miles away why they call it a "driving school" event and not an AX event. And last, did you get stone/rock chips from being so close to someone launching at the starter's line ?
  11. Bad Dog Parts is located about 1/2 hr from Boston (or 2 hrs in heavy traffic). PM or email me: john@baddogparts.com The Z Car Club of New England's spring road rallye is on May 14th. I can give you more info on that too. Welcome to this neck of the world. You'll be surprised by the number and quality of early Zs and their owners......
  12. Hi - nice car indeed but then I'm partial to the look....
  13. I'm looking for a stock 240 in great shape for a magazine photo shoot to be done in the New England area on or before May 17th. I know that's not a lot of notice but I just found out myself. PM or email ASAP if you and your 240 are available to do this. A great opportunity to have it shown nationally.
  14. Most horn problems I seen on Zs (and older cars in general) are related to the following issues: 1) no power (fuse or connection) 2) no ground 3) bad horns 4) contact at horn button not touching (either worn or bent)
  15. For 240Zs here's the dana spicer part numbers: driveshaft - 5-1501X 1/2 shafts - 5-1505X Post earlier by ChrisA
  16. I just completed a trip of 386 miles today in my Z and got a little under 20mpg (that still is 20 gallons at $3.35/gal) for a 3.2L triple engine. As I need to replace some u-joints I think I might leave it up on the jackstands for a while. Here in New England we are having the earlier and nicest spring in over 10 years. Go figure.......
  17. I have a 76 parts car in my driveway with one still attached. PM me if you don't find one local...
  18. Hi - I'm on my way over to Stuttgard on the 26th for a few weeks and could bring some small parts. Just a thought........
  19. If there was a fire in the engine bay (having a loose battery is the number one cause) the last place I'd want my extinguisher was under the hood next to the fuel lines. Let's see, open the hood and let in more oxygen, cut to flames, now cut to man trying to get extinguisher off of mount without getting burnt......
  20. I have found that one of my favorite views of a 240 is looking towards the front as I put gas in the tank. The shape and flow of the fender and hood make for a very appealing image but I lack the skills to do the picture right. Maybe you can.......
  21. Seems to me another good reason to keep your (as in personal) hose on the left side of the car. Bloody right hand drive vehicles.......
  22. I just want to know if the thumbnail pic is some sort of math test where we have to figure out how many log sections to the right of that Series I 240 would have to be placed inside it before it sank to the bottom of the pond in the background? I think I have the density of cypress trees around here someplace......
  23. No, I get the point of why since I'm the one doing all the polishing. Polishing BBS style wheels that are a bit of a pain to do and I really would like it if Zoop works so I don't have to polish as much. That said, polishing costs me pennies to do and my time. Zoop is $135. and I can wait until a real person (not a magazine article) tells me it works.
  24. Before spending $135. I'd like someone who has used it to tell me it works. I can run my polishing wheel for pennies....
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